Ok, so I wrote my first Yugioh fic...it seto/joey. Ummm...I'm not very well versed in Yugioh, so sorry if the characters seem OCC, not on purpose. Shoot me some reviews...

Disclaimer: Don't own Yugioh, just this story...

Joey Wheeler stood in front of his mirror, tiredly going over his appearance. His hair was practically standing on end, and the bags under his eyes screamed for more rest. Sleep had remained elusive for the majority of the night; butterflies clogged his stomach, anxiety constantly intervening before he could contentedly shut his eyes.

It was his birthday today, the day he finally turned eighteen. Today he would be paraded about, shown off at a corporate function under the guise of his name day. Today his late grandfather's will legally affected him; he was to inherit the family business. God, he felt sick.

Joey's situation was a unique one, his mother having come from a high-class family, owners of the illustrious Jounouchi Corp., and his father from the streets of America. He liked to think that it gave him a levelheaded approach to life. He had gone through a lot of different circumstances to keep from having to deal with the many social strata strictures placed upon public figures. Ever since he was ten, he had cultivated a second identity, Jounouchi Katsuya; sole heir to the Jounouchi Corp. All in all, it was an elaborate dodge to protect him from any media flak. Jounouchi was his mother's maiden name, and Wheeler his father's surname. He went through a myriad of the best tutors in every subject from math to political organization to cultural interactions. 'Jounouchi Katsuya' was a veritable genius, maybe not as smart as Kaiba, but sure as hell smarter than everyone else!

The only thing that kept Joey Wheeler sane was his school life, eight hours of being himself, without a care in the world. He was years ahead of his classes, so it hardly took any thought to pull off an 'A', and he didn't even need to do that. Joey Wheeler was from the streets, and he wasn't all that bright. Most of that was an act, but he really could be too naïve for his own good.

Even with his 'secret identity', Joey hadn't managed to stay out of the spot light completely. His other self had to start mingling with the top businesses in the region…and many from other countries. Jounouchi Corp was holding a 'Ceremonial Dinner' to celebrate his official entrance to the company. Every high-level business shark and CEO would be there. Which meant Kaiba. That cold-hearted jerk was the only weak point in his elaborate scheme to avoid discovery, the only chance that his normal life could go down the drain. 'Moneybags' was in both of his two worlds, normal and business. Given Kaiba Corps influence and power, it was inevitable that there would be dealings between the two teen CEOs.

Jounouchi Corp was an eclectic business, specializing in any area from military weapons to textiles. It was definitely a major power in construction and real estate. Due to Kaiba Corp's evident desire to expand, it was only a matter of time before something emerged.

Joey gave another tired sigh as he slipped into his uniform, absently scrubbing his hand through his hair. It didn't matter if it looked like he just got out of bed, he didn't need to look classy…yet. He grabbed a banana as he head to his 'basement'. It was really an intricate private subway, or underground monorail, that ran between the Jounouchi family mansion, his 'front' house that he lived in during the week/invited friend to, and a few other select stops. Many a fancy dollar had gone into renovating the old escape tunnel from the Jounouchi mansion, but it was a well appreciated luxury. Its existence was hidden from nearly everyone outside of his family. Sure as hell was a pain to build.

The door to the subway car slid open with a hiss, and Joey headed over to the simplified controls. The control panel was arranged like that of an elevator; a 'Close Door', 'Open Door', the various stops, and the numerous emergency buttons. Pressing the button for his second living quarters, identified by a simple picture of a house, he sat down, waiting to reach his destination.

Minutes flew by as he silently headed towards his stop, movement indicated by the lights outside his window. The car slid to a stop, and a loud 'ping' indicated the door opening. He gathered his things and headed up. Joey climbed the stairs out of the basement. He almost didn't want to go to school today. Melancholy diffused his being, and he knew people would catch on. Damn Kaiba, he'd probably make an ass of himself. A brief flash of heat rippled through his body, before he unconsciously stamped it down. Even thinking about Kaiba got a rise out of him! After today, he'd have to spend even more time with him! Damn, and damn again!

Yugi Mouto loudly banged on the door. "Joey, get up! We're gonna be late!" He could have sworn that Joey purposefully made himself late every so often…and took pains to be one of the last ones in the classroom! As predicted, he heard a large crash, followed by a "Hehehe…Hey Yug'! I'm gonna be a little late today! Why don't ya' go a head of me?"

