Chapter 11

Both 'new legionnaires' awoke to the sound of knocking

"C'MON, WAKE UP!" Lightning Lad yelled

"Go awaaaay," Roxy groaned hiding her head under the pillow

"...Wait...who's in there?!" Lightning Lad growled

"Who the hell do you think, Ego lad now SCAT!" Roxy growled as he gaped at the door

"Listen Princess; we got rules here, no fraternising with fellow legionnaires" Lightning Lad fumed

"So... egotistical AND needs to get laid, dude... GO AWAY!" Roxy yelled throwing a pillow at the door

"Roooxxxyyyy" Brainy groaned opening one eye

"C'mon dude, wakey-wakey time," she sighed then stood up; he opened both optics and grinned at what she was wearing. A pair of black pyjama bottoms that looked kinda furry, and a button up purple shirt, her hair was a mess but that didn't really bother him.

"YOU TWO, OUT HERE NOW!" Lightning Lad yelled. Roxy growled then turned into her Zorainian form then opened the door in blind rage

"SHUT UP YOU PATHETIC WASTE OF SPACE BEFORE I TOAST YOUR ASS!" she yelled angrily as he yelped and jumped back away from her fury as the door slammed back shut.

"Roxy?" Brainy asked quietly as he stood up

"Hmm?" she responded

"...Last night you said something..." he started as she froze "d-did you mean it?" he asked uncertainly

"W-w-well... I um... don't remember, hey we should get out of this room it's a little stuffy in here isn't it?" she asked trying to change the subject

"Roxy..." he frowned

"Ok-ok... yes," she mumbled almost inaudibly as she turned her back on him, but he caught it and smirked

"For how long?" he asked

"What does it matter, not like you care," she then teleported back to her room as he frowned... 'She thinks I don't care!' he thought shocked. He got changed into a new outfit then ran out the room turning battle mode to gain more distance whilst running; ignoring most of the glares along the way.

"Roxy?!" he banged on the door as she sat on her bed depressed

"Go away," she replied

"Roooxxxyyyy," he groaned then tried to force the door open...but it wasn't budging "I do care, please let me in," he sighed knocking on the door again. After a few minutes of knocking the Coluan was loosing hope, he was just about to leave when she opened the door slightly

"What?" she asked quietly

"I know as a Zorainian, you should never fall in love with a Coluan... and as a Coluan I should never fall in love with a Zorainian..." he spoke

"What are you saying?" she asked frowning

"...I broke a Coluan rule... something that's hardwired into our systems when we are created... something that is impossible for a Coluan," he gulped

"What?" she asked

"...I fell in... I fell in love," he mumbled "with you," he looked at her with a look of mixed hope and fear.

"...You love me?" she asked shocked and he nodded turning back into his normal form. She moved closer to him then wrapped her arms around him in a hug, which he happily returned.

"How long then?" he asked smirking

"Umm... around about... since you danced with me on my birthday," she smiled as he smiled softly "You?" she asked

"I started to get feelings I could not explain...during the equinox on Nanguala" he smiled

"Wow..." she smiled. All of a sudden, things started to go downhill... with a small groan she collapsed into his arms.

"Roxy?!" he gasped then picked her up and took her straight to the infirmary where Vi was working on something.

"What happened?" Vi asked frowning

"She just fainted... now I can run a diagnosis on my own so, don't get in my way," Brainy glared then placed Roxy on the table

"Hey!" Vi growled "i'm here to help!"

"Well I don't need it!" he growled then ran scans on Roxy "where is Saturn girl?" he asked and Vi hailed the telepath through their comm link ups as Brainy frowned 'maybe I should invent something easier to carry around' he thought frowning (flight ring ;-)) then sighed in relief as Saturn girl walked in.

"How can I help?" she asked calmly

"I require your assistance in reaching Roxy's mind, I need to discover what's making her ill," he explained as she nodded then scanned Roxy's mind.

"...It appears the power she used during her attack on the Coluan army...drained her energy..." Saturn girl explained

"...Oh no-no-no-no-no," Brainy mumbled then started giving out orders "Shrinking violet I need every legionnaire you can find and I need them NOW! Saturn Girl, I need you to top up Roxy's mental abilities ASAP," he ordered as they both looked at him strangely "I SAID NOW, draining her energy is KILLING her; without her powers she'll die!" he panicked, the two girls nodded instantly and got to work. Within an hour the Legionnaires needed were there in the main hall as Brainy set up a power grid, unlike a normal every day power grid, this one was actually a grid that attracted each of the legionnaire's abilities, magnified them then allowed the Zorainian Princess to absorb them.

