A/N: And so, we have chapter five. Will we find out why Team Possible is in Quahog? Will we find out what happens when a mole rat drinks beer? Will we see Kim treat Ron's wounds?
A totally badical thank you goes out to CajunBear73, Pharoah Rutin Tutin, Warbird, UncleFester84, daywalkr82, and Olivia Tara Roth! You guys are freakin' sweet!
Ran's 3 R's still apply. Read, Review, Responce.
Kim Possible and those characters belong to Disney. Family Guy and those characters belong to Fox.
Possible Guy Chapter 5
"Hey Horus! Another beer over here! Its for our naked mole rat...thing!" Peter shouted over the crowds noise. The Drunken Clam had become lot busier lately, mostly due to the fact that Peter and his group of friends once held a stripping contest at the Clam. Cleveland won, but Peter got an honorable mention for his "Truffle Shuffle" dance. Even though it did cause a couple of people in the audience to lose an eye.
Horus grabbed a pitcher and a thimble and walked over to Peter's table. He liked Peter and his gang and considered them friends. They even pitched in to help him out when the chips were down. In fact, Peter even saved Horus' life once. Setting the pitcher and thimble down, he looked over at Rufus.
"Aren't those things suppose to be blind, living their entire lives underground in Africa? And wouldn't the alcohol of the beer totally trash his tiny liver? Ah, what the hell do I know?" Horus said and left the table. That comment earned him a strange look from Rufus before he decided to sit down at a small table that Brian had pulled out of his pocket and put before him. Peter then poured a drop of beer into the thimble and sat it on the table before Rufus.
"Huh, kinda odd that Horus would keep a thimble behind the bar," Joe said as he watched the bartender walk back behind the bar.
"Who cares?" Peter asked and then turned his attention to Rufus, who had just taken his first ever drink of beer. "Well, whatcha think little guy?"
Rufus chattered away and held up a thumbs up, letting the fat man know that he actually enjoyed it. Soon, all five of them where talking away like they were old friends.
Ron was sitting on his bed with his shirt off, while Kim was rubbing his chest with a towel that had been soaked in hydrogen peroxide. They needed to get the dirt and everything out of the gashes on his chest. Each time Kim touched the cloth to Ron's chest, he would let out a wince of pain. The last time Kim did it, however, Ron gave out a shudder, as if something was bothering him.
"Finally get used to the peroxide, Colonel Sanders?" Kim asked, jibing him a little bit.
"Actually, KP, I can't help but feel that somewhere, somehow, in another dimension, Sensei is talking to me through the evil Garden Gnome, and that's after we stopped an alien invasion," Ron stated.
"So not the end of the world, Ron," Kim jibbed and climbed onto the edge of the bed next to Ron, putting an arm around her BFBF and kissing him softly on the cheek. And then, like always when Kim and Ron were sharing a special moment, the Kimmunicator beeped in with his all to famous four tones. Kim pulled the device out of her pocket and tapped the answer button.
"Go Wade," Kim said. Here she was, trying to have a vacation with her BF and, strangely enough, school principle, and most def away from the villains.
"So, has Mr. Barkin told you exactly WHY you two are there yet?" Wade asked. It was getting close to time for everything to snap into place, and Wade couldn't afford to keep Kim and Ron in the dark.
"No," Ron said, "I thought this was suppose to be a vacation! As in spending time with my badical GF and school teacher for some reason! As in no whack freaks bent on stealing Christmas!"
"Hate to break this to you guys, but you're not actually on vacation. I'm surprised Mr. Barkin hasn't told you yet. Quahog Police have positively ID ed reports that Motor Ed and some guy named Stewie or Bertram or something have teamed up and are underground, planning a go for taking over the world." Wade said.
"Oh man, that so tanks!" Ron whined and flopped back onto his bed. Kim shot him a glared of daggers and went back to Wade.
"Any reason as to why they would want to strike here in Quahog?" Kim asked, biting her bottom lip and fearing she wouldn't like the answer.
"Home field advantage would be my guess. New Jersey isn't to far away from Rhode Island, and Quahog seems to be the hometown of whoever his partner is," Wade said, and then, after a few seconds of rapid fire typing, added, "I'll keep working on getting things set up for you and Ron, so keep yourselves handy. Um, you might also want to look into getting a third. As you know, Motor Ed can be a handful for just the two of you, and we don't know what this new guy is capable of."
"Keep us informed, Wade," Kim said as she closed her connection to Middleton. Just once she would like to have taken some time off from the freak fighting. Just ONCE! With a sigh, Kim flopped down beside Ron and took his hand into hers. "Seems like we just can't keep away from the villains."