Heaving an exasperated sigh, Yugi replied, "Sure Joey, see you in a bit! And Happy Birthday!" Adjusting the straps on his book bag, Yugi headed back down the stairs, wondering what sort of nonsense Joey could come up with as he got to school exactly as the bell rang…

Joey turned away from the window he was looking out of, absently noting that he had twenty minutes to walk to school. It took fifteen to get there…so he'd leave in five minutes or so. He took out the homework he had done the night before; going over it to make sure he didn't get higher than 75. Having already had formal college education really helped make school easier…especially when it wasn't going to count anyway.

Briefly looking at his wristwatch, he noted the time. Finishing what he was doing, Joey messily stuffed everything into his backpack. He headed out the door; already contemplating what he should tell the teacher for being late…does anyone know that he doesn't actually own a water buffalo?

Kaiba sat in his desk, alone in the classroom. The silence was only broken by the steady 'click' emanating from his laptop. He had been working on a new program for Kaiba Corp, and had run into a problem with the execution of the game…one of the commands was countermanding the end result, throwing everything into a tail spin. Kaiba had been at it for an hour now.

Any second, adolescents would pour into the classrooms, mayhem following in their wake. Teachers would clamor for their attention, demanding order while adding to the chaos with their own bleating noises. They were like barnyard animals; untamed, unruly, and not worth his time. He was only here so he could fulfill the court requirements to remain Mokuba's legal guardian. Kaiba only needed to finish out his senior year; it didn't matter that he could have passed all of the tests and finals the day he entered the school. No, he had to go through the four-year process like all the other blathering idiots.

There had only been one reprieve from all the annoyances from the world-that was dueling. Even with Yugi Mouto throwing his life into uncertainty, it had been worth pursuing; there was a challenge, a goal that he had had to work for. Now, dueling had taken a backseat in his life. He needed to focus on what he needed to do, where he wanted Kaiba Corp to go.

Kaiba Corp was still largely a gaming company, and Kaiba wanted a monopoly on many more markets. If he wanted to do that, he would have to merge with, or takeover, another company. The only prospect worthy of a merger would be that Jounouchi Corp; they had their fingers in almost every market, and were of a level with Kaiba Corp when it came to power and money. In fact, he had a soiree that he needed to attend, some sort of coming out for the enigmatic new CEO of said company. Rumor had it that the CEO was younger than he was, only recently turning eighteen.

Some sort of disturbance interrupted his train of thought, and he brought his eyes to the window. It was Mouto, yapping with his other 'friends'. Where was the mutt? A cold smile unconsciously flickered across his face. Joey Wheeler was an annoyance he took a strange pleasure in bringing down. Irrational emotion lanced through him at the thought of the mutt.

It was always the same. Kaiba would insult the mutt and his brain-dead friends, and the mutt would retaliate. Kaiba always saw the happy light in his eyes darken, changing to anger and other emotions…a strange smoldering that never ceased to excite the teen CEO. He always won, and the eyes would turn away, but, while satisfying, left him strangely wanting. Usually, Kaiba could tell a worthy opponent at a distance, and when he first saw the mutt, that is exactly what he thought that the dog was. But he was wrong, and it infuriated him! He was never wrong! Obviously, though, the mutt was below him…yet, whenever he won, Kaiba couldn't help but feel that the mutt was holding something back…that those eyes held a secret that would set everything in place.

And Kaiba hated him for it.

A shrill bell pierced the air, and had Kaiba been a normal person, the shock would have made him jump. As THE Seto Kaiba, he merely cut his gaze back to his computer; fiercely rejecting whatever strange feelings his thoughts left in the pit of his stomach.

The so-called educator entered the classroom, signaling the end of his sanctuary. His laptop went back into its case as Kaiba disinterestedly took in his 'fellow' classmates. The mutt wasn't there, big surprise. Probably overslept in whatever hovel he could find for the night. Pathetic.

He would probably be here in precisely seven minutes. Not that Kaiba cared.

Joey slowly meandered across the street, dawdling on his way to school. He had two minutes before he needed to start running. He couldn't show up late and claim to have been chased by the family echidna if he wasn't all red in the face, now could he? He had decided against the water buffalo, most everyone knew that you couldn't keep a water buffalo in a house like Joey's…or at least the house that they thought Joey had…

He even had a few punctures on his jacket where the echidna had supposedly gotten a hold of him. No one would believe him, and he wouldn't get detentions, they'd call his house and someone would confirm the enraged echidna story. Animal control might show up though…

Breaking into a full out sprint, Joey sped to the school. He could feel his legs start to tense and his lungs start to burn just as he burst into the building. Making a great deal more noise than necessary, Joey blundered into his class exactly seven minutes after the bell rang…he bet that no one knew he got there at the exact same time every Monday, wasn't he clever?

