What in the World
Chapter 70
The quartet entered Sir William's study, and the man went immediately to the liquor, poured himself a rather hefty shot, downed it, refilled the glass and downed that one, and refilled it once more before pouring the others and passing them to each person.
"You can not imagine how worried I was when I returned from my trip to find Leah gone Commodore. I had thought her lost. I do think a man of your honor could have waited a few weeks to properly ask for my daughter's hand rather than taking her off as you did." Sir William said with a bit of reproval in his tone.
James choked on his drink. He had not thought about how they were to explain Leah's stowing away on the Pearl, was hoping it would not come up. "I ah…cough….that is cough…er we ah…cough cough….er Leah that cough….."
"It was all Jack's fault Father." Leah interjected giving Jack a sorry all I could come up with expression. She had not thought about how to explain her stowing away either, and the fact she was a single female for a while among all those men before she became Mrs. James Norrington. A fact she was sure her Father would be less than happy with. She knew her Father had supposed they had been married as soon as they boarded the Pearl.
"My fault?" Jack said in a highly surprised tone as his head snapped around to glare at Leah, having been just as happy on the side lines of this discussion, drinking Sir William's rum, and not being involved in the least. In a matter of a few seconds Jack had several thoughts run through his mind. He could in fact tell the truth, which he was prone to do a lot more than people gave him credit for. However that choice would probably wind up causing a big to do between Sir William, Leah, and the Commodore, and would no doubt turn around and bite him in the arse in some way. Or he could do what he was good at and make something up that contained a bit of the truth as well as a bit of fabrication, which may not turn around to bite him quite so hard in the arse, at least until a later date when and if it came to light. It would be to his advantage to keep Sir William as a friend, and it would definitely and most sincerely be to his advantage not to be pissin off the Great Pirate Hunter.
"Oh indeed, my fault," and shot Leah a dirty look. Jack turned and gave Sir William a glittering smile and waving his hand about as he swayed back and forth said, "My fault indeed…….because you see….it was….just too… sad to see…the bonny couple……torn asunder…..er taken apart as it were…..er separated from each other………brought a tear to me eye it did. Couldn't bear the thought of the young missy standin on the shore pinin away fer her stuffy….er fine Commodore as he went sailin off without her. Couldn't stand the thought of the sight of that bit of walkin uniform standin there on me Pearl cryin his eyes out all anguishy and dispaired like, and maybe doin bodily harm to hisself or others or me for that matter, or possibly throwin hisself overboard in his grief. You've surely heard how touchy and out of sorts and……babblin and blitherin and downright unbalanced them Naval Officers can become when they are all morose and moody like, go right off the deep end sometimes, do all sorts of barmy things. So I figured it was my duty to be offerin me services in the marr-i-age and honeymoon departments and makin everything just fine and dandy for the both of them, and now here we are, and I say more drinks all around now that we have that all taken care of all nice and square as it were." Jack finished with a flurry of hands.
He received a thankful smile from Leah, she appreciating his help. He received a grimace from James, as he'd made him look like a fool, and a calculated look from Sir William.
"I'm not sure I believe all of your grand speech Jack, but never the less, as long as the ceremony was performed, and legal," peering at Jack, "then I am satisfied. I would hope you would have the sense to refrain from doing anything like this in the future."
"Perfectly legal I assure you Sir William. I am after all a Captain of a fine ship, and as Captain can perform………"
"Yes, yes, well shall we adjourn to the dining room and see what Cook has prepared to eat?" Sir William interrupted.
Jack had not planned to stick around more than a day or two. But Sir William had insisted on having another ceremony performed, albeit a small one, and had requested and would appreciate Jack staying around long enough to be a witness. Jack thought about it for all of a few minutes when Sir William asked, and thought it might not be so bad, after all Sir William did stock some of the best rum Jack had ever tasted answered, "I'm good with it."
The ceremony took place a week later, and the morning after Jack made ready to leave. James and Leah walked to the dock with him, Leah thanking him profusely for bringing James into her life.
"My pleasure luv, hope it will continue to be yours." Jack said as he gave James a smirky look, and received a snort in reply. "Sides luv, as long as the Commodore is occupyin his mind with you the less likely he will be occupyin his mind with me."
"I shall be back to my duties before you know it Captain, and I can assure you at that time you will once again be my main concern." James replied with a smile.
"You really need to do something about all that pleasure you get from the thought o hangin me Commodore. Leah, I'm sure if you put your mind to it you could maybe do somethin bout that bloodthirsty streak he lets surface at times, especially where it concerns me."
"Oh Jack, I'm sure you are safe for awhile. I do intend to keep my husband too busy to think about pirates for quite some time." Leah said with a smile at James.
"Indeed!" James said, raising his eyebrows as he smiled at Leah.
"Don't care how you do it luv, just glad for the reprieve." Jack said as he started up the gangplank to the Pearl.
He stopped about half way up and turning suddenly on his heels said in a high pitched tone and pointing at James, "Oye mate! Almost forgot! Don't be goin anywhere, be right back." and swayed off towards his cabin.
James and Leah looked questioningly at each other, but stayed where they were.
The crew had disengaged the gangplank, let loose the lines, and the Pearl was starting to ease away from the dock before Jack reappeared carrying a package in his hands. He gave James a big smile as he tossed the package to him, "No need to thank me now Commodore, just remember the favor next time we meet, savvy?"
James looked from Jack to the package and back again. He stood there looking at the package, a thought beginning to tickle the edge of his mind. The package wasn't very heavy, and wasn't very large either. Surely it wasn't, surely it couldn't be…………. He looked up once more to see the Pearl had cleared the dock and was on her way to open water. He could see Jack standing at the stern smiling and offering a rather grand salute his way. James opened the package, stood there and stared at what it held. He looked once more at the receding ship. "Bloody Pirate!" and then a little softer, "Thank you Captain Sparrow, and be assured I will not forget the favor when we meet again." He offered a salute back at Jack, turned to Leah with a smile, and pulled his wig, in excellent shape by the way, from the wrapping.
"Shall we go home Commodore?"
"We shall Mrs. Commodore."
The End
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