The hall was magnificent, it dwarfed even Hogwarts by a considerable margin. Although Harry did have to admit he'd had precious little to compare the school to before. Maybe he thought to himself, I should be getting to know my surroundings a lot more.

As Shaltashan and Shalan led him through the hall he began to notice more about the palace, as Shalan had informed him that it was. Everywhere he looked he saw the crescent moon with the V through it. He was about to ask if it was the twins family crest when they reached the throne room. To say harry was shocked was the least of the understatements he could have made. This throne room was actually plainer than anything else he had seen that day. And on the throne was a handsome man. Harry was afraid to call him young because among vampires it was impossible to tell their age, but he certainly looked it. His pale features were some how intensified in the plainness of the hall instead of understated. It seemed almost as if he could have met the man before him anywhere, and not have been less regal than he was now. It was amazing to behold and yet...slightly terrifying.

The man, vampire, harry corrected himself mentally, greeted his sons with a smile ,

"Shaltashan, Shalan, welcome home. I trust what you have brought me today is a matter of importance." Here their father frowned as if a foul smell had passed by him. "You do understand how the council can be..."

Shaltashan smiled grimly "yes father, we honestly would not have bothered you but, it is a trifle pressing considering the war against the wizard Albus Dumbledore." He gestured towards Harry. "As you can see his precious weapon wandered astray in the forest."

The elder vampire's gaze flashed to Harry and to his scar. A small frown presiding over his face. "Why have you brought him here then? Can you not smell the tracking spells?"

Shalan stepped forward and bowed. "Yes, Father."

As harry watched the three appeared to speak without words fascinated he watched every movement his weak human eyes could see and tried to understand what they were saying. A small trickle of fear flashed through him and he wandered if they were going to kill him.

Suddenly the three went quiet and Harry jumped as he realized that they had asked him a question. " ..sir?"

Shalan frowned "My father Lord Devon said that you smell of pain...he asked if you had been treated well by your so called Champion of the Light."

Treated? thought harry. "I suppose well enough..."

Lord Devon looked at the small malnurished boy. He would stake his life on the impression that that old fool had placed harry in an abusive home just to make sure the boy would feel trusting of Dumbledore. Not to mention make sure the boy never learned enough to realize that he'd been used until it was all said and done with.

Devon turned to his sons and told them to take Harry back to the room he had been held in. " Make sure none of the more extremest in the council find him before I have voiced my concerns about him."

Harry was shocked. He hadn't done anything wrong! He'd just been in the wrong place. Though Harry was willing to bet that it wasn't going to be enough to convince them of that. Chosen One ha. That title just caused him more trouble then it was worth. he thought grimly as he was led back to the beautiful room that he was sure had just become his prison.

In a large circular room the Hidden Ones emerged. Hidden from the world around them they convened in the dark corners of the world and unforutenatly one of the few unexplored areas left in the world was now the furthest reaches of the Forbiddion Forest.

One voice spoke and all heard though it was barely a whisper to the human ears, "The hunt is all "

A second Voice rang though high and sweet a trace of the predetor escaped from its mouth "And the hunt is life'

A third voice added it's part "Mother night is young let the council be met."

Lord Devon greeted the others stiffly as formalities were exchanged. He was going to have to propose this craftily the boy was in danger just by being here but the potential danger to Harry was a less pressing matter then the windfall that just dropped into the Vampyre's hands. If he could just make the council see the uses it would be to have Potter on thier the boy would never have to go back to that disgusting excuse for a mortal magician again. Mayhaps they could even turn the boy against his...less then respectable idol.

Devon was snapped out of his thoughts when the councils attention returned to him.

"Thou hast called for the meeting the eternal, Why hast thou called to us?" they entoned in one voice as one people of the night. Completely joined if only for the night.

"I have come to inform the Council that a great windfall has droped right into our hand. My sons have discoved a young boy wondering our forest." The Council hissed in anger.

" Wizard no doubt." One of the younger members growled.

Laughter like a bell came out of Devon's mouth and the young council member flinched. "Aye but one that I was shocked to discover is innocent of thier crimes!"

The Council's angry hisses fell silent almost if Devon dared to imagine and he imagined rightly a shocked silence.

Whispers slowly circutlated cries of how can that be? surley he scented wrong? Has he become mental? A wizard bratling was no better then the full thing.

"Well then if you would discredit and twelve year old boy that has at Albus Dumbledores hands no less been abused and manipulated...not to mention is The Boy Who Lived."

Not a sound penetrated the silence. Lord Devon cleared his throat. "Let me have my way with the boy. And Dumbledores precious little savior's eyes will be opened to all the Old Fools coruption."

The council was silent. "If you find the boy to be competent after the meddling of that manipulitive bastard then we shall extended welcome. So long as only you are in contact with the boy. We shall not come in contact with him. Should he become a threat to us destroy him or make him one of us."