"You sure this won't kill her?" Lightning Lad asked

"It'll kill her if you don't!" Brainy growled then turned it on "everyone, on my mark; fire your powers directly at her" he instructed hoping it would work. "NOW!" he ordered as they all simultaneously fired; Fire, water, electricity, wind, ice, rock, psychic, ghostly, morphing, all of the powers she had, fired straight at her. Brainy watched with a smug grin as the powers stopped just short of her and travelled round in an odd pattern (like the one on jimmy neutron...kinda), the powers turned into lights, which in turn became brighter and bigger as they magnified then shot into the unconscious girl as her eyes shot open, glowing bright lilac. Above her a bright light appeared as everyone just stared shocked...even Brainy hadn't expected this.

"Who goes by the name of Querl Dox?" the light spoke as Vi pushed Brainy slightly, making him known to the light "ah... a Coluan I see," it spoke kindly

"...Who are you?" Lightning Lad asked

"I am Queen Narrissa...deceased Queen of Nanguala, and Roxanne's mother," it spoke as the light turned into a figure of a woman dressed in a long beautiful light lilac gown with a light blue cloak over it. On the gown was embroided Zorainian designs in golden cotton.

"Ooh..." Brainy gulped then tried to hide behind a pole

"Do not fret young one, i'm not here to curse you or harm you in any way..." she smiled softly

"Then what are you here for your majesty?" Saturn Girl asked as Narrissa smiled at her

"I am thank this young boy." She spoke kindly as Brainy poked his head around the pole, to face her curiously "You saved my child... even though you are a Coluan... you fought against your own kind to protect and save her... in my books, that's a cause for a thank you..." she bowed her head slightly

"...You're welcome," Brainy smiled as he walked out into full the pole would protect him anyway.

"You shall always be welcome on Nanguala... also... you have my blessing," she winked as he visibly blushed

"T-thanks," he smiled sheepishly

"Now, I see everything is in order...once I go, Roxanne will awaken... I thank all of you for helping...but seriously kid" she turned to Lightning Lad "lay of with the stupid rules concerning the love-birds, like the rooms for a starter, STUPID idea... change em, or I smite you," she smirked as the others snickered, she laughed lightly then smiled at Brainy "goodbye Querl Dox... take care of each other...she needs you more than she'll I really must dash, MR high and Mighty is being a pain in the butt," she smirked

"...Who?" Vi asked

"...My dad, seya!" she laughed then disappeared as the Legionnaires frowned

"...Was she calm...or...hyper?" one of the triplicates –the white one- asked frowning

"I believe...a bit of both," the purple one smirked

"Heh...Roxy's also a bit of daughter like mother," Brainy smiled to himself as Roxy groaned. He walked closer to her quickly then picked her up bridal style "if anyone needs me, i'll be in Roxy's room...making sure she rests," he nodded his head briefly then carried Roxy out of the room.

"...Those two weird me out," Triplicate Girl frowned

"Eh, you'll get used to Roxy, 'Brainy' on the other hand...I think he's more relaxed around Roxy... but, he'll take time to adjust," Phantom Girl shrugged

"How do you know Roxy?" Saturn girl asked curiously

"I met her during a planetary meeting... Mariza brought her along while my mother brought me... we've known each other since we were five... she never changed her attitude that's for sure," Phantom Girl grinned childishly


"Roxy?" Brainy spoke softly

"Mmm, hey," she mumbled opening her eyes

"Thank god you're ok," he sighed and hugged her as she smiled and hugged back

"Thank you Brainy..." she sighed then pulled away " did you know what was happening?" she asked curiously

"It was Coluan the princess survived her 'still birth'... the armies were preparing themselves to make you use your powers to their fullest extent, therefore...taking down Nanguala's last line of defence... so I knew your powers had drained; and we're sitting in a building filled with powered up teens... all I had to do was siphon their powers slightly then allow you to absorb them." He explained as she smiled

"Brainy," she spoke


"Be quiet, my wonderful Bodyguard" she grinned then kissed him shutting him up completely.


Ehem...yeah, it's over, they got together –oh joy- and now I shall hide from all the bricks and stones and sticks and other random projectiles –hides-