A.N. Short and random drabble I came up with out of nowhere. Not exactly sure where I wanted to go with it. However. Since I don't have any plans of actually making a chapter story out of this (I suck at chapter stories anyways xx; ), I give permission to anyone who'd like to use this character and build a story around her to do so. Of course. I'd like to be informed if you do. I'd be very interested in reading it.

Disclaimer: I do not own. Nor will I ever own X-Men or anything to do with it's creation.

Summary: She was invisible. Always had been. Only now…it's different.

She watched from a distance. Always watching. Always longing. But never advancing. She couldn't bring herself to ask for acceptance. She couldn't bring herself to ask for help. It's just how she'd always been. Even before she'd began to show signs of mutation. On the playground as a small child, she'd stand off to the side, fingers laced together as she watched the other kids play. Not being able to ask for acceptance. For friendship. In school she'd sit with everyone else…but she'd still be watching. Even teachers seemed to forget she was there.

No one ever asked her her name. No one ever asked her to join in. She'd had contact though. Plenty of it. School projects would pair her up with a random student. She'd always know who they were, the things they'd enjoy to do…because she would watch. Watch and listen as other kids communicated with each other. Learning about them, even when they didn't care to learn about her. But no one was ever cruel to her. Not until she'd changed. Became something prone to prejudice.

And it had hurt. So bad when her family finally gave up on her. Told her to go, and to never come back. They were disgusted with her. But she was even more disgusted with them. But she couldn't hate them. Not the way they hated her. She was just to damn kind to hate them. She still left. Finding herself going to the one place she knew she could go to. But she never got to close to the mansion. Only watching from a distance, trying to will herself to enter through the doors. But never succeeding.

She never used her power. Not intentionally. But sometimes when she'd find herself shedding tears after hours of been doing so, she knew that if someone were to walk by…they wouldn't be able to see her. She would be invisible to them. Just like she'd been invisible as a child. Only this time…she really couldn't be seen.

A.N. Odd. I know. It came out of nowhere though! And is the first thing I've been satisfied with for a long time now. Reviews equal love by the way! xD