Clumsily making his way to his seat, he sheepishly turned to the teacher. "Sorry I'm late 'teach! I have this echidna, see? And I must have forgot to get Roark, that's his name, his favorite potato chip and cockroach casserole for dinner last night, and he totally went ballistic!" Joey held up a punctured sleeve, and gestured to it wildly. "See! It even took a bit of my clothes! I would never have saved it from that carnivorous monkey in the West Indies if I had known it would be so picky!"

Ms. Yoroi jumped at the loud noise that clanged through her classroom. She wasn't going to be angry, she wasn't! She would remain calm and in control of the situation…no matter how ridiculous the boy's excuse was. An echidna!?! Ms. Yoroi quickly felt her resolve melt away, her face turning a brilliant shade of red. "Joey, that is the most ridiculous excuse yet! I know for a fact that you could never have an echidna! First, they don't eat potato chips; second, they only live in Australia! I have half a mind to give you detention for the rest of your school year! It's only November and you've already managed to rack up enough detention for any sane person!"

Joey raised his hands in a placating gesture, "Come on 'teach! I'm tellin' the truth! Ask my grandma, she'll back me up! Give her a call, I swear it's true!"

Ms. Naoko Yoroi never lost her cool, but Joey had managed to blow it all to hell, yet again. She took a long, deep, calming breath. "All right Joey. I will call your grandmother. But I swear, you turn up late again, and I will give you a week's worth of detention. As it is, I will think of another way for you to make recompense for your tardiness. If your grandmother does not support your ridiculous story, you will find yourself here after school until winter break, am I understood!"

Joey muttered a noncommittal "yes, ma'am," and took his seat. Ms. Yoroi turned to her whiteboard and started her lesson. "Class, if you'll turn to page 231, you'll find the formula for the quadratic equation. As you know it is mostly used for…" The teacher's voice droned on and on, really, she could talk a stone to tears.

Joey looked out at the clouds that had started to form, a ray happiness spiked through him. It just might rain today! He loved the rain, everything always seemed so right. The cool drops calming him, the rhythmic noises relaxing every worry away. A soft, almost ethereal, light reflecting off every water-slicked surface, chasing away any harsh shadows, enveloping the world in a quiet hush. It was always so entrancing, even thinking about it had spirited Joey away, into another realm of thought.

"…and that class, is how you mathematically determine the circumfrance of every fifth tomato you will ever buy in the next fifty years. Joey! Are you paying attention? Solve the equation on the board. I assume that you know so much more than the rest of the class, really, your D is quite impressive. Are you listening! Solve this problem right now!" Joey groaned, turning his head to the front of the class with pain similar to ripping duct tape off his head. Absently taking in the problem, he answered without thinking. "Seven."

His words seemed to echo in his head, and everything slowed down and sped up at the same time. He saw the teacher's face slowly freeze in astonishment, as the laughter of his peers wrapped around his mind. Horrible scenarios raced through his head. Friends abandoning him, people mocking him, failing and losing his business-his worst fears breaking free from his subconscious. He immediately slammed his head into the table.

Kaiba glared at the mutt, he looked so peaceful. You would think that the amount of stains littering his permanent record would worry the mongrel, but no. There he sits, not even paying attention to the teacher. Lord knows he couldn't count high enough to buy candy…

Seto reluctantly turned his attention to the board, once again ignoring the strange feelings in his gut. He scanned the board, the teacher had written down some 'difficult', supposedly college-level equation. It wasn't that difficult, a simple fifty-step problem. Hmph, stupid wastes of skin. He was surrounded by inferiority!

Apparently, the incompetent excuse for a teacher had finally noticed that Joey had taken a one-way trip to some fantasy world. Said teacher drew herself up, her face once again red with anger and outrage. She spouted some nonsense drivel, and demanded that the mutt actually solve the problem! This is going to be interesting. First echidnas, what next?

"Seven." Kaiba's eyes widened marginally, showing the depth of his surprise. The students howled with laughter, obviously think that the mutt had said a random number, and found it hilarious. He watched with distinct satisfaction as Ms. Yoroi awkwardly swallowed whatever cutting remark she was going to say, her face a mask of surprise.

He cut his gaze to the mutt, intensity blazing in his eyes. Arrogance surged through him, he knew that there was more to the mutt, there had to be! Suppressing the emotion was difficult, but he got it under control. Seto analyzed the mutt, looking for something that would confirm his theory that Wheeler was a sham, that there was some intelligence behind those…mesmerizing…eyes. Why the hell did he care?!? No he didn't, Kaiba just wanted to see how Wheeler measured up to him…that was all. Wheeler was hiding something from him, and Kaiba had the resources to uncover any intimate detail about his puppy.

Soo...there it is. Again, bomb me somethin', 'kay? Feel free to flame...and other stuff