In Your Arms
"Sakura- chan!!!" Sasuke yelled as Sakura fell off the cliff and into the river, it was deep. She was unconscious and she would drown if someone didn't save her. He dove in after her. His body hit the water, and he was immersed in the icy cold water. He swam under looking for Sakura. He saw her sinking to the bottom of the river. He swam over to her and grabbed her and resurfaced. He looked around and saw a place where he could swim to and climb up. Sasuke swam to the rock and hauled himself and Sakura onto the rock. He put her over his shoulders and ran up the path leading to the trees. He gently laid Sakura down under a tree and sat at her side. He shook her but she didn't stir. They had been on a mission alone, and Sasuke had told Sakura to stay behind. She hadn't listened and the enemy had hit her and she had fallen off the cliff.
"Sakura! You have to wake up!" Sasuke said, as he shook her again. 'She leaves me no choice.' He bent down and held open Sakura's mouth. He put his lips on hers and blew air into her lungs. He sat back quickly as Sakura sat up and coughed up water. Her eyes still didn't open, but at least she was alive. He sighed of relief.
She opened her eyes and laid back down. She looked up at Sasuke through glazed eyes.
"Sasuke…thank you.." She whispered.
"Sakura don't thank me…I wouldn't be able to…I just wouldn't be able to bear without you…" Sasuke said, not exactly to her but to himself. Sakura smiled gently and hugged him.
"At least I'm not dead…" She rested her head on his shoulder.
"Don't talk like that…"
"I'm in your arms, and that's all that matters to me..."
Sasuke smiled as Sakura drifted off to sleep.
The End