A/N well I was bored of reading fanfics so I just thought, hey I'll write one instead!
This is a couple of oneshots concerning MayxDrew and AshxMisty. Hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and/or any of its characters (god I wishevil smirk)
On a Moonlit Night
'And do you, Misty Waterflower, take this man to be your husband?'
Misty grinned through her veil at the man standing beside her. 'I do.'
'Then I pronounce you man and wife,' announced the priest satisfactorily, snapping his Bible shut.
Misty turned to the man next to her and felt him lift her veil. She saw him leaning closer, with his untameable raven-black hair and dark, soft eyes. She closed her eyes and leaned in...
'Pika!' came a cry from the distance, snapping Misty rudely awake. She turned over to see where it had come from and saw Ash standing up and rolling up his sleeping bag. She checked her watch – it was two in the morning, what did he think he was doing?
Misty was about to get up when suddenly she heard Ash speak.
'I know Pikachu, it hurts me too, but we have to do it,' his voice was shaking. 'We have to go. It hurts me more to stay...'
'Chuuu...' remarked Pikachu sadly, climbing onto his master's shoulder. Ash sighed, turned and began walking towards Misty's sleeping bag. She quickly pretended to be asleep.
'Goodbye Misty. I'll miss you,' she heard Ash say, and then she felt a teardrop hit her face. She almost sat up but caught herself quickly. She had to be sneaky in order to find out what he was up to. She felt something light and small being placed in her hand, and then a soft touch on her forehead. Had that been Ash kissing her?
She heard a swish of clothes and suddenly there was silence. Ash had left.
Quickly and quietly, so as not to wake Brock, Misty opened her eyes to see what Ash had given her. It was her handkerchief she had given him so long ago, so he'd never forget her...and there was a note inside it. She opened the note and read it quickly.
I have to leave. I just want you to know that I don't want to go...but I have to...it hurts too much to stay. Please forgive me. Don't follow.
Love Ash.
Misty scrunched the note in her hand. Tears dripped down her cheeks into the dusty ground they had camped on. She couldn't let him go. He meant too much to her. She got up and tiptoed past Brock, who was muttering something about Nurse Joy, and stole out of the camp.
Ash wasn't exactly hard to track. His voice was easily audible reassuring Pikachu and he hadn't exactly been subtle with his footprints in the mud. Misty followed his voice and trail through the wood, to a place where the forest thinned out a bit, overlooking a lake, eventually stopping right behind him.
'Ash.' she said. It was a statement.
Ash whipped around so quickly his hat nearly fell off. 'M...Misty...what are you...I...I told you not to follow me!' he eventually stuttered, angrily.
'I don't care, Ash,' Misty replied, sitting resolutely down on a rock by the lakeshore. 'I'm not about to let my best friend walk away in the middle of the night with no explanation or reason for his disappearance. I might never see you again...' she trailed off.
Ash sighed and sat next to her. (A/N yep, moonlit night, lakeshore, boy and girl alone, fanfic classed under Romance...you get what's gonna happen ;))'I might not have told you, but there is a reason.' Ash reluctantly admitted.
'Then what is it? You can tell me, we've known each other for four years, ever since you started your journey.' Misty was curious as to why he wouldn't tell her.
Ash shook his head. 'I know I can tell you everything Misty, I just can't tell you this...you'd laugh...' his voice trailed off and a tear dropped from his face.
'Ash, don't cry,' Misty put a hand on his shoulder. He shivered slightly upon her touch, but didn't draw away. 'Come on, you can tell me.'
'No, no, I can't...' Ash stuttered, turning away from her to stare out across the lake.
'I won't laugh. I promise.' Misty stated. She meant it.
'You...promise? No matter what, you won't laugh at me?' Ash said hopefully, looking at her squarely.
'Cross my heart,' Misty replied.
'OK.' Ash took a deep, shuddering breath. 'Misty, I have to leave because...I can't stand to be around you anymore,' he blurted out.
Misty felt hurt by this remark. 'So you...don't want to be friends anymore?' she asked tentatively, scared of the answer.
'No, Misty, I can't be friends with you anymore. I need you but I can't have you...' Ash said, tears welling up again.
'You've got me. We're always travelling together...you're near me every second of every day...' Misty replied, genuinely confused.
'No, it's not that Misty. I need you...need your hair, your face, your eyes...your lips...' he mumbled, then blushed, realising what he had said, and turned away embarrassed.
Misty raised a hand to his cheek, and turned him to face her. His eyes were brimming with tears. 'They're all yours,' she replied fondly.
Ash looked at her, not quite understanding, then when this had been processed, he moved his head forward and pressed his lips against hers. She returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he pulled her in tighter, his hands on her waist, deepening the kiss.
Although it was only a few seconds, to the pair of lovers it felt like several glorious days before they broke apart. Ash looked at Misty, who looked at Ash, and said tentatively, 'So...does this mean you love me, Ash?'
'I've loved you for nearly four years, Misty.' he replied simply. 'I couldn't take being around you all the time, not knowing if you felt the same, since I knew you were just following me for your bike...'
Misty stopped him by putting a finger to his lips. 'Ash, I forgot about that bike ages ago.'
Ash was stunned. 'So why are you still following me?' he asked.
'Oh Ash, you are dense...it's because I love you too,' she replied, heart pounding.
Ash leaned in for another kiss. Misty looked at him for a split second before closing her eyes and granting it...his untameable raven-black hair, his dark, soft eyes...(A/N: heard this quote somewhere before? ;)) and then they were kissing, more vigorously than last time, and yet more tenderly as well.
When the kiss ended, Misty leaned on Ash's chest and snuggled into his jacket. 'The stars are beautiful tonight,' she whispered.
Ash agreed, resting his head on top of hers, and for an hour or two, there they lay, looking out across the lake.
'I guess we better get back to camp,' Misty sighed. 'You're not still leaving, are you?' she asked quickly.
'Now I have you?' Ash grinned. 'I'll never leave you behind again.'
Misty's heart leapt with those words and hand in hand, they walked back to the campsite. There they met Pikachu, who, once he saw that his owner wanted to talk privately, had scurried back to keep a watch on Brock, who was now mumbling about Officer Jenny.
'Well...goodnight, Ash...' Misty said, although the dawn was almost breaking on the horizon.
'Wait...Misty, will you sleep in my sleeping bag tonight?' Ash asked quickly, blushing.
'Of course I will,' Misty replied, snuggling up beside him and settling down. 'But I don't know what Brock's going to do when he finds us like this...'
'Throw a fit,' Ash replied, making Misty giggle. 'But when he asks, we'll tell him the truth-' Ash gently caressed Misty's face '- we're in love.'
Bit of a corny ending, I know...but this is my first fic so, please R&R!:)
This, as you probably guessed, is the oneshot concerning AshxMisty, the next chapter is totally unrelated and concerning DrewxMay. It's also a bit longer I think...sweatdrop
I don't like flames...don't mind constructive criticism though:P
Thanks for reading my fic!:D