Warning: Rated "M" for a reason. Chapter contains language and violence.

Once Upon a Hundredfold

Chapter 2

Serena was floating. It was like that time she and Darien went vacationing in Fiji and they had floated on the crystal blue waters together.

She yawned- or at least, she thought she did. She really couldn't feel anything but fatigue. She wanted to just go back to sleep, but someone kept poking her body. All over. It was really starting to get annoying. She and her baby needed their rest!

She felt something burning behind her eyelids, as if someone was flashing a light directly at her. She tried to tell whoever was poking her to turn off the lights, but she was just so tired. Why was she so sleepy?

Oh well, she'd just go back to sleep and figure things out in the morning.

Hours passed. No news. Darien, Mina, and Kunzite all sat in the waiting room, as well as Darien's other trusted men, Zoicite, Nephrite, and Jadeite.

Mina sat in the corner on Kunzite's lap, her tears dried on her face, the occasional hiccup escaping from her chapped lips. Kunzite held her tightly, hugging her to him and whispering soft words of encouragement and love into her ears. It had been a horrible shock for Mina to find her best friend's body lying in the middle of the room, bleeding to death.

Zoicite, Nephrite, and Jadeite all stood at various points of the room near the exits and entrances, their bodies stiff and eyes watchful. None of Darien's other men were permitted into the room, none were allowed to protect their leader, for Darien only wanted his most trusted in the room.

Darien sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair, his body slumped and his face buried in his hands. He couldn't believe what was happening. So many things had happened at once that he didn't even know where to begin.

He'd gotten the pictures that night at work in an unmarked envelope. When he'd seen them, finally absorbed what his eyes were looking at, he couldn't even remember what he was thinking at the time. There'd been nothing in his mind but a pure killing rage. He couldn't see anything but "Serena" wrapped around Diamond's body, and hear the lies that she'd told. He couldn't think about anything but the near disaster they'd almost faced when ambushed by Diamond's men, and how she must've supplied Diamond with information.

He had gone home, in silence, his eyes dead and flat. Serena had flown into his arms when he stepped into their room, a heart achingly beautiful vision in her white lingerie.

"Darien! I have wonderful news! I just found out that we're going to-"

"Save it. I don't want to hear another word from you, bitch."

Darien wanted to die. He saw the utter shock and anger on her face. Her exuberance that melted into hurt. He wondered, now, what her news was. God, he'd give anything just to hear her voice tell him her news. To just see her smile again the same way she always smiled at him.

"Gentlemen? And Mrs. Zephyr?" Darien looked up to see a doctor in fresh scrubs standing before them and stood up anxiously. His heart stopped. "I'm afraid-" Ohgodohgodohgodohgod She was dead. He'd lost her. He loved her. She was gone forever. He'd killed her. It was all his fault. "-that I have some good news and bad news."

He felt as if though someone had punched him in the stomach. He exhaled a deep sigh of relief and collapsed back into his chair.

She wasn't dead. Good news.

"Does Ms. LeRoux have any family here? I saw that she had an engagement ring. Is her fiancée here?"

"I'm-" His voice was hoarse and raspy; he cleared his throat. "I'm Darien Shields. I'm her fiancée."

The doctor's eyes widened slightly upon hearing his name, but made no further indication that he recognized the name. "Then could I speak to you first?"

Stiffly, Darien stood up and walked woodenly to the doctor. They walked outside of the waiting room where no one but a few night-shift nurses wandered in the halls.

"Doctor, please tell me, is she going to be okay?" Darien asked anxiously. He had no power here. In here, in this hospital, he was not Darien Shields, one of the most powerful men in the world. No, he could only wait and hope.

"Yes, I'm happy to say that the surgery was a complete success and Ms. LeRoux is going to be alright. However-"

"What had happen to her?" Darien interrupted. "I didn't even hear what her injuries were. I didn't… I didn't even know what had happened."

"Ms. LeRoux suffered from severe stab wounds in her stomach, shoulder, and right arm. Fortunately, and miraculously, the knife wounds didn't sever any major arteries, and avoided her heart by the barest fraction of an inch. She also seems to have been sexually assaulted."

"She was… raped?!"

The doctor would've instinctively taken a step back for safety upon seeing the pure blazing hatred and fury blazing in his eyes, but (figuratively) held his balls and stood his ground.

