Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this subcategory…seriously.

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His Return.

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In those nights when she can't sleep, she'd usually walk around and let her feet take her wherever there might be merrymaking. She didn't like the cold…she never did. Perhaps there was a time when she was fond of it, but that time had long passed - with the word months plastered in her mind.

She sighed.

This evening, she had just finished another of her infamous drinking spree with her equally competent (and competitive?) partners…drinking partners, that is. The gang was complete as their loud voices filled whatever space was left on that small bar. It wasn't like an extraordinary gathering, it was more like an ordinary and plain sight to those familiar to the place. What she, and her buddies, liked most about it was the fact that everyone else was too scared to do anything which could offend them in anyway. Besides, those who'd dare fight high-ranking officers were surely out of their usual sane minds.

It was a talent, she knew. Standing up and holding her own without any hint of alcohol on her actions was truly a remarkable feat. And never had Matsumoto Rangiku been beaten in this state – most especially in this state.

"See ya…" came her ever exuberant voice as she waved a hand on her peers. Really, they did insist on walking her back to her quarters, as she seemed to be a bit way too drunk to walk on two's by herself, but then, she refused (as always) and stubbornly insisted she could carry on. True, she could, but what concerned them more was the fact that it wasn't the entire burden she's been carrying. Not the darn liquid from an emptied bottle or the lingering smell of her breath, not even the temper she had whenever someone pissed her off (poor him who'd come across her in her night walks back) but another matter which wasn't a complete secret to all of Sereitei.

It had been months since he departed.

It was a wonder however, of how gay she appeared in front of everyone else yet she never admitted the longing her heart craved. She wanted to follow him – she believed in his cause yet she wasn't given the chance to, in fact, she was to stay behind by order. His order. The last one he ever did give her.

She stopped.

No one was out in this time of the night. She had strayed pretty further from her real destination, and she had just recently been aware of the fact. How she let her thoughts slip in at the same time mindlessly taking her focus away from the dirt road was unimaginable. It was only in times that she missed him so that she let herself be this careless.

She looked up at the dark skies without any trace of the once luminous stars. The heavens may have been mad at her for something she didn't know of or it may have been emphatic on her situation. Nevertheless, whatever the cause may be, it was just black – nothing else. And then a gash of thought entered her mind – she remembered him again – of how he simply gazed up at the same sky she's looking at.

Shaking herself off from the endless flashbacks, she continued on her course, this time, making sure she'd be on the right way. It's a good thing she'd been very familiar with the side streets…had she not been able to do so…she'd surely pass out on the very dirt she's walking on.

Again, she stopped.

After turning to a corner, right before her lay their formidable headquarters. Not far on the back was where her own room was situated. As the blazing torches lighted the pathways, she couldn't help but let out another sigh. Without any further thought, she walked on, preparing herself to embrace the lonely night once more.

She was in a crossroad. On her right lay the path to the office where she'd usually spend her entire time sleeping (when she shouldn't have been doing so) and straight ahead lay her cozy room. It was as if by chance that she decided to take a final look on that office…without really knowing why. Perhaps it was the night that reminded her so much of her taichou that even her body was moving on its own.

She then opened the doors. It was dark. There was nothing there.

"Silly me…" she thought as she went inside, not bothering on illuminating the said room. She knew the furniture very well and managed to find her way to her most favorite couch. Sitting herself on it, she laid her back against the soft cushion and shut her eyes. It was dead silent and she could very well hear her own breathing. And she hated the stillness. But no matter the protests on her mind, somehow, she just wanted to stay there a little while longer – thinking of those times when she waited there for hours and hours in hope that she'd see a familiar face again.

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Soft echoes of footsteps came in…as the door opened…letting in the light from the corridors into the darkened room. A shadow loomed over her weary figure as she was deprived of even the slightest energy to move a single finger. She at least managed to open her eyes only to be welcomed by a state of blurriness and uncontrollable headache.

And there she was, claiming that she could beat up any guy who'd come across her way.

She was disturbed in a state nearing her sleep and thus, could not act on her impulse too eagerly. But what struck her most was the familiar scent this person (she was sure of it) had. And most bewildering was that she never dared do anything (no matter how helpless and weary she may have been).

"Again…" she heard his voice as she felt the cold being brushed off by warmth. She felt her skin embrace the new feeling as an object laid on top of her figure. Another hand then brushed her skin…she knew this touch very well. It seemed like a long time ago but the effect was still the same. With her eyes giving up on her, she let them slid close once more.

And slowly, ever gently, she felt a soft caress on her forehead.

"Taichou…" she spoke in between breaths as she felt his presence within her very reach.

Then, she felt no more as she drifted to another place.

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Her eyes opened only to be welcomed by the bright rays of sunlight entering from the tiny gaps on the windows. The contact was at first hurtful but later on, subsided as she stretched both her arms.

It was at this moment that a thought entered her mind once more…

"Taichou!" she shouted…early in the morning (she assumed at that) as she immediately jerked her body up from the previous sitting position she had. She looked around the room, and noticed no difference at all. It had been in the same way that she left it with – nothing changed. The same piles of paperwork still adorned both their desks as she thought mercilessly of what occurred that night. Then, her eyes caught sight of a blanket which lay idly on the ground before her. Grabbing the material by the hand, she tried to get even the slightest hint of the one who laid it on her. Taking in its smell, its touch on her skin – everything…fully registering it on her mind.

She was sure of it….there was no doubt. Indeed, her taichou's been there.

With the cloth in hand, she rushed out the door, not really minding how disheveled her hair might've looked or how unorganized her clothing appeared. For all that mattered was one thing: him.

She asked every one of them, every shinigami of the tenth she'd ever encountered if they've seen him around. And no one – not even a single soul gave her any help at all. It's either they shook their heads or form some kind of crazy thoughts about her in their heads. But she didn't mind, she couldn't care less either.

It was almost nearing…her giving up, that is, when she decided to finally retreat. She might've been crazy for thinking he's back just because of what she thought took place that night. She may even blame it all in the excessive intake of alcohol. But then, she couldn't quite explain why there's still this tiny flame of hope in her heart. Was she still considering it all as real?

It was at this reverie that she'd remembered something…


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It was a warm morning then as a gentle breeze came. His eyes were fixed on the distant as he seemingly enjoyed the scent of morning dew. He was beginning to think of how lucky he was to have survived that feat. Considering the amount of damage his other peers injured, his gashes and wounds would be incomparable to theirs.

And he looked like a mummy being wrapped up in that much bandages up to the tip of his jaw line.

A soft wind blew as he felt a familiar presence. On that roof, he didn't bother to turn back, for he knew very well who it was.

"Oi, Matsumoto…what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be well on your work at this beautiful morning?"

She simply stood there, with the back of her taichou on her eyes. Carrying the same blanket that was wrapped around her for warmth, she forced back the tears that threatened to fall. It was then that an unfeigned smile graced her lips. And no matter what might've happened to him, she's have to save her questioning for later for what's important was that he's already here…for as long as he's here, she really couldn't ask for more.

Perhaps, she could have said something else that time, but as he sat there by himself, and she stood right behind him, all she could say was what she usually says in times like these…



A/N: All right, hmm…that didn't end well…and I may have to admit that my grammar and my English are just as bad as the plot on this one…haayz, still, I do hope I didn't waste your time in reading this. Thanks a lot for giving me a chance to just dish this one out. Ow, yeah, and do review…it would be pretty cool to find out what you thought about this. Again, thanks!