Look At Me

My 4th story! I hope I can update them all and everything. This is an idea that's been bugging me so I decided to post it. Review if ya like!


A yowl of pain broke out by the Windclan border. A young silver and black she-cat was kitting by a tree next to the river. As the kit finally popped out she let out another yowl and writhed in pain. The kit struggled to her side and began mewling for milk. She stared at the kit, with all the love in the world.

"I'm sorry, little one." The she-cat said and writhed in pain again before lying still and breathless on the freshly fallen snow with a puddle of blood beneath her and her one kit. As the kit continued to mewl for milk, a white and gold tom ran up to the kit and sniffed it then looked at the queen.

"Silverstripe...How could you betray your clan like that? You never told me you were going to have his kits!" The tom yelled at the lifeless body. He move her out of the blood stained snow and licked the blood of the kits small feet the best he could. The tom stared one more time at the dead queen and picked up the kit, which squirmed in his gentle yet firm grip, and began trudging back through the snow to the camp.

The tom put the kit in the center of the camp and ran to get Wrenstar. Cats that entered or exited the camp stare at the poor, helpless, cold, hungry, mewling kit sitting in the snow but just past by it with out a second thought. An 'angry from just being woken from a nap' Wrenstar leapt from The Great Tree and ran up to the kit. He stared at the little kit before him. She was an all black she-kit with 3 white paws and one oak red one. She had a silver stripe that ran along her spine and up to her silver tail tip. But the strangest thing about her was her eyes. One was of the bloodiest reds and the other was of the purest blues. He turned to the tom next to him.

"Who was the father and mother of this kit?" he said half calmly and half irritated. The tom was silent and looking down at his paws.

"Answer me, Goldenheart!" Wrenstar yowled with anger.

"... Silverstripe... was the mother..."Goldenheart said in a low whisper.

"But she was a medicine cat! That's against the warrior code! Who was the father? Tell me, now!"

"Rushingwind... the medicine cat of Oceanclan..."

Wrenstar stared at the kit in pure hatred. "This kit is the daughter of not one, but two medicine cats?" he said in a dark low whisper. He unsheathed his claws and raised his paw to strike the young kit in anger. He brought his claws down into fur, but it was not that of the kit's. Goldenheart stood above the helpless kit, his shoulder bleeding from the wound the leader had meant for the kit below him.

"How-" Goldenheart started but was cut off as a black she-cat came running out from the nursery and swacked Wrenstar across the face, claws unsheathed.

"How dare you try to attack a helpless kit?!" The she-cat yelled to the surprised leader. Blood swelled and dripped from his cheek and next to his left eye.

"And look what you've done! You've made my dear brother bleed!" She snatched the kit from underneath Goldenheart and licked it comfortingly.

"I'll nurse this poor thing, even if it is the kin of two medicine cats."

"But Swiftriver-" Wrenstar started.

"No buts! Now go get Moletail to look at Goldenheart's wound."

"Wait," Wrenstar said irritated at his mate's stubbornness, "If you keep it, I get to name it."

"Fine. What will her name be?"

Wrenstar looked at the kit, "Her name will be Forgottenkit."

Swiftriver glared at Wrenstar with pure hatred and gently picked up the kit and stalked back to the nursery to tend to her three kits and her new addition to the litter.

Did ya like it? I'll add an allegiance page next if I get any reviews.

Review even if it's a flame!

