sayo:i do not own gakuen alice, if i own it i wouln't be writing fanfics although the starting is almost the same as the anime gakuen alice but the plot and ending is totally different. any wat review onegai ne

(A/N: they are all 14 so don't think that they are 10 years old same as the anime)

a raven hair and crimson eyes boy was on the train to Tokyo to find his best friend.

Natsume P.O.V

Ruka left, the last time I saw him, he was entering a black limo. I heard some of my classmate saying that our school is too old and it will be demolish and we student will be transferring to the neighboring school instead. I really love this school its filled with many memory of ruka and me and of course my classmate. My grandpa too objects the project of demolishing the school and even went to the principle. But the principle said that even if they do not demolish now, sooner or later they will too since the school is always lack of fund. Ruka left although I tell him not to, but he just said that we can always contact each other by letters. I send him letters everyday, but the only one letter I receive was when it was summer, saying that he wants more watermelon and a picture of a building that he can see it from where he is.

----flash back----

One day, I was walking towards the principle's room after school to persuade him to change him mind, but I saw ruka's mother talking to him.

"ruka really love this school, and he really like natsume-kun too, the moment he knew that the school will be demolishing, he quickly told me that he will be going to alice gakuen since they will be giving them money too and he can use that money to help the school in funding and prevent it from being demolish, after all this place is filled with memory of him and natsume-kun" ruka's mother said

The moment I heard those words I quickly ask if it were true and it really turn out to be true.

I quickly went back home, and take my saving for I am going to find ruka, well the saving wasn't really mine though it was grandpa's, oh well, I hope he understand but I did left a letter saying that I will be going to alice gakuen to find ruka so he don't have to worry.


Tokyo is really big I wonder when will I find the school, I have been walking for 2h, and I'm really tired, finally, I saw a really huge gate and a really huge wall surrounding that area. I walk up to the gate. I saw a star in the middle of the circle written as "National Alice Research Facility Academy Main ground" I saw a security guard and ask him if I could go in and find ruka, but he only told me to go home. I was about to give up when suddenly 2 big man told me that its hard to enter alice gakuen but they can help me, to enter if I want. I was about to follow them when suddenly a blonde haired person that looks like neither man nor woman stop them from bring me.

(A/N: please imagine every thing from now on)

Normal P.O.V

"I was wondering where you are bringing that boy to?" the blonde haired person said

"who are you?" the three of us asked at the same time

"who am I ? I'm the teacher of alice gakuen"

"liar" the 3 of them said and pointed at the same time

"huh? Why?"

Pretending that the person was not around the 3 them continue what they are doing.

"I don't like lying" the person than use his phermonal inclination

"our goal was just to get some ransom money…"

and they sped off with the car leaving behind natsume but before they left natsume create a small fire that burn their butt. I guess he has the fire alice, well it wouldn't hurt anyway to keep another student since he has alice too the person thought.

"So, I'm afraid that it's impossible to see your friend unless you are being admitted to this school"

"if so, let me put myself in your hands and ask you to please give me a placement exam"

"then, you wanna try to get in?


"I'll get you to alice gakuen and of course its not something that I can decided on my own but I'm pretty sure you can enter since you have an alice."

"but I'm not a genius"

"but you have the fire alice don't you?"

"you mean this?" natsume than create a fireball.

"oh, that's just a misunderstanding, the meaning of "alice" is for those who have natural gift like you, who can create fire, our school is filled with many individuals with their own unique gifts, than without further ado lets enter alice gakuen"


Natsume fly away but not too far because of the explosion.


"so the information we get about a possible escape was true… it's a good thing I was keeping watch."

"what's happening?"

"take a look yourself natsume-kun, she at the top of the middle class at alice gakuen- a girl genius"

behind the smoke of the explosion, there was a boy(on the surface but he, I mean she is a girl) wearing a black cat mask and black uniform with collar and long blue checkered pants and a black boot.

"she is sakura mikan-chan, her alice is pretty special since she has the nullification, copy and erase alice"

a black cat? Natsume thought

to be continue...

sayo: just in case some readers are confuse.. this fic is a twist of character so instead of a cold natsume, natsume will be warm, and instead of warm mikan, mikan will turn cold hope you enhoy reading review plz i nid suggestion