Notes: Miss me? -screams and dodges random objects being thrown at her- I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I know it's been forever since I've updated, but sooo many things have happened!!

First, my laptop crashed (no files were harmed, thankfully), and it took some months before my dad finally went to go get it fixed. Second, there was school, exams, and all of that fun stuff! -gags at the thought- And my summer has been kinda hectic with work and family visits. And most importantly-- I HAD A REALLY BAD CASE OF WRITER'S BLOCK!!

I'M SSSOOOORRRRYYYYYYY!! At least I'm updating now, right!? Although this chappie pretty much sucks because I was just dabbling... I'm not proud of it at all...

Disclaimer: I don't own KH or the lyrics! The cookies said so …

Sooo, without further adieu...!! The really crappy Chappie 3!!

Roxas opened his locker and pulled his backpack out of it. He stared blankly at the back of his locker, scanning all the pictures he had collaged along it. However, his eyes kept drifting back to one picture in particular: the one of Broken Discipline when they first started out; back when Roxas thought being in a band was fun.

He found it special because it held something that he rarely saw anymore – It showed Sora smiling.

And it wasn't his usual smirk that he now wore all the time … but an actual smile. The kind of smile that showed that they all used to enjoy being in a band, rather than be in one for the popularity. The kind of smile Roxas wished his brother would make again.

Roxas stared at the picture for a moment longer before closing the door.

Upon doing so, the door no longer shielded who was behind it – Kairi. Roxas took a step back as he stared at her in surprise, not only because she startled him, but also because of the look of anger she bore. "Ka-?"

"Where did you get the tape?" Kairi demanded before Roxas could even speak. Roxas felt a chill run up his back after the question sunk in his head. However, all he did was fix his posture and cross his arms in a cool way.

"I have my sources." He said nonchalantly. (Letting her really know he had actually bribed an AV geek with a fifty dollar bill to find and give him the tape didn't exactly sound very wise.) However, he knew his answer wasn't going to ease Kairi, but he didn't care because it meant she'd be at least talking about what he wanted – her joining the band. Maybe he could try to persuade her once again.

Roxas could've sworn he saw Kairi's eyes go from indigo to red in mere milliseconds, and he tensed up. The look she was giving him was deadly. The blond's eyes continued to hold surprise when she suddenly held up wrinkled, folded piece of paper -- one that looked as if it were balled up and then carefully reopened and smoothed out – and immediately recognized it to be the one he wrote to her.

"Why are you so persistent??" Kairi asked irritatedly. Could you really blame her? How hard was it to understand that she wanted NO part in Broken Discipline?

Roxas narrowed his eyes slightly at her question, "Why are you so stubborn?"

"Excuse me?! I TOLD you I didn't wanna be in your stupid--"

"-- Our band is NOT stupid!" Roxas defended angrily.

"No, I'm sorry... just the members are!!" Kairi coyly corrected.

Tossing aside that he was also a part of the insult, Roxas' eyes narrowed further. Even though he inwardly agreed that Riku, Sora, and, of course, Axel did act stupid at some points, they were his friends regardless. And nobody insults his friends!

The blond clenched a tight fist at his side while the other gripped his backpack's strap, and his eyes flared red just as Kairi's did.

"You know what?! ... Nevermind. I could care less now if you weren't in the band!"

Kairi's eyes widened dramatically. Did he just say what I think he said?!


Without another spoken word, Roxas tossed on his bag, turned around, and made his way down the end of the almost vacant hall; disappearing behind the corner, and leaving a very shocked Kairi behind.

He gave up... He finally gave up! Kairi felt a smile of utter relief and pure joy tugging at her lips and allowed it to fully show across her face. She could finally diminish the thought of having to protest against joining Broken Discipline ever again! But...

Why do I feel so bad...? Was that really the way to end it...? Her indigo eyes slowly cast downward to the tiled hallway floor. Guilt began to grab hold of her. I ended up insulting someone who meant no harm... Oh my destiny, I'm horrible!! She found herself staring at the corner where Roxas had vanished around. It only made her inwardly beat herself up more. Kairi was never the person to really yell at somebody, no matter how annoying, or pushy they were to her... and the way she had just treated Roxas made her feel something she amateurishly wasn't used to. I have to go apologize!


The redhead whipped around to see Namine and Selphie running toward her, and instantly tensed upon doing so. Kairi had been avoiding the two ever since the previous evening when they tried talking to her. She knew they were trying to persuade her to listen to them about something involving Broken Discipline – something they claimed to be 'important' -- but Kairi was too stubborn to care about whatever it was they desperately wanted to tell her.

As soon as Namine and Selphie came to a halt in front of the missing 'trio' member, Selphie, still in a huff, shot a glare at Kairi; whom instantly felt even more uneasy.

