Hamlet and Juliet

Author's Notes: this story is based from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. (I'm not going to use the plot; it's just that I'm just going to borrow the names and the characters as well…) I made this story yesterday after I watched the film of Leonardo… (He's soo handsome!!!!) then I remembered his film Romeo and Juliet. So, this is another school fiction, from me, angel moO, onto my Oh-So-Great-PC to your pc screens…

Please read and review…

—and here we go…

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto (the oh-god-so-handsome Uchiha Sasuke) as well as Shakespeare's works and lines used and that handsome Romeo


It was a fine sunny day; the birds chirp some merry songs outside their classroom's window as Sakura Haruno, a pink-haired girl with green emerald orbs, stared lazily at them. It was their advanced algebra period and she hated it… she hates math the most—for crying out loud.

On the other side of the room (I mean on the other side…), there sits the handsome but ice-cold Uchiha Sasuke. he jots down notes and listens to the teacher absent-mindedly. He may be very good in math—but damn, it's a boring day.

The Haruno girl and the Uchiha boy are seatmates—as a matter of fact…

They were friends for almost three years now…

And they already knew each other well…

So as Sakura to her feelings for the oh-so-great-Uchiha-boy—

—but she doesn't know if the feeling is mutual.

She kept on gazing to the two birds atop of a tree branch until another bird flew there and landed in between the two birds.

She felt different with that…

She didn't know why but something inside her told her that something thrilling will happen…


After that, their Algebra teacher dismissed without her noticing and her favorite subject teacher came… she has black layered hair and red eyes… she's really beautiful and kind of course.

"Good morning, Kurenai-sensei…!" the class greeted their teacher with a smile.

With that Sakura looked at her left, stole a glance at Sasuke who noticed her.

"What?!" he asked.

"Nothing… know what, you look weird today…" she answered

"Hn… you're so annoying." He said flatly

That's it…

He had told her so many times that she annoys him…

And it hurts inside…

Sometimes, she tells herself that she didn't like him anymore… that she got over him already.



She hated him for ignoring her.

She wants him to pay—for all the hurt he had given her…

There's much to do with hate,

But more to love…

But still…

But still…


My only love sprung from my only hate!

Too early seen unknown, and known too late…

She still loves him.

"Okay class, we will now have our English class…"

"…but before I forget…" she continued.

"—we will have an assigned performance for the upcoming winter fest…"

It caught her attention.

"We will perform a play…"

That made her grin mentally.

Sasuke only scowled. He then looked at the girl at his right…

"hn." That's all he said. Anyway, there's nothing more to say. He knew that Sakura is an actress at heart. She was born to perform…

…to love and be loved by performing arts.

Anyway, acting really bores him and kills his consciousness softly. Gah! Those lines to memorize, that adlib that you have to formulate when you forgot your line that you memorized the whole night and the funny costumes that you have to wear.

Sakura looked at Sasuke and saw that gloomy look again.

She chuckled a bit, holding back her laughter.

'Maybe he remembered that night again… hehehe… poor Sasuke-kun…'

4 years ago…

Sasuke and Sakura's class had a performance for the spring festival. Everything were prepared. The costumes, the lines, lights, and the props… their play—

—little red riding hood

Sakura is red riding hood and the-oh-god-so-damn-handsome-Uchiha-boy is the…

—big bad wolf.

God knows, Sasuke hated that costume! That thick furry wolf attire with fox tail, whiskers and big ears really irritated his delicate, porcelain-like skin. That role is more fitting if given to that ugly dobe (that trying hard dobe) than a handsome boy like him.

Worst of all, while performing…

..while chasing for the little red riding hood…

He stepped onto that sickening furry tail…

And he slipped, face first.

And he cried in the middle of the stage.

But don't worry, he looked—

Aww! He looked cute while Sakura-chan is laughing at him.

And now…

'And now, he's going to perform on a play again…' she mused, smiling at him.

"Hn… I know what you're thinking…"




"— that big bad wolf thing! Hehehe!"

"hn. Get lost. "He said to her, glaring.

"You're annoying." He added.

"And now…" the teacher continued what she's saying.

"Of course, we will not present children's stories anymore…"

The class stopped and looked at him in uniform motion…

"…like little red riding hood or something… ne, Sasuke-san?"

With that…

Everybody laughed.

"This year, our class' presentation will be…"

Hahahahahaha!!! His classmates continued laughing with the mere thought of Sasuke in the middle of the stage with that furry and hairy wolf costume…

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Sakura laughed even harder—louder.

"… Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet."

Everybody stopped.


So… that's the prologue part, more of an introduction for readers not to be confused in the sequence of chapters. Anyway, the next chapter will come next. Please leave a review… (It's where writers like me get inspirations to continue…) anyway, the reviews will tell me if I will continue this one, coz there's no point of continuing this if all of the readers think it sucks… [Sniff (Right eye flashes)

Thanks for reading!

