Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto





Naruto was standing on the Hokage monument, directly on top of the Yondaime's head. He stared at the village below him, his home….or was it? He was never treated with Respect even after he had brought Sasuke back, fact, they seemd really angry at him because he brought back their "precious" Sasuke back injured. After Sakura had finally started dating Sasuke, she had completely ignored Naruto.

Naruto let the tears he had been holding in for a while slide down his eyes. His normal deep and blue caring eyes were now void of life, instead were replaced by anger, anger at being yelled at, beaten within an inch of his life, angered that no one had ever cared for him. He had vowed to protect the city as the Hokage, but no one cared about him so what was the point?

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?! ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO BE NOTICED, TO BE CARED FOR AND MAYBE LOVED, BUT ALL YOU EVER SAW ME AS WAS A DEMON!!" screamed Naruto as hot tears rand down his face. He then cupped his face with his hands and started shaking slightly at the amount of anger with him. "WHY DAMNIT WHY?!?!" he continued asking.


Behind the trees not far behind Naruto stood a certain timid Hyuuga Heiress. "Naruto-kun, that's not true, I have always loved you. I just never had any courage to tell you" said the lavender-eyed girl just above a whisper. Of course, since she was far away, Naruto couldn't hear this. All right, this time, I'm going to confess, I really will! Thought a now brave Hyuuga.

Then Hinata something that made her gasp, Naruto….. had let himself fall of the Hokage monument. "NOOOOO!" screamed a now panick-stricken Hinata. "Narutoooo!!" she screamed to no avail.


Huh? Sounded like someone said my name he thought calmly as he continued his 500 meter fall head first maybe someone actually cares about me? Nah just then, for Naruto, time seemed to slow down and he was back in the sewers from when he first met the Kyuubi

"Hey kit, I know you're angry. How would you like to get some revenge?" asked the Kyuubi with a sinister smirk.

Naruto pondered about this, whether it was because he was angry or because there wasn't enough data, the pros (for killing) outweighed the cons (against killing). "Sure, on one condition, if you take over my body, I would still like control when I want to like if I'm talking to someone." Said Naruto, formulating what he would say to his "friends" when he gets back.

"Deal" said Kyuubi with a smile across its face. Thought Kyuubi was a demon, he was still an honorable demon.

Just then, Naruto got back to reality and he was just 20 meters off the ground and just as he was about to collide with the ground, he flipped in the hair so that his feet were facing the ground and forced most of his blue chakra into his legs to cushion the impact. What was left was a 10 meter crater and half-demon Naruto. The seal was still in place which prevented from full control for the Kyuubi. Now it's my turn, I remember why I attacked the village ago, they were all so close-minded humans. Naruto will get his revenge thought the Kyuubi.


Hinata looked down with her Byakugen to see any trace of Naruto until she noticed that Naruto had ran off to the village, but something was different about him. He had red chakra instead of his normal blue chakra. I hope nothing's happened to him thought Hinata worriedly. Then she ran off after Naruto though she was nowhere near as fast as Naruto in his 1-tailed state.


Once he had made inside the village, the villages started yelling and screaming "Demon brat" or "Go away monster", they didn't notice his claws and his red-slitted eyes that were filled with bloodlust. "You know, if I am the Kyuubi that attacked so long ago and nearly destroyed the village, why are you mocking me?" Naruto said in a menacing voice.

Just then, the villagers saw the sky turn red and the clouds gray and they all felts something was wrong, they felt a disturbance, and that disturbance seemed to be coming from Naruto. For once in their lives, instead of screaming at the demon-vessel, they were quiet, quiet with fear of what he might do. They were all hoping that he wouldn't do anything, that he would just go and have his Ramen. Just then, Naruto let out a scream that sent chills up the villagers' spines and Naruto then grabbed a villager with his chakra tail and cut him in half with it. The villagers were to shocked to scream, move, or do anything. This was a perfect opportunity for Naruto and he started killing the villagers by slicing them up, ripping of their heads from their torsos or using his tail to rip apart their limbs.

"YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME! YOU BASTARDS!" and the last part, he let out a howl this time, a very menacing how that promised death and destruction. Naruto then went through a serious of hand-seals that he had learned from Rock village in his travels with Jiraiya. "Assimilated Rock Blizzard!" Naruto screamed as the Jutsu took place. All the rocks, stones, gravel in the near vicinity seemed to lift up high into the sky and then, like a blizzard, all of it came down tearing down buildings, breaking up roads and Naruto's favorite, killing people.

The rock hail that came down.landed on a few unfortunate villagers and Naruto could see their skulls smash ope and see their blood oozing out once they landed on the floor. Naruto smiled at this, he was finally giving them what they deserved. Many bodies lay littered in what was left of that street in Konoha. He still had a whole lot more to go and a whole lot more enjoyment.

He came up to another part of the village and saw the people running from him "Oh now you don't. Rasengan!" and with that, he went through 3 people tearing them apart and blood, body parts, and other things wet flying splattering over the pavement and buildings.

"Chishi Kuenai 1" Yelled Naruto as just then, a mechanical hand came from a portal that seemed to materialize out nowhere. That hand then came down on a few unlucky villagers and crushed them all to death. Naruto could hear the sweet sounds of screaming, bones crunching and he could smell the sweet taste of blood and death. "This will turning out to be a lovely day after all" Naruto said to no one in particular.

"Naruto!" yelled Sakura. Naruto just turned around casually his tail swinging in a happy manner. "Yo" replied Naruto.

"What the hell do you think you're DOING? I'm sorry Naruto but I'm going to have to stop you." And with that Sakura jumped towards Naruto with a chakra enchanced punc aimed directly at his head, to kill. Naruto just seemed to see her in slow motion and easily caught her had and used the momentum to throw her into the building right behind him. As the building fell on top of Sakura, Naruto said bitterly "All I ever wanted was to protect you, maybe even be your boyfriend, but you were too infatuated with that Uchiha-teme to realize what I'd go through for you".

Sakura then got up from the pile and said "Naruto, you'll pay for making fun of Sasuke-kun! Is this why you're doing this? All because you're jealous"

Naruto grew more infuriated at her ignorance to the fact of how lonely he was most of his life and that the villagers would always beat him up or abuse him in some way. "Shut up you stupid bitch, you have no fucking Idea what I've been through! Shut up and go to hell!" yelled Naruto as he went through a series of hand seals and yelled "Doton: Doryū Taiga2" and then the ground beneath Sakura turned into mud and she sank and right before she was half-way down, it hardened.

Naruto then slowly walked up and said in a quiet voice "Goodbye Sakura-teme" he emphasized the "teme" part and started making a Rasengan. "N-Naruto, what are you doing?" asked Sakura in a worried tone.

"Nothing, just going to kill you." Naruto said as he smirked, Sakura then looked on in horror as the blue sphere started getting closer to her face. The sphere collided into her face and tore her head into shreds with tuffets of blood-stained pink hair scattered all over the already-bloodied pavement.

"Finally, now onto the rest of the village" then, Naruto grew another tail of pure chakra and gained even more powerful.

"You're doing a beautiful job kit. Makes me proud that you're my container"thought the Kyuubi.

1: It means "Cunning Topography" and what it does is materialize a giant metallic hand from another dimension and uses it to dig trenches. Naruto on the other hand, just uses it to kill the villagers by squashing them to death.

2: It means "Earth flow river" and basically turns the ground underneath the opponent into mud and Naruto cancels the technique half-ways so Sakura gets trapped there.

This is my first fic ever, tell me what you guys think of it ok? For all you Sakura haters, aren't you glad that she dies first? Please review and tell me If I need to add anything. I need a few ideas to continue this story!