Chapter 35: Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

Dickon Sowerby had not informed anyone of his return. Not his mother, his siblings nor his fiancée. It was meant to be a surprise; though his return was not the only surprise. When the train stopped at Thwaite station he immediately took the first vehicle which would take him to the little shack which housed his mother, siblings, brother-in-law, and nieces and nephew. Upon his arrival at his former home he was greeted by hugs and many kisses on his cheek. He noted that they had all gotten much thinner since he had last saw them; the already tiny cottage seemed even more cramped than ever. Brent and the older boys had converted the small barn into a one room home where he resided with Martha and their children. Martha was weak, but getting better, she was still confined to her bed.

After his joyous visit with his family he proceeded, strangely enough, to the James estate. Well, formerly known as the James residence. As he approached the mansion he once worked in he noted the pudgy man standing on the steps. The winter had not been well received by Misses James, their physician suggested that she should travel to a warmer climate. Come spring, the family packed up and moved to an equally large estate by the coast of Spain. The news reached the ears of Mister Smith through a very surprising source.

The envelope was stained and travel weary, the postal stamp which marked it was from, of all the places Mister Smith could imagine, Mexico. There was no return address on the upper left corner, only the initials "J.R." in clean delicate script. The content of the letter congratulated Mister Smith on his recent victories with his horses, mentioned the James family leaving their estate, then mentioning how sad it was that prime and top of the class land may be sold to a person with no use of it. And what good was the land exactly? The area was larger than most Yorkshire estates, the soil rich, providing wonderfully green grass, and the invigorating moorland air, "wonderful for any animal, especially horses, I would imagine. In fact, set up a ranch there with the best English horses and have a master trainer in charge and I am sure that they'll be the animals to beat in Liverpool! Dickon Sowerby, for example, would do great doing that. Especially since no one knows how to raise animals in that area better than him. I've heard that he's been under your employment of late. Good move for you, he's probably why your horses are the best in America! With enough work they could be the best in England as well." The rest of the letter continued in such a manner. Two afternoons later Mister Smith called Dickon Sowerby into his office to discuss the land in Yorkshire. A week later he informed all his workers of land he had purchased across the sea and how this would be a new ranch he would start in England; and he had chosen Dickon as the head horse trainer. Dickon was allowed to choose his staff; whether they were American or English. It came as no surprise to the other works that Paul Taylor, his sister and her son would be accompanying Dickon in order to start the horse ranch.

Presently Dickon stood with Paul on the steps of the mansion, looking out onto the ground, discussing the stables and other structures which needed to be built. Shortly after, Dickon began his familiar walk to Misselthwaite Manor. As he approached the front of the structure he saw a lone figure standing by the door pulling bags from a car. Instead of taking the main entrance, he detoured at walked to the side of the house making his way toward the entrance near the fountain. Seeing the fountain, shooting water merrily from its pipes, jaunted his memory of three years before when he saw Colin practicing his lunges. Funnily enough, he did see Colin. Though he was no longer with his fencing gear, he stood on one knee holding out a black box to one of the stone figures.

"You can do better than tha', Colin." Dickon found himself saying. Colin jumped to his feet and smiled.

"You're back…I can't believe you didn't tell anyone." He replied approaching Dickon and embracing him. "It's meant to be a surprise." They walked a bit further and talked of what they had each missed in their lives. Colin had become a doctor and he was considering studying to be a Psychologist, "But it will have to wait. I'd like to earn a stable amount of money first if I want the Watson family to approve."

Dickon halted in his steps and faced Colin. "Th' Watson fam'ly to approve? Tha's engaged?"

He watched as his friends lips stretched into a wide smile "I hope so. I haven't asked her yet. But…who knows?"

"Tha's good. Yeah. Who knows?" Dickon echoed looking up at the stone walls of the manor. His eyes caught the glint of Mary's golden hair through a window. Standing where he was he could see her sitting in the library, leaning against the window. In her arms was a lavender blanket; it was a baby. A familiar face approached and sat beside her; running his darkened hand through his black hair. Dickon didn't have to think twice about who he saw. His skin was visibly darker and healthier looking than the confined pallor Dickon had first seen him in, his black hair had grown out, though what had remained the same were the large deer-like brown eyes; without a doubt, it was Julian Ramsey.

There was something undeniably peaceful about the image. Colin noticed Dickon's stare and also looked. "Oh, that." He remarked "Funny story, that."

"I'm sure I'll 'ear it later. Tell Mary to see me in th' garden, Colin. All righ'? Thanks."

"All right." Colin answered making his way into the Mansion glancing back at Dickon's figure leisurely walking to the garden.

