Me: (rocking back in forth in fedal position)
Chazz: What's wrong?!
Jenny: She had to help clean out her fridge.
Chazz: So?! What's so wrong with that?!
Me: Everything. There was pink stuff, solids that were supposed to be liquids, and things with disgusting blue fuzz! I was afraid something would jump out at me or start talking to me! T.T
Jenny: That is disgusting.
Me: I know! T.T T.T T.T
Chazz: What are you so upset about?!
Me: Because, this is the end of Guardians of the Worlds! After this Chapter, this story will be done!
Jesse (from outside of room): Finally!
Me: So, read this final chapter. It's two chapters in one to make you feel special.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Chapter 51
Hovering above the rest of Jeanna's monsters appeared a perky looking Harpy Girl, exactly like Jeanna.
"Don't forget about the effect that holds for all of my Guardians!" Jeanna chirped, "Her attack points get doubled now!"
Guardian of Wind: Jeanna: ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000
"I now play Pot of Greed!" Jeanna said, "Now I get to draw two more cards." Jeanna looked over the two cards quickly. She smiled when she saw one of the cards.
"I play," Jeanna said, "Release the Spell(1)! Now, I pick one of my Guardians, and sacrifice the rest of them, keeping only one."
Then what happens? Jesse said, and Jeanna clicked her tongue off of the roof of her mouth.
"Sheesh, you're impatient," Jeanna said, "Release the Spell, Yubel, adds all of my sacrificed Guardians attack points onto that one Guardian. Then, when the attack hits, you're through."
What does that mean!? Yubel snapped at Jeanna, slightly panicked.
"You'll see," Jeanna said, "Now, I'll pick Guardian of Wind: Jeanna, to keep, and add the rest of the Guardians attack points to hers. And, her attack points stay the same as if there are two or more Guardians are on the field."
Guardian of Wind: Jeanna: ATK: 14300 DEF: 1000
What do you have in plan?! Jesse snapped at Jeanna, and she shrugged her shoulder.
"Guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you Yubel," Jeanna said, "When My Harpy attacks Rainbow Dark Dragon, not only will the monster get destroyed, but Jesse'll be free from its depths. Jesse'll be free! So, Guardian of Wind: Jeanna, attack his Rainbow Dark Dragon and free Jesse!"
I'll sacrifice the rest of my Crystal Beasts on my field and in my Magic/Trap zone, Jesse said, and add 1000 more attack points onto my Rainbow Dark Dragon for each one!
Ultimate Gem God Rainbow Dark Dragon: ATK: 10000 DEF: 0
"Looks like he's not going to make the cut," Jeanna said, with a small bit of mockery in her voice, "Rainbow Dark Dragon will get destroyed, and Jesse'll be free." A big cloud of dust erupted as the two attacks met. Jeanna was forced back straight into Jaden by the force of the blow.
Jesse LP: 0000
Jeanna LP: 2200
As the dust cleared, it revealed Jesse lying on the ground unconscious. For a second, Jeanna thought she saw Yubel hovering over him, but she shook her head. When she looked again, Yubel was gone.
'I must be imagining things,' Jeanna thought to herself.
Jaden and Jeanna waited with baited breath as they watched, hoping Jesse wouldn't disappear into particles of light. When he didn't, Jeanna and Jaden ran over to his body.
"Let's help him up," Jeanna said, "We should get him back to the house. Then Jenny, Jenna, Sam and I can all send you all back to your own realm." Jaden nodded, and the two slung Jesse's arms over their shoulders.
"Okay," Jeanna said, "Um, what was that transportation spell again? Um… Oh, now I remember!
From Yubel's castle where it's dreary,
Send us to Guardians house where it's cheery!" There was a flash of light, and the next moment Jaden, Jesse, and Jeanna were all standing in the middle of the kitchen back at where the Guardians lived.
Then, heads started popping around the door frame, and everybody came in looking happy.
"So you got him back Jeanna," Jenny piped up, "We knew you could!" Jeanna shook her head, and cast a glance to Jaden.
"No," she lied, "It wasn't me; it was Jaden." Jaden seemed as shocked as the rest of them.
"Come on," Jeanna said, "We should send you guys home. Everybody's probably worried for you." Jenny and Jenna nodded.
"Okay," Jenny instructed, "Everybody get in the center of the circle, and with any luck, you'll all be back. Hopefully Jim too." Before anybody could say a thing, Jenny, Jenna, Sam, and Jeanna all formed a square around them.
"Guardian of Light!"
"Guardian of Darkness!"
"Guardian of Water!"
"Guardian of Wind!" The four kids shouted.
"We summon thine's power! Give us the Power of Guardians old!" A flash of light poured over the room, and when it diminished, the kids looked different.
Jenny's outfit and eyes were a golden yellow. Jenna, Jeanna, and Sam's outfits and eyes were now all blue, green, and purple. They seemed to be possessed.
"Get ready," Jenna said to the gang, "We don't know what may happen." They gave each other panicked looks, but Jenny, Jenna, Sam, and Jeanna didn't take any notice.
"Guardians of old," Sam said,
"We borrow your power," Jenny said,
"To take all lost here back to their normal realm," Jenna said,
"And take all who died or was murdered back," Jeanna said,
"Guardian Realm Rewind!" The four kids shouted.
You might not have been able to notice it, but if you looked closely at Jeanna, you'd be able to see that she was crying.
"Goodbye Jaden," She whispered in a small voice. There was a bright flash of light, and the kids were gone. When they were gone, Jeanna plopped onto the ground and tears were flowing freely down her face.
"It's better this way," Jenna said, kneeling next to Jeanna, "They'll remember most of what had happened this year, they'll just forget about us. They learned things they shouldn't have. It really is better this way." Jeanna shook her head, tears splashing on the ground.
"No!" she sobbed, burying her face in her knees, "I didn't get to tell him! I didn't get to tell him! We shouldn't have done this!" She sobbed into her knees, utterly sad.
"It was what we had to do," Jenna said, "There was no other way."
"I don't care!" Jeanna said, looking up, her eyes flashing green angrily.
"Calm down Jeanna," Jenny said calmly before turning to Sam and Jenna.
"We should leave her alone for a little while," She said to them, "She should calm down for a while." Jenna and Sam nodded before leaving the room.
"Poor Jeanna," Sneered a voice from near the window, "Losing her Haou. Won't he be happy to hear this."
"We're back!" Hassleberry shouted cheerfully, "We're back!" Indeed, everybody was back; Blaire, Alexis, Syrus, Axel, Jim, Hassleberry, Chazz, Atticus, Jaden, and Jesse. But, it seemed to everybody that a couple kids were missing. But who? The kids shook it off, thinking that it was just them. They think their journey is over.
Or is it?
(1) Release the Spell: Type: Equip Spell Picture: A bright light erupting around a monster Effect: Pick one monster on your field, and then sacrifice the rest of them and add those points onto the chosen monster. Then, when attacking a monster with this spell equipped, destroy any spell that was put onto that card.
Me: OMG! There is the conclusion to Guardians of the Worlds.
Jesse: Finally.
Me: But don't worry! The sequel will be up in few days. Maybe tomorrow if I work really hard.
Jesse: Oh joy.
Me: I have one thing to say: The sequel will be an Alternate Season 4, but there will be NO crossovers as of yet.
Jeanna: Basically meaning no crossovers, right?
Me: Pretty much. Oh, before I forget: Read and Review! Hurt me, and I'll have my bunnies attack! My Happy Bunnies are Rude, obnoxious, cute, and cuddly! So, yeah, Read and Review!