"What's... the big... idea, HUH?!" the brunette panted. Her voice was full of anger, making Kairi's heart sink in her chest.

"I'm sor--"

"Do you have any clue how many times we've been trying to talk to you?!" Kairi flinched before Selphie continued, "Oh, but how could you? Seeing how you've been avoiding us!!"

"Selphie!" Namine hurriedly intervened, grabbing a hold of her friend's forearm.

Selphie shifted her gaze to the blonde, trying to calm herself, "Well--!!"

"She's trying to apologize, so let her!" Namine then turned her attention to her sister, her eyebrows raising when she clearly saw what Kairi's eyes held: sadness. "Kairi, what's wrong?"

Kairi paused after hearing the question and averted looking into their eyes, speaking in a low, guilty tone, "I spoke to Roxas-- ... more like insulted him, and he gave up trying to change my mind about the joining the band."

Gasps from the two filled her ears and she looked at them. They were now both wearing saddened expressions, though Namine showed it more, "Oh, Kairi, you didn't."

"W-well, what does it matter if I don't?? I never wanted to anyway!"

"Kai, it matters a lot!" said Selphie, making Kairi blink.

"What do you mean? A-at least I don't have to deal with Sora! That's a good thing, right?"


Kairi blinked, her eyes widening at Selphie sternness, "...?!"

Namine sighed before taking a step forward, "You really should've listened to what we had to say before talking to Roxas."

"But why?"

"Because when he gave us that tape, he, Riku, and Axel explained something to us..."


Selphie and Namine's eyes widened as they quickly pulled their heads up from reading the note that was just handed to them, to look at the three Populars standing before them.

"You guys mean it? Kairi's in the band?!" Selphie asked, trying to mask the excitement in her voice with complete shock and suspicion (which wasn't that hard). They inspected the three's faces, trying to find a sign that were were lying and that this was all a cruel prank to toy with their best friend/sister.

"Yeah, after getting my hands on that tape and showing these two," Roxas began, thumbing towards Riku and Axel behind him, "They--"

"She blowed us away!!" Axel cut in with a large grin as he pushed Roxas to the side, who nearly fell against the locker beside him upon impact.

Riku's hand made contact with his forehead in a soft smack as he groaned and spoke out in a mumble against Axel's horrid grammar sense, "It's 'blew away,' dumbass..."

Selphie and Namine traded looks of surprise as Roxas straightened himself up and moved back in front of the hyperactive redhead, "Yeah. And, well..." His voice trailed off as rubbed the back of his head, trying to find the right words.

"We want Kairi in the band." Riku coolly finished, crossing his arms over his chest and rolling his eyes over how they were all treated the situation – as if it were complicated (though it somewhat was). "It's that simple."

"What's on the tape?" Namine asked as she looked at the said video in Selphie's grasp.

"We're not telling, but let's just say it has a lot to do with our decision." Roxas replied, and judging by the look he was giving the girls, that was that. They wouldn't be able to find out what's on the tape until later.

Selphie arched one of her perfect brows, a testing expression on her face, "You're not pullin' our leg, are ya...?" The Populars all blinked at this, and Namine quickly pulled the same face as her friend, "'Cause, I swear, if you are--!!"

"N-no, no! We swear it's not a prank, or a joke, or anything like that!!" Roxas quickly protested as Axel, scared out of his wits by Selphie's tone, fiercely waved his hands in front of himself in their defense. Inspecting them once more before concluded that they were, indeed, telling the truth, Selphie added, "What about Sora? How does he feel about this??" Both she and Namine were having a hard time believing that Sora would even consider opening Kairi's pathway into 'his band.'

Roxas, Riku, and Axel stiffened up at her question. Riku looked away from them all, his head tilted downward, while Axel shamefully played with a lock of his fiery-red hair. Seeing how it was up to him to break the news due to his band mates' quietness, Roxas took a deep breath and slowly, yet softly, admitted, "Uhhh... he doesn't... know about it."


"WHAT!?" the brunette and blonde girls suddenly exclaimed in unison, earning head turns from a lot of their fellow students, and alarming the three Populars; causing them all to either flinch or jump back.

"D-double scaryyy!" Axel whimpered, peeking out from behind his silver-haired friend's shoulder.

"Whaddya mean he doesn't know?!" Selphie demanded as Namine continued to stare wide-eyed and gap-mouthed at the three. It was one thing if Sora, the most obnoxious Popular boy in school, knew that Kairi was in the band... but for Sora to not know was something completely different! He was going to be pissed! Not only because his band mates and dearest friends decided on something as big as this behind his back, but also because... it was Kairi! The two couldn't stand each other!

