Title: Road trip to no where.

Rating: PG-13 (But most likely gonna go up, cos people are gonna be cussing and such)

Summary: The gang decides to take a road trip across the American landscape. Little do the group know that throughout all the food fights, pranks, the incident of shaving Lana's hair off and musty coloured vans, that they will find out…Something really important.

A/N: Gah! I shouldn't be doing this…See, I know I shouldn't. I should be sitting down and working on finishing my year 12 projects and maybe a little study for exams.

Oh what the heck, I'll do it while I'm doing this…Yeah that can work. (My friends are gonna kill me, Oh well!)

I currently own pretty much nothing.


A screeching noise made its way through four humans and two Kryptonians ears. "Okay listen UP!!! Everybody put your stuff in the back in an orderly fashion. Cos' there's not much room back there. I tried to climb in there and got a tad squished. This baby was the cheapest 'van' Lois could afford for the trip!"

Lois' jaw clenched at her blonde cousin. "Hey! Appreciate my contributions, or so help me God…"

Chloe walked into Lois' personal space and puffed the black gym whistle into her face.

Lois blinked in surprise. "What the hell was that for?" she asked taken aback.

Chloe looked down at her green clipboard and then up at Lois. "On this trip you can have fun, get drunk, steal cars, dance naked on poker tables, heck you can even do the freaky with Clark. But you will NOT use exclamation marks while I'm on patrol, got it?"

"Chlo, what have you been smoking?"

"You know a little help with the bags and stuff would really be hot guys."

The two cousins spun around to the other four people standing around the van. Clark and Pete where packing the luggage into the boot like a game of Tetras.

Big red suitcase to the left,

Bigger pink one to the right…

Jimmy was busy checking the tires one last time, while Kara was pulling faces behind Lana's back, who watched the men heave the bags around.

The girls cocked their heads to the side and looked at them blankly.

Clark sighed "Fine…Lois, Kara help." The Kryptonian knew he had to get specific in this dire situation.

Clark and Pete eventually managed, with the help of Lois and Kara, to squeeze every last thing in the back of the musty coloured van.

Jimmy popped his head out the driver's window from inside the unfortunate van. "Kay gang, let's roll!"

They all climbed in, shifting and complaining about the tiny space until they all settled down in their given seats. Lois and Clark sat at the back, their knees almost up to their ears from the lack of space provided from the overflowing baggage. Lana, Kara and Pete (in that order) sat in the middle. Lana looked excited about the upcoming trip, Pete hi-fived Jimmy, Kara just looked ready to scream or was it cry because of who she was sitting next to.

Chloe jumped in next to Jimmy into the front passenger seat. "Now before we leave has…"

Clark put his hand up.

"What Clark?"

"Um…Why do Lois and I, the tallest I may add, have to sit at the back?"

"Yes Clark you may add that Lois and yourself are the tallest people of the group…" She looked around at the others. "Any other inquiries?" Kara opened her mouth, but Chloe cut her off. "No? Good."

Lois and Clark looked at one another incredulously before Sergeant Sullivan continued. "Right do we have everything?...Lana that question was for you. No lip gloss? No make up? No clothes?"

"No Brain?" Kara muttered.

Lana glanced into her hand bag. "No, no, I'm good." She then shot a blazing glare at Kara.

"Pete?" Chloe questioned

He shook a novel at her. "All set."

"Great" She slapped on her seat belt. "Okay start her up Jimmy."

"Hey! Tallest at back still!" Lois complained to the front.

Jimmy glanced back at her, but after being urged from Chloe to start the van, he shrugged at her and Clark and turned the key…

(15 minutes later)

Jimmy still tried to turn the key. "I think she's not working."

"Nice." Pete spoke while reading.

"Alright, I'll just go ring up a mechanic and THEN we'll be on our way!" Chloe jumped out the car.

Kara turned to look at Lois. "Hey LoJo…You got us a piece of – UMPH"

"And this is the bit where you stop fallowing the Lois Lane guide to sentences and turn back around." Clark said, as he covered Kara's mouth.

Lois smirked, Clark smirked back. Kara rolled her eyes at them and turned back around.

(30 minutes later)

Finally, the crew was chugging pass the welcome to Smallville sign with their musty crap box.

"On the road again

Just can't wait to get on the road again…"

"Smallville shut the hell up!"

"Lois, what did I say about exclamation marks?!"