It's been a year and a half since Taylor and Jackson have been dating and Melissa hasn't gotten over it. Jackson has been trying to resume his friendship with Melissa but she refuses to talk to him.

Will Melissa ever get over the fact that Jackson choose Taylor? And why does Jackson want Melissa back in his life so bad? He's got Taylor right? (review, review, review and you will find out!)

Plus… the F29Down gang are spending they're last few months at Hartwell High and they're excited about their Prom and Graduation that's coming up.

(P.S.) this is my very first fanfic!


Chapter 1 - Just Another Day

It was just a another Friday morning at Hartwell High. Nathan, Daley, Eric and Abby were standing around having they're usual conversations near Nathan's locker before class started. Melissa had just arrived and spotted her friends down the hall talking and laughing. As she was walking to meet her friends she noticed Jackson and Taylor standing the wall talking, smiling at her each other and holding hands. Melissa rolled her eyes and stormed off before they could see her and headed towards her friends and her locker which was next to Nathan's locker.

"Hey, morning guys." Melissa said greeting her friends and opening her locker.

"Oh, hey Mel." said Daley. "Morning Mel, how are you doing?" Asked Nathan.

"Good, so far." Melissa replied back. "You?" She asked.

"Mr. Lang has been giving us Math quizzes all week and I've failed every one." Nathan blurted out.

"Why don't get Melissa to tutor you? She's the only math whiz here." Eric suggested.

"Um, yeah I've tried helping him before." Melissa said. "But he just kept falling asleep on me every time."

Eric, Abby and Daley laughed.

Nathan began. "Look if I don't pass the exam coming up, I'm not going to be able to graduate."

"Hey, maybe Lex can help you." Said Daley.

Their conversation was interrupted when the morning announcement came on:

"Good morning, Hartwell students. Happy Fridayyyy! This is you principal Mr. Waller speaking it is now 8:20am which means you all have five minutes to get to class. Just a reminder Prom is less then four weeks away and for those of you who haven't purchased your tickets yet please do so ASAP. Next Wednesday will the last day to purchase them. You can purchase them at lunch or after school at the student council office. You DO NOT want to miss this special occasion. Thank you all and have a great day."

"Whoo! Prom! Oh man I'm so excited." Eric said.

"Your going to the prom? With who?" Daley asked Eric.

"I'm going with Abby". Eric replied pointing at Abby. " Really?" asked Melissa.

"Uh-huh." Abby nodded.

Melissa, Nathan, and Daley all looked at each other surprised then looked at Abby and Eric.

"It's not what you think guys." Abby scolded. "Eric and I aren't dating."

"Ah, okay. Anyway, um we've gotta get to class." Nathan said.

The others agreed. "See ya guys at lunch." Melissa said waving bye to her friends.

" Yeah, see ya, Mel." They said.

"Hey, Nathan." Daley grabbed Nathan by the hand. "Don't worry, you'll pass the math exam."

She said smiling then planting a kiss smack on Nathan's lips. "I promise."

"See you later." Daley said then walked away. Nathan smiled as he watched his girlfriend head for class.

Melissa dreaded first period class which was History. Not only was the class boring but she shared the same class with the one and only guy she has ever had feelings for. JACKSON. She and Jackson sat next to each other in class too, which made it hard for her to concentrate during class.

Melissa walked in the class room to her desk. She saw Jackson already sitting at his desk chatting away with a guy sitting behind him. She tired not to make noise when she placed her books on her desk. Melissa didn't want to interrupt the conversation Jackson was having with the guy cause she really didn't want Jackson to start talking to her. But Jackson had already noticed she was there and turned his head around and looked at her.

"Hi." Jackson said forcing a smile on his face.

Melissa sat down, gave Jackson a brief look and returned a "hi" back to him. That was it. That was the only conversation Jackson and Melissa had for the past year or so... only "hi" and "bye"

conversations, ever since Jackson told Melissa that he and Taylor were dating. Melissa 'thought' she and Jackson were becoming more then just friends when they both along with their friends who were stranded on an island two years ago when their plane crashed going on a class trip.

Luckily, Melissa, Jackson, Taylor, Nathan, Abby, Eric, Daley, Daley's little step brother Lex, two other class and the Captain of the plane all survived, were rescued and retured home to L.A. a month later.

With Jackson dating Taylor. Melissa ended her friendship with Jackson but, Jackson still wanted to be friends with her. He knew Melissa would be mad about the whole situation at first and he didn't think she would still be mad after all this time. Jackson still cared about Melissa and he wasn't gonna give up on her. He had a feeling that he and Melissa would become friends again someday or maybe even more then friends.

J hmm, ok that was the end of chapter 1. Please review and tell me want you liked about it or didn't like about it. Soon as I get some reviews I will post the next chapter!