Gabriella is in the middle of a abusive relationship with her boyfriend when she meets the one and only Troy Bolton. Will he be able to save her? Will they fall in love?
Parings- Troyella, Chaylor, Zekpay, Jkelsi
Chapter: 1Gabriella walked through East High for her first time. As she looked around she noticed it was a lot different from her last school. It was bigger and showed more school spirit. The school colors were red and white. There were banners hanging all around and a statue of a tiger in the lobby. She looked on her schedule that her homeroom was in room 317. She turned down the hallway and made a right. She stopped outside number 317. She took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. She hands Mrs. Darbus her transfer information and schedule and takes the first seat she sees. The homeroom bell rings and all the students file in. They all look to see who the new girl is. Whispers shot out.
" Who is she?"
" She is damn fine"
" I am totally going to hit that!"
One particular blue eyed boy wonders when he finds that she is sitting in his seat.
"Excuse me, but you happen to be in my seat" he said with kindness.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know this was your seat. I'll move" Gabriella started to get up when he said "No, its OK you can sit there".
"Thank you" She said as she looks into his beautiful blue eyes.
"Your welcome" he said as he took a seat in the back of the room.
The bell rings and they all pile out of class. Gabriella walks out of the doorway to find that someone grabbed her arm. She turns around to find that her boyfriend is looking down at her.
"Trevor you come here? When did you move?" she asked with sadness.
"Yeah, I do. Since when do you come here?" he asked with anger.
"I just started coming today. Can you please leave me alone? I want to start out new here," She said with fear in her voice.
"No I can't. You belong to me. No one else, got that?" he said with his voice rising.
The bell rang again to make sure students were in their next class. Troy rounded the corner to find Gabriella and Trevor arguing.
"What's going on? Let go of her Trevor, now" He said with anger. Trevor did, as Troy wanted. "See you later Gabby" he said as he disappeared leaving Gabriella crying and Troy trying to comfort her.
(Gabriella's POV)
"Are you OK… Gabriella? Did I get that right?" he said as he smiled down at me.
"Yea, thanks. Well I better get to class. Bye" I said as I picked up my bag and started for my class. I felt a tug on my bag. I turned around to see Troy smiling at me with his wonderful smile. "Umm, yea?"
" I just wanted to ask how you know Trevor? He is a big jerk and doesn't seem to be your type that all" he said as he finally let go of my arm.
"Well he's actually my boyfriend," I said softly as I looked down at the floor. "He's really not that bad once you get know him".
"If you say so. Well we better get to class. We are already late. What class do you have now?" he said as we walked down the hallway.
"Umm I have Advanced Chemistry. What about you?" I said as we continued walking down the hallway.
"Oh I have biology. So when do you have English?" he asked as he looked into my eyes. She has amazing chocolate brown eyes the look like puppy dog eyes. Wow she is so beautiful- his thoughts were interrupted when she started speaking.
"Oh I have it right after lunch. What about you?
"Same for me great we have it together. At least class won't be boring now with you around. She laughed. "Thanks" "You have a wonderful laugh" she smiled, "Thanks" "so I guess I will see you later huh Gabriella?" "Yea you will" They start walking separate until Troy runs back to her and says "Gabriella, do you want to have lunch with me in my secret spot? " Sure, I will meet you in front of the cafeteria OK? Bye" she says as she smiles and walks away leaving Troy smiling wanting to jump for joy.