A Little Part of Me
Summary: He has to show her that he cares, even if it hurts her… InuYasha takes two things from Kagome that day; one is the jewel shards and the other she can never get back. Too bad he gave her something as well… KagInu
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha.
Changes: Edited. No major changes.
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Chapter 1: A Promise
Kagome shudders as the sun's rays begin entering the damp cave she is occupying. She blinks away the tears that had been her company during the harsh night, silently wishing that it was only them that had forbidden sleep from her weak body.
She aches all over. Unfortunately, that is to be expected. To her, no mercy was shown. She begged him to stop, but he continued, thus once and for all claiming her as his own.
The profile of that someone she had once held so dear is outlined by the sun's cheerful rays, giving him quite an angelic appearance as he sits at the mouth of the cave. But everything isn't always as it appears, and last night proved it.
His pure white ears twitch as he notices her stirring. She knew that he would never leave her, especially then, so she had faked sleep to get him to cease. She needed time to recuperate, to figure things out. It had all happened so suddenly, it is such a blur…
Steamy kisses are being planted on her neck as he sucks from her cheek down to her collar bone, and then back up. She can feel the beginnings of small welts forming from his actions.
"InuYasha, please, stop," she begs.
Momentarily, she gets her wish. He ceases, only to look her straight in the eyes. There is a sense of longing, no, wanting, that makes her spine tingle. The amber orbs that had once been the reason for her to continue living, now make her wish she was never brought into this unforgiving world. The worst part is that no speck of red taints the amber, no purple streaks caress his face, and his fangs and claws, although still threatening, are no more deadly than they were in the morning. He is not a demon; he is the hanyou she loves. He knows exactly what he is doing, and that's what hurts the most…
"Kagome, you're awake." The hanyou's voice is distant, almost as though he feels remorseful about his actions. But she knows better than that.
"Yes, InuYasha." She tries being strong, but it is hard when one's heart is completely shattered. Her thoughts focus on wanting to die…to just curl up in the corner of the accursed cave, take one of her own arrows, and slay herself. At least she would die of her own accord, and not by her beloved's. Who knows what he is capable of, especially after his actions towards her. All she has ever done was love him, and look what good came of it…none.
"Kagome," he starts again, but she soon cuts him off.
"You took the shards." Icy are her words, but why should she care? After last night, nothing matters anymore. Her world was ripped apart in one night.
He smirks, "You won't need them anymore. We're mates now, so you're staying with me, in my time." He emphasizes the last part as though he has something to prove.
Kagome is battling tears, a fight she will soon lose. She had been betrayed and invaded, and now she can't even return home.
"InuYasha, why? Why would you hurt me so much? After all we've been through, it's like you don't care." Her voice starts out as a whimper, but it steadily grows stronger. Just because her life has been turned upside down does not mean that she can't take control once again.
InuYasha's face softens as he glances upon the fallen angel before him. My Kagome… She is finally his, but everything comes at a price.
Walking over to 'his Kagome,' he wraps himself around her defenseless body. Taking her into his arms, he places her on his lap. She refuses to look at his face, no, she refuses to look at any part of him and he can't stand it. Overpowering all other emotions is the need to comfort her.
Automatically, he's reaching for her dainty hands, which he cups with his own powerful ones…
Using only one his strong hands for chains, he holds her wrists above her head. She struggles, but to no avail. He is too strong, and she is still hoping he won't continue. InuYasha would never hurt her, not in this way or any other. Or, at least that's what she tells herself.
With his free hand, he extends a claw and places it under her blouse. He strokes her belly, making tiny circles before moving to her sides. Skillfully, he caresses her left side so gently that it is almost as though he isn't touching her. But, it serves its purpose, she is aroused.
"No, InuYasha." Though her words say no, her body says otherwise.
He leans in closer, loving her body squirming under his. His hand moves from under her shirt to its trim and in one swift move, he removes the top...
She shudders by his touch, and a low growl begins emitting from the back of the hanyou's throat. The rumble quickly stops as he tries to cradle her in his arms, hoping to reassure her that everything is okay.
"Kagome, you have to stop. It's okay, I'm here. I promise that I will protect you with my life, nothing will ever harm you again." His voice is soothing, but it only angers the priestess.
"How can you say that? How can you promise that nothing will ever harm me if you cannot even avoid hurting me?" She jumps up from the hanyou's lap and tries to run to the mouth of the cave. She is too slow, or maybe it's that the hanyou is too fast. Either way, he catches up with her.
Before she knows it, he's holding her waist, turning her around so that she is facing him…
She's on her back, with InuYasha's thin Robe of the Fire Rat as her only cushion. He is at her waist, holding on to her hip with one hand as if to secure himself. The other hand feels her leg, moving up and down her silky skin.
He kisses her knee cap, forcefully sucking, knowing the effect it is having on Kagome. She resists the need to call out his name, knowing that it is so wrong. Then, why does it have to feel so right?
As if to answer her forbidden wish, InuYasha's hand moves further up her leg and begins wandering into the territory under her skirt.
She groans, knowing that she would soon be his. There is no use fighting, he can easily overpower her. Besides, even though her mind is screaming for her to be released, her body won't allow it...
"Kagome, I'm never going to leave you, if nothing else, I promise you that."
Her eyes remain dry despite the sorrow filling her heart. She knows that she should be happy, for his words are sincere, but it's not easy recovering from getting raped. Especially if the one who caused you harm is the one you love with all your heart.
I am going back to redo some of the chapters. Some will just be edited, others will change completely. This story will be finished, don't worry. I will state what changed in the chapter at the top of the page right after the disclaimer.
Please review!