"No. Upon further inspection, it seems that penetration did not occur, although we found severe bruising around her inner thighs, wrists, and neck which indicated that it was attempted. Ms. LeRoux's fingernails also held traces of skin, which we are assuming are from her attacker. We have taken samples of it and have already been sent to the police station for DNA identification. Her knuckles were also slightly raw- your fiancée gave quite a fight," he said ruefully.

"Oh god," Darien whispered. He clamped his eyes shut tight and pressed his fingers against them to ward off the stinging. "So she's okay? Can I see her?"

"You can see her soon. We just finished the operation, and she should be situated in her new room soon. However, I must ask, did you know that she was pregnant?" the doctor asked gently.

Darien froze. "Did you know that she was pregnant?" The question echoed in his head. "Pregnant? No, I-"

"Darien! I have wonderful news! I just found out that we're going to-"

"I think she was going to tell me today. She said that she had good news." For a moment, Darien felt thrilled and exhilaration for the first time in hours. We're going to have a baby! Then a horrible idea slid into his mind, and he felt sick. There's bad news too… "Is the, the baby… okay?"

The doctor didn't look away from Darien's pain-filled eyes, although his look of sympathy didn't waver. "I'm sorry, but with the stab wounds as well as the rough assault, I'm afraid Ms. LeRoux miscarried even before she arrived at the hospital. There was nothing we could do. She was two months along. I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Shields."

Darien sharply turned away and took a few steps down the hall. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to kill.

His unborn child. His innocent, beautiful child was dead. Oh god. How was he going to tell Serena? He collapsed against the wall and slid down, his head and arms slumped between his knees. He took a few deep calming breaths and gathered what control he could. That infamous control that he was known for.

Moments later when he looked up again, the doctor didn't feel anything but pity. Not pity for Ms. LeRoux and her distraught fiancée, but for the son of a bitch that did this. It wasn't like he made a habit of feeling sorry for criminals, but from the look in Darien's eyes, his life was going to be absolute hell when Darien caught him. Not if, but when. Not many people didn't not know who Darien Shields was, and those who really knew about him, and his apparent… Darker dealings, knew that he was a man to be feared. A man who, if on his bad side, you should run like hell from. Not that you'd escape for long.

Darien stood up slowly, like a panther stretching his limbs just waiting to jump on its prey. "I'm going to also need a sample of that DNA, doctor. My men will be able to research it more quickly and thoroughly." His cold tone garnered no argument, and the doctor knew better than to try.

It was technically illegal, but the doctor liked his life. He had two kids, all grown now, and a wonderful wife waiting for him back home. He'd like to keep it that way. "Yes, of course Mr. Shields."

"May I see her now?"

"Yes, you should be able to. Let me go find out which room she is."

After the doctor left, Darien went back into the waiting room to tell his men and Mina, especially, the news. One pair of anxious eyes and four pairs of coolly waiting eyes met his as he stepped inside.

"What did the doctor say? Is Serena alright? What happened?" Mina cried.

"The doctor said she's going to be alright." He then went on to recount to them exactly what the doctor told him of Serena's injuries. When he told them of the attempted rape everyone in the room looked ready to kill. It was an insult to them that someone could attack their leader's woman so easily, and not even be caught.

"That fucking bastard. If only I had gotten there a little bit sooner… I would've fucking-"

"You would've probably been attacked as well. But you weren't. And for that, I am eternally grateful," Kunzite said, cutting off his wife's furious tirade.

"So she will be okay?" Nephrite finally spoke up.

"Yes, she should. However…" Darien finally told them the last horrible bit of news, about her miscarriage. It was difficult to say the words out loud, and every word that he bit out was drenched in cold fury.

Whoever did this to Serena would suffer. Darien would make sure of it personally.

Mina burst into tears again, and Kunzite gathered her closely within his arms. "Oh Serena… I can't believe… Oh, this is going to kill her…"

"I'm just glad that you found her when you did. If you hadn't arrived…" The very thought of it terrified him.

"Serena had called me. She said that she and you had gotten into a terrible fight. She didn't really understand why and was so hurt and confused that she just wanted company. She said that she'd..." Mina paused for a moment, wiping away the tears on her face with a ponderous look on her face. "She said that she'd leave the gates open for me, and disengage the locks so that I could come right up. Kunzite! I think-"

"I think we just found out how the attacker managed to get into the mansion without setting off any alarms," Zoicite said.

"Fuck. How many times did I always tell Serena to stop doing that? I told her it wasn't safe." But Serena was always so naïve, so innocent.

