Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron, I just watch it.

Chapter one, the cause.

It's was raining, and pouring outside. Jimmy had gotten a cold, and he was working on the weather machine because it malfunctioned.

"Ah… Ah… CHOO!" he sneezed all over his weather machine. "Aw, why did it have to be cold and raining outside, I programmed it to be a perfect sunny day, were did I go wrong?" He asked himself out loud

He searched through the wires and computer chips, when he noticed something strange at the back.


"Sheen! I am going to kill you, this is the 10th time I have found you placing bubblegum in my inventions!" Jimmy yelled at Sheen, who was not there.

Jimmy pulled out the bubblegum with tongs and put it in the bin. He went back to the weather machine, and put everything back together.

He typed into the keyboard on my weather machine, "Sunny day" and hoped that it would work.

Jimmy walked outside, it stopped raining, and the clouds were gone.

"Now this is more like it." Jimmy said to himself, He yawned and went in his house to go to rest.

The weather machine Jimmy had fixed went up in smoke and bolts of electricity covered it.

The weather machine's screen then had on it, "Flood" and that wasn't good.

Cindy's house.

The weather was clear and sunny, and then quickly turned rainy, very rainy.

"Ok, so we can't go swimming because the weather is raining, again." Libby said looking out the window.

"Sounds like another stupid experiment of Jimmy's. We better go check on him, see what he is doing." Cindy told Libby.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" She asked me, staring at me with a sly look on her face.

"Oh are you still on about that! If you keep thinking that your head will soon explode! Speaking of which, has your iPod exploded yet? I wouldn't be surprised if it has." Cindy asked Libby.

"Stop trying to change the subject! You like Jimmy! And you want to go see him, not to ask about the flood, right!" Libby firmly told Cindy, who started to blush.

"OK! Ok… I will tell you… I… I…" Cindy started to say but was interrupted by a loud clap of thunder.

"AHHH!" Libby screamed, pointing at the street that was a metre high in water.

He he! Like it? I hope you do, it was going to be heaps shorter, like heaps! But I usually do short stories so I decided to make a longer one.

REVIEW ... please? ) I won't post more until I get… 5 reviews, and they are good ) MUAHAHAHA! I am so evil!