Chapter 1

"Do you three understand the plan?" A dark figure asked.

"Yes," The three answered, the voices sounded young, they were only about sixteen years old. They were three duel monsters, all girls.

"You need to stop the resurrection at all costs," Another voice said, it too, was a girl, "All the dimensions will be at risk if she's revived.

"We understand, Dark Magician Girl," The one on the left said. Her two companions nodded in agreement.

"I think it'll be fun there," The middle one said, "We get to go be with humans!" This girl was hyper to say the least, and that was saying something.

"Aw, come on Jeanna! WE are going to be on a mission! We need to stay alert!" the last one scolded. She was the most sensible one of the three.

"Don't get your scepter in a knot, Jenny" Jeanna said stretching her wings, "You need to have more fun, like me and Jenna!"

"Are you ready to leave?" The dark figure asked.

"Yes, Dark Magician," They answered, as the put on their necklaces, their keys to being human in the other dimension. Dark Magician raised his staff and they were gone in a flash of light.