Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
Xxx Chapter 10 xxX
Naruto didn't know how he got his number.
That wasn't important right now though. He took a few calming breaths before answering.
"Why the fuck are you calling me?!" Naruto all but hissed. His fingers digging into his cell phone.
So maybe he needed more than a few calming breaths. Well fuck that!
"I missed you too." He sounded amused. Naruto's fingers tightened tighter on the small device.
"Stop patronizing me you sick fuck!"
"Language." came the amused voice more clearly. He swore he was smirking from wherever in hell he was calling from.
"I-how the fuck did you get this number!?" Naruto shouted his voice attracting a few stares under the blaring sounds of the music.
He didn't care though. Why the fuck was he calling!?
"Look why don't we meet somewhere more…private?" was his cool answer. "Say about twelve Monday night? I'll call you to pick you up at the usual place, okay."
"I'm busy that day." was Naruto's curt scathing reply.
"No you're not. You get days off on Monday's." was the unperturbed reply.
Naruto however was anything but unperturbed.
"How did you-?!" Naruto began with alarm but was cut off.
"I'll see you on Monday then."
"Wait! Don't you dare hang up!"
The dial tone at the end of the tone was his only answer.
Naruto swore loudly and threw his phone where it cluttered on the ground next to him almost silently.
He slumped to the ground and clutched his hair in frustration.
"fuck." he mumbled.
That stupid infuriating man. Why now of all times?
"And then he asked her out!" Kiba exclaimed with a exaggerated shout, the alcohol was clearly taking effect. Sasuke thought dryly but chuckled all the same.
"Wait, okay stop and rewind." Neji said with an air of humor. "You didn't tell me about that on the phone."
"Yeah I know." Kiba agreed with a grin. "It's better when you say it in a group. Bigger audience and all that you know?"
Neji rolled his eyes but motioned for Kiba to continue.
"Anyways like I was saying." Kiba said elaborately. "Shikamaru was being a lazy slob as usual right?"
Sasuke listened with an amused smile digging at the edges of his face, but schooled it with a calm visage.
Kiba for the last ten minutes had been going on about Shikamaru and his new girlfriend. It was hard not to be amused.
Shikamaru was such a lazy ass no one would ever expect him to actually commit to a relationship. Whether it was with a man or a women made no difference to the lazy man.
Sit it goes without saying that all four of them were awed and surprised that there actually existed a women with enough mental strength to actually whip Shikamaru into action.
"And then she smiles and asks him if he was asking her on a date because that was the corniest thing she had ever heard!" Kiba finished with a grin and a bark of a laugh. "It was so hilarious dude. He was all red in the face and all he could do was nod."
They all shared a couple of laughs.
Sasuke knew as well as the others that this was only to distract themselves. None of them wanted to dwell too much on Naruto's words. It was just hard to digest. They've never experienced anything like that. When they were thirteen they were safe at school, joking around and ditching occasionally.
Sure Neji had sneaked into clubs and taken a drinks and gotten into some shady business but he had gotten out of it. They had all helped him. But Naruto….he didn't want any of their help.
He wanted none of their words. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone. Indifferent to their words and sneering at their help.
How could anybody stand something like this. What did someone have to go through to turn out like Naruto?
Did he even really want to know?
Naruto didn't know how long he lay there. The music was still blazing at the club and he could do nothing but lay there as people walked by and looked at him with various looks of interest.
It had to have been at least half an hour by now. He didn't want to move.
Hell he didn't even feel like breathing.
That stupid infuriating man. How dare he…? Sending his fucking lackey…
"I hate you." he murmured to himself.
And then more fiercely as the anger suddenly welled up in him like molten magma. "I fucking hate you!"
"That's very touching." came an unexpected reply from above him. "I can say with the fondest expression that the sentiment is likewise felt."
Naruto turned his head and glared at the unexpected and unwanted company.
"Fuck off Kabuto! I can't take any of your crap today." He snarled turning his head away.
The bespectacled man merely smiled sardonically with traces of amusement.
"I'm sincerely sorry to bother you Naruto-kun." came the clearly insincere reply. "But you know Orochimaru, he likes to play with his little toys before going off to work."
"Tell him he can fucking fuck off. I'm not doing shit today." Naruto replied with a tight smile. "In fact tell him I'm fucking taking the whole week off! Let him deal with his little business partners!"
Then he turned and proceeded to leave. He would have too if it wasn't for Kabuto.
Kabuto didn't hate his job per se but he hated the filth he had to associate himself with. He had been raised by a very meticulous pair of parents. It was probably their fault that he was like this but he didn't think that he would be who he was without them.
He was sure if it wasn't for them he never would have met Orochimaru. He wasn't the most affectionate son but he could at least thank them for that if nothing else.