After several hours at the Clam, everyone stumbled back into Joe's car and headed back towards the Griffin's house so that they could get Steve and the kids' stuff. On the way back, Peter and Brian, along with Rufus, passed out in the back seat. Peter had his back propped up against the rear passenger door. One leg was across the back seat, and the other was stretched out across the floor board. Brian was flat on his stomach, taking up the rest of the rear bench with his nose right in Peter's crotch. Rufus had taken up a position on Brian's back, laying on his own back. The three of them were snoozing away like a trio of drunken babies.
"It was surprisingly convenient that you and I were drinking non-alcoholic beer," Mr. Barkin said to his cousin. Steven had actually never gotten drunk in his life, and he wasn't about to start. Sure he may have had a drink or two at social gatherings, but nothing that would send him into the state that the three in the backseat currently were.
"Just count yourself lucky I have enough pull with Horus that I could pull it off. In the glove box you'll find a file folder of why your teens are here," Joe said, wishing not to waste any more time.
Steve opened up the glove box and pulled out the file folder. He started to flip through it, gathering up information so that he could help out Stoppable and Possible with the mission that their tech friend was no doubt, at this moment, telling them about. As he glanced over each document and turned to the next, there was something that caught his eye.
"Anything you want to tell me about?" Steve asked with a chuckle as he showed Joe a picture. It was a picture of Officer Swanson, in his wheel chair, dressed up like a escort girl from Mulon Rouge.
"No comment," Joe said. The rest of the ride was quiet while Steve read and Joe drove. Soon, they pulled into The Griffin's driveway, where Lois had piled up everything that belonged to the Middletonites out on the front porch per Mr. Barkin's request.
"Can you pop the trunk for me? It won't be to long," Steve said as he climbed out of the car. Joe killed the motor pulled out the key. He tapped a button on the remote that hung from his key chain, and the trunk popped open fully. He slid the key back into the ignition and brought the car to life again.
While Joe was doing that, Mr. Barkin opened up the back seat and a gigantic pile of drunk fell out onto a heap on the ground. Reaching in and fishing through the bodies, Steve pulled out Rufus and eased him into his pants pocket with his head sticking out so if the little critter were to wake up, he wouldn't harf all over the educator's pocket and ruin a brand new tube of lip balm.
Ten minutes and a few choice words later, the luggage was packed up and Officer Swanson was on the road again, taking his cousin to the hotel that the PD had provided for his cousin and Team Possible.
"So, do you know exactly who Edward Lipski has teamed up with?" Mr. Barkin asked.
"Unfortunately, no. What we do know is that his partner is very young, very evil, and has been known to hang out on villain forums," Joe said.
"Does seem like your giving us a whole lot to work with here, Joe," Steve pointed out.
"Sorry Steve, but sometimes those are the breaks. I'm glad that my extra pull around the department due to my eighteen medals for heroic acts was able to convince Mayor West that we need Team Possible and one highly trained Ranger to take this on. I seriously doubt that our boys could have taken care of what needs to be taken care of."
Joe pulled into the car into the drop off of the hotel, where a bell hop instantly sprung out of nowhere, eager to great the new arrivals. "Good evening sirs! Can I take your luggage for you?"
Fifteen minutes and a few choice words later, the luggage was piled onto one of those things that you see bell hops push around that are used to carry luggage. Joe and Steve exchanged good-byes and see you in the mornings before Steve went inside the hotel.
"I'll load this stuff up on the service elevator and wait for you, sir!" the bell hop exclaimed. Steve nodded and went over to the front desk and gathered up his keys. He had one for each room, that way he could check in on the teens the school had officially put into his care. The gruff ex, well, maybe not so ex, military man soon joined the young hotel employee on the elevator and they road quietly up to the sixth floor.
When the doors opened, the bell hop followed the older man down the hall and stopped when he stopped. 'This guy is cute,' the bell hop thought as he watched Steve open up the door to his room and started throwing his own luggage in. 'So muscular and strong. I bet he's just full of things that you could stay up all night talking about.' The young man grinned to himself while he kept checking out the hotel guest that had just heaved a duffel bag into his room.
Steve, having only the duffel bag and an over night bag full of toiletries, which he just flung into his room, walked over to Stoppable's room, and slid the key in. He opened up the door and half expected Ron to either be asleep or playing some game on his whatever you call it game player. What he saw was NOT what he expected.
A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUN! Well, it seems like those Team Possible kids are in another mess o' hot water.Ya'll be sure to stay tuned to see how they get outta that sitch. And ifin ya havn't done it all ready, be sure to swing on by the Poll Vault in the forums section and cast your vote for whatever poll happens to be up and runnin.