AN: I posted this series only to get feedback on my writing. I prefere only constructive criticism and grammer corrections. But a few story suggestion and compliments are helpful as well : And also, please don't hope/expect to have many updates on this series, as I have only written two chapters. Its a work in progress and I'd love to be able to write it without looking like a fool. So please, send your (constructive) critques!

When Friendship Never Seems to be Enough

By: maliciousfate

Chapter: One

"First Day"

Another sigh found its way sliding from my lips as my head twisted around in every direction. I hated to admit this, but I was totally lost. Lost on my first day. What an impression that will make to my new captain and squad members.

I looked down at the now crumpled piece of paper I had been holding in my hand.

"10th division. Captain: Hitsugaya Toushirou. Vice Captain: Matsumoto Rangiku." I repeated the words on the paper out loud, letting my feet lead me forward. I had no clue who my captain or vice captain where or what they looked like, so I was stuck wandering the Saratai endlessly.

I looked up from the paper to find that I was no longer alone on the street I had turned down. Three middle-aged men stood in a huddle on the opposite side of where I standing. I thought at first to ask them for some direction, but something about them told me they wouldn't be any help.

"Hey gorgeous. Wanna have some fun?" One of the men slurred as he wobbled closer to me. I had to stop myself from contorting my face in disgust; the men where drunk out of their minds.

"No thank you." I replied dryly and began to slowly walk away from the approaching man. However, he wasn't having that. He grabbed my shoulder and swung me around to face him.

"Oh come on baby, don't be like that." His breath reeked of pure vodka and the stench from this clothes told me he hadn't bathed in a few days. And some how his hand had found its way on my forearm rubbing it with his dirtied thumb. I wanted to gag.

"Please sir, release my arm." I tried to keep my voice steady. This man was repulsive. And I didn't need to get into a fight before even meeting my captain. I'd be thrown out for sure. But luck sure wasn't on my side this day, his friends had decided to help him out and where now on their way towards the two of us.

"C-come on baby. I know you want to have some fun." The man was beginning to have trouble speaking and his friends just agreed with his comment by chuckling.

"Sir, I insist you release my arm, I am needed elsewhere." I began to pull my arm away from him, but he only tightened his grip in reply. I clenched my teeth, at this moment all I wanted to do was cut his filthy head off with my zanpakutou that was shaking slightly in its hilt on my back.

"Let go of my arm!" I pulled harder now, still trying to hold back my rage. He and his friends merely smiled disgustingly at my attempts.

"Aw, come on baby. It'll be fun!" The man began to wrap his other arm around my waist. But that was I not /I going to happen! I used my free arm to grab the hilt of my zanpakutou but before I could unsheathe it I was stopped. Someone else had appeared.

"I believe the woman told you to release her." A deep voice stated from behind us. I turned slightly to get a look at the man I'd now love for sure. And I was surprised to see he was attractive.

He had dark, almost black, hair and wore sleeveless shinigami robes. He also had a tattoo of the numbers 69 on his left cheek, along with a dark blue stripe tattoo that stretched from his left cheek, over the bridge of his nose almost to his right cheek. And through his right eye he had a set of three straight scars that precluded down his cheek. His face wore a scowl as he glared at the man gripping my arm.

"And who the hell are you to tell me what this woman wants?" The drunken man slurred as he squeezed my arm tighter. My hand gripped my zanpakutou just as tight, longing to release it.

"Vice-Captain for the 9th division is who. Now release her or I will throw you into solitary confinement." The vice-captain threatened firmly never releasing his intimidating glare. The man quickly released my arm and backed away frightened, as if the new arrival had just grown another head.

"I-I am sorry vice-captain. I was j-just joking around you know, I-I didn't realize who I was talking to." The man began to apologies profusely, bowing deeply before he and his friends scampered away drunkenly.

"Thank you vice-captain." I said with a deep bow while rubbing my sore arm in the process. The vice-captain laughed lightly before walking closer toward me.

"No need to be so formal. The names Hisagi Shuuhei, by the way." He said holding his hand out for me to shake which I did with a small smile.

"Riku Nagai, pleased to meet you Hisagi Shuuhei." Hisagi smiled down at me as we released our hands.

"So you're the new recruit for the lil-squirts squad huh?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"If you are referring to Hitsugaya Toushirou, then yes I am."

"Well you'll have your hands full that's for sure. He may be small, but damn he supplies paper work by the shit load." Hisagi laughed as he scratched the back of his head.

"You've heard some rumors then?" I asked as we began to walk forward.

"Rumors? Nah, they're true. I know his vice-captain, and she tells me she barely has a break from all the paper work. It's a drag really; she's fun on our sake nights."

"Then it appears I'll have my hands full as well."

"Don't let that worry you though, I bet Hitsugaya can be some type of fun when he wants to be. You just have to get passed his constant serious attitude. Annoying if you ask me." Hisagi laughed again as we turned a corner. I wanted to laugh too, but I've still have yet to meet my captain so I have no right to make fun of my superior.

"Well here we are. The 10th division. You're new home." Hisagi said as we came to a section of the Saratai that I'd been assigned too.

"Thank you Hisagi Shuuhei." I said as I turned to him. He shook his head lightly.

"You know, you are really too formal. You can call me Hisagi, or hell, you can even call me Sagi if you want." He smiled before leaning in close to my ear and whispered, "-But out of those two, I prefer Hisagi."

"Hisagi it is then." I replied with a smile before I turned back to the door that surly had my captain behind.