
Counting Sheep

Segment Two

Oliver could have some sort of chronic insomnia that only manifested now.

...well THAT didn't make any sense!

The French boy frowned. Seriously, he needed something to get to sleep, but what? Besides, this wasn't his first night...

...so what then had he done to get through the previous sleepless nights?


"Two hundred and ninety-four sheep, two hundred and ninety-five sheep..."

Enrique's head left his pillow for a restless moment to tilt to the direction where odd thumping noises were coming from.

It looked like he wasn't the only one having a hard time to get to sleep.

Sock-clad feet hit the floor and quietly made their was to the door that pushed open ever so carefully. Summer blue eyes blinked rapidly to adjust themselves to the intensity of the lights out in the hallway.

The Italian perkily jogged his way over to his best friend's room and unceremoniously opened the door.

Oliver didn't seem to be bothered by the sudden spillage of light into his room. In fact, the boy was curled up into a tight ball on the center of his mattress. He had rolled to one side.

Blood rushed to stain the blonde's cheeks as he caught creamy pale skin barely hidden under the younger teen's thin garments.

Like a firefly drawn to the light, Enrique made a beeline for the greenette's bed and hopped onto it.

Oliver's room was very cold and the Italian cuddled up to him for warmth. He knew that the chef was still awake; the body beneath his tensed as smooth thighs uncovered by an oversized shirt brushed against its own kind.

"A thousand and six sheep, a thousand and seven sheep, a thousand and eight sheep, a thousand and nine sheep..."


Enrique rolled back a bit so that the greenette could face him. Once the pair was settled in the sheets did they begin to close the distance.


By impluse, the blonde tenderly kissed his best friend's forehead.

"Go to sleep..."

The addressee's face grew hot but he did as he was told. They were asleep in a matter of minutes.


Johnny and Robert found their two youngest team mates as a tangle of arms and legs the next morning. They could not be roused till noon.

Wretched sheep.


A/N: I could use a good dose of reviews...though it doesn't have to be for THIS fic...try My Porcelain Doll if you're a real Gianoli lover...and I have absolutely NO idea why I've resorted to advertising that fic again...anyhoo...enjoy!xD and ciAo...