"Oh this is all my fault!" Mina wailed. "If I hadn't-"

"No. In no absolutely no way, shape, or form is this your fault. This is none of your faults'. It is entirely mine."

"But Darien! It's not! If-"

"It is. I was the one who wrongly accused Serena of something horrible. I was the one who left her behind, alone. I was the one who should've been there, should've protected her. I was the one who should've trusted her. Fuck it. I should be one lying on that fucking hospital bed right now." Darien said furiously. His control was on the brink, and he felt like he'd snap any moment.

He slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a noticeable dent. His harsh breaths ripped out of his mouth and his chest heaved in exertion.

Slowly, Jadeite approached Darien and put a gentle and calm hand on his shoulder. "Calm down Darien. Serena is okay now, and that's what counts the most. She needs you to be calm and here for her right now, so I suggest you go see her."

Right on time, the doctor stepped back into the room, his uneasiness palpable upon entering the tense room. "Er, Mr. Shields? I have the DNA sample, as well as Ms. LeRoux's room number. Would you like to see her? She is currently sleeping."

"Thank you doctor." Darien took the small envelope and tossed it over to Nephrite. "Get on top of this now. I want results within the next few hours. Thank you for everything Doctor Fitzpatrick. Your services will be dully noted."

"Yes of course. I-" Am glad that you didn't kill me? Am really quite terrified out of my mind? "am glad that I was of service to you."

Darien gave him a wordless nod and spun around and began walking towards the door. "Mina, you can come in after a bit and see her. But first, I'd like to be alone with her," he said tonelessly without turning around.

"Yes, of course Darien. I understand. Take your time."

The burning was gone now, and her eyes felt soothed under the cool dimness. She wasn't as tired anymore either, but her body seemed to ache everywhere. She thought she was in bed, but the scratchy material of the sheets and lumpy mattress felt unfamiliar, quite unlike the down feather bed and silk sheets she and Darien shared.

I'm so spoiled now, Serena thought amusedly. Since when have I gotten particular about which sheets I used? She tried to move her hand and feel for Darien's warm body that should've been next to hers but didn't find anything. So I'm not home… But I remember getting ready for bed. Darien came home… And…And… He was angry. She remembered his horrible, hurtful words that had confused the hell out of her.

"You bitch! How long were spreading your legs for him? From the start? Did you enjoying knowing that you played me for a fucking fool all this time? God, what a whore you are. You disgust me."

Tears came to her eyes. What had he been talking about? Just today she had found out that she was pregnant with Darien's child. She'd been so thrilled to tell him and news, and thought he would be too. But when Darien came home… She'd never seen that kind of look on his face. Pure, unadulterated hate and loathing.

Then he'd left, still furious and raging, slamming their bedroom door behind him. Tears of anger and confusion had been rolling down her face as she tried to make sense of what he was shouting and accusing her of. Her heart breaking and feeling lonely, she called her best friend Mina to come over to talk. Mina said that she'd be there soon, so Serena made sure to call Security and ask them to turn the alarms off and allow Mina in when she arrived. Mina… Where was she? I don't remember seeing her… I only remember…

A face in a black ski mask. His breath had been rancid and his body large and hulking. She remembered seeing him all of sudden in her room, coming towards her with a large, glinting knife in his hands. He had smiled at her, his yellow teeth crooked and disgusting. He'd been dressed entirely in black and came at her clumsily and stupidly, swinging his knife. But she wasn't a coward. She'd fight, and fight hard. She had thought of her unborn baby, sleeping so innocently within her womb, the baby that she'd die to protect. She had thought of the black and white pictures that she'd seen of that tiny little speck living inside her, that speck that she'd do anything for.

No, she'd fight.

But he was too strong. For all his clumsiness, one backhand to her face and she was falling, falling down. She clawed at his face until she raked at his eyes and he threw his head back, howling in pain. Then white hot pain, in her arm. It stunned her, the paralyzing pain that reverberated through her body. It gave her attacker enough time to strike her face again and start clawing at her thin nightgown, grabbing her thighs and breasts.

"Oh you bitch. You're going to pay for that. Now you've gone and scarred my pretty 'ol face! You'll have to be punished for that. They told me not to, to just kill you, but they didn't know that you'd be such a bad girl. I'm gonna enjoy this." He sneered.

Serena shuddered, remembering the way his disgusting breath and words had fanned across her cheek and into her ears.

Then she had thought of her baby, and how she couldn't give up yet. She drew back her good arm back and punched him as hard she could in the face, kneeing him in the crotch at the same time. He'd cried out again, furious. He lunged at her, that ferocious knife plunging into her shoulder.