Mary practically burst into the garden. She screamed his name out and ran to where she knew he would be; the old wooden garden swing. And there he was serenely smiling at her as she ran into his arms; he lifted her up easily, her light dress swinging with their motion. Mary wasn't sure how she felt, she was laughing yet sobs racked her throat and tears flowed down her cheeks. Her feet touched the ground but she held on to him, with their arms still entwined around each other they kissed each other until there was no breath in their lungs and warmth throughout their entire body. She pulled away and looked at Dickon, his poppy cheeks were red and soaked, his eyes were a lake. It was a perfect lake, with the wonderful blue and the water of his tears.

"You're home." She gasped, pressing her lips to his once more.

"Aye. And I'm not goin' anywhere ever again." She leaned into him once more and listened to the beating of his heart. They stood like that for a long time, because absolutely no words were needed. When they tired they lay on the ground together, with Dickon's calloused fingers running through hair that had come loose from the braid it had been tied in. Mary was the first one who spoke "Can you believe how time has flown?" Dickon merely nodded and took Mary's slim hand in his, the engagement band still wrapped around her finger; he gave it a soft kiss.

"It's so…funny how you both came back at the same time." She continued.


"You and Julian."

"He's jus' back?"

"About a week ago. He's married now, with three children, can you imagine?"

"Three bairns? Was he really gone tha' long?"

"Well…" Mary turned to Dickon, a serious glimmer in her eyes, "the two of them aren't his, they're his wife's."

"His wife's?"

"Oh, Dickon! It's the sweetest thing! They were childhood sweethearts in Mexico, they lost contact with each other and the reason he left was to find her. And when he did, she had two children…and it's awful, Dickon. She…she'd been raped and she couldn't find it within herself to abort them. The eldest is Blanca, quite the shy little girl. And then there's Edwin- who was named after Julian's father. And their baby girl- Evangelina- she's absolutely beautiful."

"Are they settling here?"

"No, Julian's settling some things with the bank. Then, I assume, he'll visit his mother or Madame Beaucroft- whichever of the two. Then he'll make his way back to where he and his new family belong- away from the cold."

"Yes, th' cold. 'e doesn't handle tha' too well, does he?" Dickon chuckled, sitting up and pulling Mary onto his lap.

"You should see him once again. Come!" Mary said standing up and taking Dickon's hand, helping him to his feet. They gripped each other's hands and made their way back to the Mansion.


"Yes, love?"

"How many children shall we have?"

"As many as tha' likes!" Dickon replied pecking Mary on the cheek. Together they closed the large wooden- ivy covered door which lead to their secret heaven. The door would open and close many times in the upcoming years. It sheltered them from the guests they had to greet during their wedding, it took up both their free time, even with a little one on the way. The foliage was where Colin would go to think, to contemplate the curious movement of time and the effect of decisions. Roses, lilies and buttercups served as a playground for the small ones which came after. Even with they were older and could hardly find the time or energy to move from their chairs and their beds they held in their hands a photograph taken by Colin, the one after the wedding. Sitting on the old stump in the middle of the garden was Dickon, with Mary's legs strewn on his lap and Colin with his arms wrapped around both of them, all three of them were smiling widely, the tinkle of their laughter had been caught and stilled and frozen for all time on a small piece of paper.

And decades and decades later a young man led his sweetheart into the paradise like no other. "What is this place?" she asked in wonder. He thought for a moment and peered around, smiling "It's wick." The most wick place on the planet.

- The End -

Hey, readers:)

So this was it. The conclusion to a story I started (what feels likes AGES ago) three years ago. OH, MY GOSH! I never though I would finish this story- I never thought it would be this long:) I never imagined the review you guys have given me:) Thank you so very, very much:) I wish I could thank you all individually, I'll try: thanks soooo much to Cat O'Hara Butler, Pansyphoenix, Lady in the Meads, Hero in the Making, Crazy as a bag of spiders, Elyzia ( for my first review) and everyone else...this is starting to become some weird speech:))) THANKS SO MUCH TO ANYONE WHO'S READ THIS. PERIOD:) Thanks to all the reviews and for sticking with the strange turns, the weird characters, the numerous spelling/grammar mistakes:/ I can't thank you guys enough: THANK YOU, SALAMAT, MERCI, GRACIAS, TAUSEND DANK, KOMAPSUMNIDA...and any other language on this earth...universe:))

I hope we keep our lives beautiful, despite the troubles outside our very own 'Secret Gardens' :D And I hope we can keep our friends, family and loves as close together as Mary, Dickon and Colin ( and now plus Julian)

Love always, guys:) I hope you enjoyed:) I did.