"Are y-you serious?!" Namine stammered, still in disbelief. Riku awkwardly shifted his weight from one leg to the other. It was obvious he wasn't used to keeping things from Sora – they were best friends, after all. They knew each other the longest (aside from the brothers), and always told each other everything; including things that they wouldn't dare say to the other members of the Populars.

Roxas slowly nodded in response after a long, uncomfortable silence.

"Why would you keep this from him?" Namine asked, looking back and forth between the three teen boys.

"We have a good reason!" Roxas perked up, turning his head to look over his shoulder at his nodding comrades. Selphie and Namine perked up as well, eager to hear what he had to say next. "Y'see... we think Kairi might be able to help up by joining the band... in more than one way."

"How so?" Selphie asked with a skeptic look while Namine tilted her head to the side with interest.

"Well... for one, obviously because of her singing voice--"

"Her hot, HOT singing voice!!" Axel suddenly chimed in with a cat-like smirk.

Roxas paused, staring at Axel oddly before resuming, "--And also because we think she might be able to change Sora--"

"That cold, COLD boy!!" Axel cut in again, pouting this time, before instantly shutting up after receiving 'STFU' glares from Roxas, Riku, and Selphie.

Selphie then blinked in realization, "Wait a sec. How can Kai possibly change Sora?!" Namine nodded in agreement to the question.

"Sora wasn't always the way he is now."

"You mean cocky," Selphie implied with a smirk, earning a glare from Riku, which, in turn, she ignored.

Roxas didn't even bother to protest against her remark and continued, "He let popularity get the better of him. Before we even formed Broken Discipline, he used to be... well, nice and considerate." Selphie and Namine glanced at each other. They tried to picture Sora being such a person. Was it possible? "And even though I got to know Kairi only a little, she seems like the kind of person who doesn't take crap from anyone. Trust me... I know." He finished with a sheepish laugh while scratching the back of his neck as he remember the couple of times Kairi snapped at him when they met.

"Yeah, running out of the room crying isn't taking crap..." Riku muttered, but Roxas heard and shot him a cold look.

"Tuesday wasn't the best day between them... but I think she could learn to stand up to Sora and make him realize he's not all he thinks he's cracked up to be now, and hopefully turn him back around. Something tells me Kairi has the ability to do that."

Namine leaned over to Selphie and whispered into her ear, "Selph, he's right... Kai could. Remember that Leon guy?" It was true. Despite her shyness, Kairi had a way with words, making people see the error of their ways, and making them face the facts. One example was a senior at their school, Leon. He and Kairi shared the same science class – which was the class he was failing. When the teacher assigned Kairi to be his tutor, he was too proud to admit he needed help. Kairi began to become more and more irritated with Leon with each passing session, and finally laid down the law calmly, yet sternly: he was failing, and being arrogant and proud wasn't going to bring his grades up. It apparently did the trick, because he went from an F+ to a B+.

Turning back to the Populars, the two girls nodded. "We know Kairi has what it takes t' kick Sora off his thrown," Selphie smirked happily.

A grin formed on the blond boy's face, "I knew it!" He gave a small laugh because he was indeed right about the redheaded girl, "D'you think you two could explain this to her? Seeing as she won't bother listening to any of us and all...?"

"Sure." Namine nodded with a smile.

Grabbing the blonde girl's wrist, Selphie spun around, tape in hand, and dashed down the hallway in the general direction of her best friend's locker, but not before cheerfully speaking out, "We'll go show her now!!"

--End Flashback--

Kairi stared wide-eyed at her sister and lifelong friend. So that was it. Broken Discipline needed her help to bring the 'old Sora' back. They all believed she could do it...

I get it now... she thought to herself. She then quickly turned around in the direction Roxas left. Why didn't I listen to them...?! Now I feel even worse! Roxas needed my help and I insulted him and shot him down! No wonder he said what he did...! I'm... I'm no better than Sora!

Turning back to Namine and Selphie, Kairi tightly clutched the folded note still in her hand, "Now I really need to go apologize to Roxas... and tell him I've reconsidered!"

Roxas was making his way closer to the school's main entrance. On his face, a look of anger and utter defeat. How could Kairi treat him that way? Did she not care that he, Axel, and Riku wanted her help? Despite what happened at the auditions, he was still shocked at how coldly Kairi passed on helping them in regards to Sora. It seemed he was wrong about her, after all...

"Roxas! Wait up!!"

Stopping when he heard his name being called from down the hall, Roxas looked over his shoulder. His eyes widened; Kairi was running toward him.

Turning around to fully face her, Roxas muttered under his breath with a sigh, "Now what?"

Reaching the blond she had been looking for, Kairi tried to catch her breath. Roxas rolled his eyes as he watched her pant. What could she possibly want?