It ached, now, as she thought about it. Where is Darien? I need him. Oh god, where is he? Darien. That man had said his name. She remembered now.

"I was gonna try and make it easier for you, but I guess not anymore. You just had to go and ruin the mood. Well, I gotta skedaddle soon, so I better get this over with. It'sgonna hurt like hell honey, and your man Darien ain'tgonna save you. In fact, you can blame him for all this. If it wasn't for him, this would've probably never happened." He laughed uproariously, as if it was all just some kind of funny joke. "Yep, I guess you can say that it is his fault. He's the one doing this to you, causing you pain, killing you. You'd probably live if it weren't for him. But don't worry little lady, it'll all be over soon." Then he'd plunged that knife into her gut, into her baby.

Serena screamed one last time, right there, in her hospital bed.

Darien heard it two steps from her room. A hoarse scream of horror and anger and fear and heart break. Serena's voice. "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

He leaped into her room, his gun poised and ready to shoot, the end of the silencer pointing directly into the room, ready to immediately kill anyone who dared to attack Serena again. But he saw no one, only Serena, who was in her bed, her eyes wide open and chest heaving as she tried to take in deep shuddering breaths. Her arms were stiff and her hands clutched the sheets in fists. She looked as if she were trying to get up, and sweat rolled down her face in her exertion. Darien quickly scanned the room once more, examining all the possible points of entrance, his gun still poised. Seeing that they were safe for now, he quickly put his gun away and went to Serena's side.

"Shh. Serena. It's alright now. There's nobody here to hurt you. Calm down. Oh baby. I'm so sorry. So sorry." He lied beside her in the narrow bed and gently gathered her in his arms, mindful of her injuries and the IV cords in her arm. "That's right. Just breathe. It'll be okay. No one will ever hurt you ever again. I'm here. I'll protect you."

Her wildly squirming and panting breaths finally began to desist and Darien could feel her heartbeat returning to normal. "My baby. What happened? Is he okay?" Her voice was hoarse and raspy, and Darien could feel his anger grow again. God, those bruises on her face, her split lip, her trembling body. For the first time in his life, there in that narrow hospital bed, with the woman he loved more than life itself tucked safely in his arms, he could feel tears burning behind his eyes. Oh Serena… I'm so sorry. I love you…

He shut his eyes as he braced himself to tell Serena the truth. "I'm sorry, Serena, we lost him."

For a moment there was silence, as if Serena didn't understand what he was saying, couldn't process the words correctly.

Then she wailed, a high-pitched keening cry of pain and anguish. A cry that no mother should ever have to cry, pain that no mother should ever have to feel. Was it better or worse that she'd never been able to hold her baby in her arms?

The sobs that wracked her body were so powerful that Darien was afraid that she'd reopen her wounds. Her body felt like ice, so delicate and frail that Darien was afraid to let her go, lest she fall apart in pieces.

"No… No… Oh please god no. My baby… My beautiful baby… Anything but that… Anything. Please god. Bring back my baby…" She cried until she had no more tears left to cry, until she shuddered dry sobs and hiccupped pleading words, words that couldn't do anything now.

Darien continued to hold her in his arms, stroking Serena's soft hair, until he felt her chest began to breathe evenly, her sobs dissipate, and her burdened mind fall asleep. He lay there, in that narrow hospital bed, holding his woman, his fiancée, his life, in his arms as he made a silent promise, his eyes glinting in the darkness like ice, but burning like the fires of hell itself.

Those mother fuckers dared to mess with me. They dared to hurt my woman. They're going to pay. Each and every one of them. I held back until now, I let them play their foolish little power games. But it's over now. Those fucking bastards are going die for this. Little shitheads will pay.

He was the king of the underworld, ruler of the dark and shady dealings of the black market, lord of every single illegal and horrifying thing that you never wanted to mess or deal with. In other words, he was the most bad-ass and fucking terrifying mafia leader the world had ever known.

And the world knew it.

He was the king of the underworld, and now his enemies would know what it'd be like to have the gates of hell unleashed upon them.

A/N: So, if you didn't read my note in the first chapter, I'll say it again. If you've read Return in Kind, please tell me whether you'd rather I focus more on this story, or Return. But don't worry, I will still, in the meantime keep working on Crescendo, as it is my main story. Well, hope you enjoyed this so far:). Don't forget! Reviews make chapters come faster! ;)