Orochimaru in his opinion was a great man. He was lucky to have met him and now work for him. He could not imagine doing anything else.
He had been working for Orochimaru for the last ten years. He had been employed by him since he was fourteen when he had left his parents home for a better life. He wanted none of the conformity in which they settled for. And more than anything he wanted to have something for himself.
His parents were understanding in their own misguided way. They had decided that arguing would do more bad than good and so had sent him to stay with a good old friend that lived in a place two cities away.
He had humored them for only the fact that he was sure they would make things much more difficult if he did not. So he went to the house and there he met Orochimaru.
He had found Orochimaru immediately fascinating. He had such big dreams and aspirations. Nothing like anything from home.
He had planned to only stay the night and then leave but he had stayed and never left. Orochimaru had found him promising and had taken him as his personal advisor. He listened to everything he said and trusted him with business deals that he would entrust to nobody else.
Everything was perfect. Four years ago everything changed however. In the form of one blue eyed blond. Naruto.
Kabuto could feel the smirk falling from his lips as anger coursed his veins. How dare he speak of Orochimaru that way! was all that was running through his brain. He grabbed the blond by the shoulder and pushed him against the wall. His fingers finding themselves on creamy skin and tightening.
In all the ten years that he had worked for Orochimaru, nobody had ever been allowed to speak to Orochimaru that way. They would have immediately been fired. But this-this stupid bitch could do it and Orochimaru didn't even care!
His hands tightened on the slender neck. He wished he could just-! But of course he couldn't. The blond squirmed in his grip and he had felt such satisfaction. He couldn't of course but he could drag it on.
Those pretty blue eyes that hypnotized Orochimaru were a mix of fear and anger, and tears of pain. Such emotions.
The tramp! Seducing Orochimaru! He deserved all the pain he had coming for him!
The words slipped his over his lips venomously, "You listen to me you dirty little whore." his grip tightening and the blond thrashed wonderfully against him. His delicate pink lips moving as if in supplication.
He felt a vague sense of satisfaction at the reaction but mostly anger at the thing he held in his grip as the vulgar words that had left those lips.
"I said listen to me!" his grip tightening once more. The blonde's thrashing becoming less vehement in this state.
"I have no idea why Orochimaru keeps a little street urchin like you any mind but you will address him respectfully in my presence or I will make sure that you will not live to regret this."
Those pretty blue eyes were so full of fear, his body shaking,. Pathetic. Ifhe had known it was going to be this easy to handle the blond he would have done it years ago.
He let his grip on the blond loosen until the blond fell to the floor gasping. At his feet like trash should be.
"Pathetic." He finally said aloud, his arrogance clearly getting the better of him. "Not that I expected better from a stupid pathetic little bitch."
He was still shaking. Kabuto observed turning satisfied that his words had finally taught the blond a lesson until-
It started off slow and low. Soft and low, it took a while for Kabuto to catch it.
Gradually it turned in a chuckle and then into full fledged laughter.
Naruto didn't like confrontations. In fact most of his life he'd never really had to raise a finger to fight someone. Sure he did it when necessary but usually he just avoided the problem.
Kabuto had for a while been up in his case and to tell the truth it had never been something that had truly annoyed him. It just bugged him, but he could forget it and push it away.
If he even felt a little more annoyed all he had to do was talk to Orochimaru. Flirt a bit and it drove Kabuto absolutely crazy. In fact it was the funniest shit ever.
Still, even though he and Kabuto hated each other mutually. Well one-sided hatred from one party and deep dislike from his side, they had never ever resorted to fighting.
Not once.
Today he did though. He had just been turning away to walk away and then Kabuto had grabbed him in a painful hold and had gripped his neck.
He couldn't breathe for a second.
And then fear had gripped him suddenly. He couldn't breathe and he never felt so much fear. He squirmed and clawed at the fingers desperately and all he could think in that second was, I can't breath…am I going to die…?
Never had he ever thought he could die. Not really. It was always just a passing thought.
But in that one second he had thought that Kabuto would just continue to squeeze and he'd die. Kabuto was talking but he couldn't really hear his words. When he shook him all he could hear was this static in his ear, he nodded to clear it away.
And then he fell to the floor and he could breathe again.
Breathe again….he hadn't wanted to breathe after he had called and….suddenly Naruto was laughing. It was just so funny…so fucking funny. Everything was going so wrong. Nothing was funny.
He stopped laughing.
Nothing was funny. Not really.
He smiled at Kabuto. He could tell it was unsettling him. He stood up slowly. He was still smiling, he could feel his lips hitching up.
"Thank you." Naruto finally said with that same smile. And then he drew back his fist and punched Kabuto squarely in the face.
A.N: Sorry if this chapter was a tad bit confusing. I was having a hard time making the whole chapter flow. But I did my best if that counts for anthing.