In the little ordinary town of Little Whinning, Surry was an ordinary house that looked like any other and had the same features of every other house in the neighborhood. In fact the family that lived in Number 4 Private Drive was a seemingly innocent family hiding a not so normal secret.

This house was holding a young boy seemingly prisoner. He was locked up in his room on the second floor of the house in the other boy's spare room. As a matter of fact other than the door being locked there was not a single hint of another being living in the house.

The boys name was Harry Potter. He had raven black hair that went down to his shoulders with green streaks running through his hair. Harry stood 5"9 inches and weighed only 130 pounds. He had a razor then lightning bolt scar that ran along his forehead.

Harry was a intelligent boy who flourished well under the abusive life that he led…well flourished as much as he could. Being that he was abused he had dark circles under his eyes and was far to pale for the human race. Occasionally his relatives would let him out of his bedroom prison to use the bathroom. One of these such times he escaped. Taking off on his Firebolt to forbiddion lands…not that he knew that the south corners of the Dark Forest were forbidden. To mere mortals at least, and any who dared enter its dark shadows were never seen again.

Harry stood there silently calculating the quickest way to Hogwarts when he heard a soft laugh. "Again a foolish mortal has decided to try and ravage our land.."
Another voice added in… "Do they never learn dear brother?"
The first soft voice responded "I think not brother dearest!"
Harry's head snapped towards the two voices and they went quiet. Harry's fear came slowly and dread worked its way in. Sitting in the branches of the trees were as Harry's memory told him, two Vampires gazing down at him hungrily.

Harry gulped and backed away slowly.
"How very strange brother he knows what we are!" said the first, which suddenly harry found was on the left of him. When he moved to the right he ran into a firm body that hindered his escape. Looking up he found himself staring into the eyes of the other vampire. In his ear he heard the first voice whisper from behind him, "I hope you don't mind that you join us for dinner mortal?"
"After all," Continued the second, "we haven't had mortal company in our lands for the last couple of months."
Harry finally found his voice again and growled, "If I go missing then every wizard in the world will be looking for me. Don't you dare think that I am joking either!"
The Vampires cocked their heads at him in mock surprise, "Oh lookey here brother! Caught ourselves a youngling wizard we have!"
Despite the horrid circumstances poor Harry was in he found it odd that these vampires were just like….their twins! Thought Harry.
"Yes and," said the first kneeling down to brush harrys bangs from his forehead, "We caught ourselves Potter."
Harry found himself drowning in the Vampires eyes as he looked into them. "Just what are you doing in here potter? Those werewolves have been going crazy scince you went missing."

Harry fought the sensation but found himself unable to resist and everything went blank.

Harry woke in a bed about four times the size of the one he slept in at the Duresleys and so he thought he was dreaming. Until the doors slammed open and the two twin vampires walked into the room laughing, Harry was surprised. He had always imagend that a dark creature that was truly dark would have one of those haunting laughs that sent shivers down your spin. However the laughs he heard were deep and rich. Almost warming.
"Awake are you little one? Our father wishes to see you." The first one said. Harry was really getting tired of imagining them called thing one and thing two so he asked their names politely.

"Ah but don't wizards use names in spells?" The first one asked
Harry jolted in surprise, "What?"
"Use names in spells? That is what father says Dumbledore does. Makes you serve him even if you don't want to." The second one said.
"I-I didn't know that!" Harry said distress was evident on his face.

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