Author's note: Hey everyone!! This is my first fan fiction story so I hope you like it! Please review so I know how I'm doing...constructive criticism is good, just be nice okay? I hope you all enjoy "A New Dark Lord."


Another Four Years

Things had been going great for the last twenty-three years. Harry could not have been happier. He woke every morning smelling the flowery scent that he would smell in a love potion and to see his beautiful wife next to him. When he looked at her he couldn't help but think about his sixth year at Hogwarts when they finally got together for the first time. It was the first time he liked a girl without realizing it right away. Until he realized he couldn't live without her, he had never noticed that he felt that way for a long time. The first day of potions class that year, Professor Slughorn had set a love potion out that smelled different to every witch or wizard depending on what attracted them. When he smelled the flowers like the ones outside the Burrow, he just assumed that was because it was one of his favorite places on earth. But, to this day, every time Ginny walked by, she left that same scent in the air behind her.

The best part was his family. Even though the oldest, James Sirius had to be reprimanded sometimes, he was sixteen, what more could a father want? Albus Severus wasn't the most popular kid in school, but neither was Harry, so he knew just how to deal with that. And after all, Al did still have two or three really good friends. He was as close to them as Harry was to Ron and Hermione; as far as Harry was concerned, that's all he needed. And as for Lily, well, there was nothing to worry about because the boys hadn't started wolf whistling at her quite yet; but if she turned out to be anything like her mother, it wouldn't be long.

Just adding to his contentment was the fact that the worst job he and Ron had as Aurors was catching the last of the Death Eaters who had tried to take Voldemort's place over the years. They were all perfectly willing to go because there was nothing left for them outside the walls of Azkaban. Despite all these good things that he had going for him, he had a feeling in his gut the last couple weeks that things weren't going to stay so mostly sunny forever. He knew deep down that things were about to get partly cloudy at the least. What he really dreaded was telling Ginny what he felt. Harry knew she was happy and he hated to disturb that. But the more he tried to keep her out of it, the more trouble she was likely to get in. Last time he kept secrets from her to keep her safe they were forced to break up so Voldemort wouldn't go after her. Harry had always been afraid that the Dark Lord would go after the people he loved. He thought that now that Voldemort was finally dead, that he would be able to relax. And for a while, he had been able to. Lately, although his lightning-shaped scar hadn't been burning the way it used to, he just couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right in the wizarding world, maybe even Godric's Hollow specifically.