The reason I have taken so long to update this fic is because I don't know very well how to write in this genre. I feel like I am oversimplifying situations that are much more full of actions and dialogue. Oh well, I'll worry about that for the next chapter again. So as an apology, I brought Bourne into the story much faster than I had anticipated.
Nicky's surprised gasp seemed to vibrate the tiny room's very structure. She didn't bother closing the drawer as she immediately headed towards the single closet by the door where she kept her backpack ready. It didn't hold much but the most vital of supplies she would need to restart her life somewhere else. A fake passport, enough money to last her a month, other fake documents with an identity she had never used before as well as other necessary objects. It was a habit she had picked up from Bourne during their few days spent together on their way to Tangiers. Even in the dark, she jerkily slipped her shoes back on and quickly ran towards the balcony, her heartbeat already becoming a painful strain in her chest.
Early on, she had noticed that she could easily slip into the unoccupied apartment next to hers thanks to the adjoining balconies. Before Nicky could even swing one leg over the railing, she was already being pulled back and she realized too late she had taken too much time. Immediately she began struggling, knowing deep down its futility. Trying with all her strength but in vain to hit any part of her attacker's body like she had been taught, she kicked, she screamed, she even tried biting. But nothing she did could lessen the vice-like grip that held her pinned.
All of Nicky's fight vanished as she stiffened at his voice. As ridiculous as it sounded to her at the moment, a part of her cherished the fact that he was holding her even if it wasn't in normal circumstances. She hadn't felt his heat and strength in so long, Nicky had been afraid of forgetting his touch. How pathetic of her, she thought to herself bitterly. Years later and one of the first things that comes to mind is how she's missed him.
"Bourneā¦?" Nicky finally said weakly, her voice breathless from fear and relief. Dropping her arms she waited patiently for Bourne to distance himself from her. But he didn't. Immediately he took hold of her right arm and forced her back into the apartment in a sense of urgency. She started at him wide-eyed in the dark as they stood facing each other. It felt like an hour had gone by in complete and utter shock before she realized in what situation they were.
"We have to go now, there's someone-".
"I told you to keep moving." Bourne interrupted harshly. His words sounded oddly like a silent accusation. His hard blue eyes never left her features but his alertness was bouncing off of her like waves.
Confusion stopped Nicky from making a response but she did notice his disheveled look.
"I don't understand," she muttered more to herself than to him.
As if to explain, he silently pulled out her gun from his back and threw it gracelessly unto her small bed. And suddenly she pieced the facts together. Someone had been waiting for her in her apartment, someone who would have easily killed her since he had found her gun. But Jason Bourne had taken care of things.
"We need to move." And just like that, Bourne was back in her life. His intense presence was already wreaking havoc on her sanity as she struggled to come to terms with how things have changed so quickly. Only this morning everything was still relatively stable. And now Bourne was standing rigidly by her front door waiting for her to follow him into the night with people out there out to kill them. That last thought numbed Nicky's insides.
Obediently she followed him out of her apartment, down the stairs and towards the back door to the alley behind. She followed in silence not risking making a noise when she didn't know what was happening. The fear coursing through her veins didn't lessen as she followed one of the greatest assassins towards an unknown destination.
Finally he stopped and with a motion of his hand told her to stay where she was. Calmly, he walked casually and smoothly up to a small Fiat car and within seconds was in the passenger seat trying to get the engine started. Nicky knew that it wouldn't be a problem and soon enough the car was driving towards her.
Without hesitation she got into the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. Bourne wasn't driving above the speed limit which relaxed some of the tension from Nicky's stomach. If he wasn't in a hurry then they weren't being chased right now.
But the tension in Bourne's body never lessened. Silently from the corner of her eye she watched his white knuckles handling the stick thinking that at any instant he would somewhat relax his hold. Nicky knew better than anyone that Bourne rarely had a moment's peace but if there was no immediate danger than there was no need for wasted energy by being on edge.
A part of her wanted to ask him questions on what was happening but the other part, the more afraid part refused to acknowledge the new dangerous situation. Maybe it was the shock or maybe it was Bourne's presence, she just didn't want to contemplate it.
An hour had passed by without a single word passing between them. It might have been the shock but Nicky glanced at Bourne's intent face and didn't look away. After a while the streetlights confirmed her original suspicions.
"You are bleeding." It was a simple observation delivered in a calm and efficient manner, one in which the old Nicolette Parsons would have been proud. Sometimes she missed it when she was a professional robotic individual. There was comfort in detachment.
He didn't answer but kept his eyes on the highway they were now on. The highway was pretty desolate considering the time of night so any suspicious car following them would be easily noticeable. Nicky hadn't been paying attention to any of that so she didn't even know where he was taking them.
"Why didn't you keep moving?" he asked neutrally, all of his focus on the road it seemed.
Her breath hitched in her throat as she turned her head towards her window. Now wasn't the time she wanted to hear that question. What could she say? I'm not like you, I can't keep starting over again in different places always alone. It was true, it was beginning to take a toll on her, both in mind and body. But no, that wasn't the whole truth either. So she lied.
"I thought I had time."
Nicky would never say it was because she had been hoping he would find her there eventually.
Reviews? Is this chapter too out of character for Bourne? Nicky?