"I'm... I'm sorry!"

What...? Roxas thought, raising a brow in confusion.

"Listen, I know you probably don't believe me, and you're probably still mad at me-- and I don't blame you!" Kairi hurriedly began once she was 'calm' enough, earning a look from Roxas. "But, I swear... if I knew about the whole 'Sora situation,' I never would've said you guys were stupid!"

"Wait, what?" Roxas questioned, even more confused than he was seconds ago. If she knew about it? "What d'you mean?"

"Namine and Selphie. I've been... avoiding them since yesterday, and just now they told me about how you wanted my help with Sora!" there was guilt in her voice, but with each passing word, it was becoming easier for Kairi to explain her side of the story.

Roxas blinked his deep blue orbs. "So that explains--"

Kairi nodded, frowning at her previous actions, "Why I turned you down."

Something then instantly clicked in Roxas' head, and a small smile was starting to perk at his lips as his eyes shined in realization, "... So that means...?"

Again, the redhead nodded slowly with a matching smile, "Can I still be your lead singer...?"

"I have to think about it..." Roxas right away teased, pulling a face to pretend he really was thinking hard. With a playful huff, Kairi lightly hit the boy's arm and giggled. Roxas joined in with a laugh of his own, and then smiled, "Thanks a lot, Kairi..."

"You're welcome, and I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's behind us. All that matters is what's ahead for our band!"

'Our band...' Kairi thought with a small smile, I guess I can say that now, too, right...?

"Hey," Roxas tuned in, making Kairi snap out of it, "When can you come over to practice?"

"Uh... come over...?" Practice?

"To my house; we have our own band room for practicing! Can you now?" he sounded excited at the thought.

"U-uh... s-sure..." Kairi halfheartedly answered. It was obvious she was nervous about the request.

"Great! Let's go!" Roxas happily said, grabbing Kairi's hand and pulling her outside, a faint blush taking over his cheeks at their hand contact. "That reminds me... we need to think of what to say to Sora... Oh, crap! I forgot about that! Well... it's now or never, right, Kairi? He'll just have to deal! ... R-right?"

Kairi gulped at said boy's younger brother's own uneasiness ,and squeaked out an, "Uh-huh..." as she continued to let him drag her down the sidewalk. Sora's gonna be so pissed when he sees me and finds out! What'll he say? What'll he do?! Oh, destiny-- What have I gotten myself into...?!

A LOT of chaos, Kairi... A lot of chaos...

Now you guys know the truth!! Whew! Well... there you go!! Chappie 3 (and a whole chappie wasted by a Flashback)!! And after how long?! -forces a laugh, nervous- I told you it sucks, so don't pelt me with stuff! I'll be working on the next chappie soon, as soon as I figure out a way around my work duties. So please, please, please be patient with me!! (As if you haven't been this entire time!!)

Sorafanluver – Thank you for waiting! I hope you're still out there reading this! xD;

soraloveskairi159 – Thank you, thank you! ;w;

boomstick – Thanks so much! It means a lot to read that!

SKR3 – It's a good thing I finally did, huh? xD;;

sorasheart281 – Thank you!!

Russ Dog – Haha, not really. I actually had the chappies typed out in advance, I only edited them a bit before posting them. And, well, as you can see... I'm not fast at all. n.n;; Thank you for reading, though!

estrellaz – Not a very fast update, huh? Yeah, Roxas is a sweetheart! That's one of the reasons we love him!

Ayemi Tsukada – Sharing... sharing is good. -clings to Sora- Are we still allowed to share, or are you mad at me for not updating fast? xD You'll have to wait and read for everyone's feelings to be revealed! Thanks for reading, buddy!!

The Second Sight Alchemist – Thank you!!

Dark JaylenX – Thankies!!

Moving-at-the-speed-of-Alli – I'm so happy you do!! I'm sorry for the wait!!

latafmodginkianp1618 – Oh, trust me, I took my time. xD;;

MoonKitty136 – Yes! To the corner Sora! And don't forget your dunce cap!! Heehee. I'd never do that to him, really... Axel's funny, huh? x3 I love him! Thanks for reading!

sakuno101 – I'm so glad you didn't think it was boring! Thank you!!

acquired.minds – Thankfully I did! Thanks! n-n

Kintora – Half insane? He IS insane! xD And omigosh! Ding, ding, ding!! Someone knew the song she sang!! Haha! You really watched the movie just to hear that song?! I feel so touched! I'm usually the one who does that when I read a fic that inspires me enough, and for someone to do that because of my story is making me blush and makes me wanna cry!! Thank you so much!! -hugs- ;w;


And remember to REVIEW!! Otherwise I won't even bother posting a new chapter! Please, please review!!
