Disclaimer- I only own the people you don't recognize!


"What are you doing Walker?" Everyone's favorite halfa asked the control freak that was tearing apart Amity Park.

"Looking for you ghost punk," Walker replied as his henchman people grabbed Danny.

This caught Danny by surprise, and he struggled to break free, but couldn't.

"I broke out of your jail once Walker, and I can do it again!" Danny told him with a glare on his face.

"I'm not here to take you to prision ghost child. I now see that no cell in my prision can hold you, so I have to do teh next best thing," Walker told him as he turned his back towards him.

"HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT THIS TEEN GHOST PUNK!?" Walker shouted, taking Danny's collar, and pulling it up so that everyone could tell who he was talking about.

"He's a good for nothing ghost that's haunting our town!" Maddie's voice yelled out.

"Danny Phantom's out to destroy us all!" An unfamilar voice yelled out, sounding scared.

"I AM NOT!" Danny screamed, and was about to yell out more, but was shocked by Walker's goons.

"No! He's is a rare spieces called, a halfa," Walker began, but was cut off by Danny.

"NOO!" Danny said, breaking free, and attacking Walker.

Walker was, however, prepared, for he grabbed his throat, and threw him into the pavement.

"What's a halfa?" Danny hear Dash ask loudly.

"A half human, half ghost," Walker told everyone with an evil smile.

Danny winced as many angry, and shocked people stared at him as if he was a freak in a zoo. He had to get out of there, and now! He got up, and began to fly, but was stopped by some goons.

"I'M NOT DONE YET!" Walker roared, angry.

"So, your telling them my real name?" asked Danny, trying to hide his fear.

The town gasped, now knowing that Danny Phantom was indeed half ghost.

"No! I was going to do this!" Walker said throwing a box a Danny, but luckly, the Box Ghost was flying by and took it.

Walker scowled angrily, made a portal and flew through it. Danny didn't get to chase him because...

"Danny Phantom! Are you really half ghost?"

"The ghost said a very rare species. Does that mean there's more half ghosts?"

"Who was that other ghost?"

"Who are you as a human?"

"How did you become half ghost?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Danny just stared stupidly at the mob or reporters before turning invisible.

"Where'd he go?" asked a reporter

Danny smiled as some reporters ran to the left, some ran to the right, some ran forward, and others gave up and went to thier vans.

Danny flew home, wondering how he was going to get out of this.

-------------------FLYING HOME-------------------

Oh god! What am I going to do! Everyone knows that I'm half ghost! What if everyone makes a connection! What if mom and dad don't want me? What if- Danny's thoughts were interruppted by his cellphone.

Danny could tell that it was Sam by the caller ID.


"Woah Sammy! Calm down, and I'll tell you everything," Danny told her as he heard deep breaths over the phone.

Once Sam was ready, he explained in full detail what had happened.

"Danny, this is VERY serious! You need to lay very low, and check for reporters before you turn back. If they see you, they WILL follow," Sam advised as Danny reached his home.

"Ok, thanks for the heads up Sam!" Danny said before hanging up.

At that moment, the door opened, and his parents, along with Jazz walked in.

"Hey Danny did ya hear? The ghost kid's only HALF GHOST!" his Dad said confused.

"Really?" Danny said playing stupid

"Yes. You know what Danny?" His mom asked, looking closely at his face.

"Um, what?" Danny asked, feeling himself sweat of of nervousness.

"You look an awful lot like the ghost boy. And, I don't recall seeing you around the ghost boy. Do you know him?" Maddie asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Uh... No! Not at all! But if I do I'll tell you, well I'm going to Tucker's ok, BYE!"Danny said going out the door.

"Well, I'm going to make the Fenton Doorknob!" Jack said running downstairs to the lab.

"The Fenton Doorknob?" Maddie and Jazz said with a confused experssion.

"Yes! When the ghost boy touches it, he'll be stuck! And only me, Jack Fenton, can remove him! Then I can tell the world who he is!" Jack shouted from the lab.

Jazz sighed annoyed.

"Dad! He'll just go ghost when he's stuck on the door!" Jazz called down to him.

"Jazz's right dear," Maddie told her husband as a small crash was heard.

"I'm ok!" Jack yelled back up.

"I'm going to a friend's house. Bye!" Jazz said walking out the door. When she was out of sight,

"Jazz has friends?" Maddie asked herself, confused.

-------------------LATER THAT DAY-------------------

Danny walked into the house, feeling a bit better. Tucker had helped him laugh all the troubles off as they watched the funniest movie ever created. Danny now needed a way out of this, so he made his way to Jazz's room, only she was gone.

"Mom? Where's Jazz?" Danny yelled to his mom downstairs.

"She's at a friend's house," Maddie called back up.

"When did Jazz get friends?" Danny asked, totally shocked.

"I have no clue sweetie," His mom replied as Danny went into his own room.

Danny gasped as his ghost sense went off. He shrugged it off because he was tired, and wasn't in the mood to fight ghosts right now. Danny opened the door, and his eyes widdened to see a fimilar girl on his bed, reading his comic books.

Danny walked up, and saw Danielle's face smiling at him, after her ghost sense went off.

"Hey, got any food?" She joked as Danny laughed, and hugged her.

"Danielle! Your back!" Danny exclaimed as Danielle hugged him back.

"Sure am! I heard the news! Walker's a big jerk! Oh, and wait till I tell you about where I've been! Danny I saw-" Danielle began, but was cut off by Jack.

"GHOST!" Jack yelled, but looked around in confusion as he saw his son, and some girl who looked like him.

"Who the heck are you? And how in the Ghost Zone did you get into my house?" Jack yelled.

"I'm Danielle. I'm your niece, and I came in through the window," Danielle replied, giving him a smile to show that she was human.

"Oh, ok. OH wait a mintue! I'm an only kid, and Maddie's sister has no kids so, where did you come from?" Jack asked, suspiously.

"I, uh, was adopted?" Danielle asked more than stating.

"Oh, then you kids have fun!" Jack said cheerfully as he left the room.

"Anyway, I saw Paris Danny! The Effil Tower is SO amazing! It's five times cooler under the stars!" Dani told her 'cousin' as she went on for hours about the countries she visited, the places she saw, the food she tasted, and the people she met.

-------------------A FEW HOURS LATER-------------------

After hearing the amazing tales of Dani, Danny sat on his bed and watched his clone fly away to Sam's mansion where she was staying. He sighed with relief as he heard the front door open. That meant the Jazz was home, and the he could now talk to her.

When he went downstairs, he was dispointed to find his dad installing the Fenton Doorknob instead of Jazz hanging up her coat.

"Hey Danny! Check out the Fenton doorknob! If the ghost kid touches this, ghost or human, he will be stuck, and only me, Jack Fenton, can get him unstuck! I'm putting one of these on every door in Amity Park!" He said holding up his invention.

"Note to self, do not touch doorknobs," Danny mumbled under his breath.

"You say something?" Jack asked, not really paying attention to his child.

"No. Well I'm gonna find Jazz,"Danny said walking downstairs.

"You do that! I'll be installing the Fenton Doorknobs!" Jack shouted from upstairs.

Jazz had then walked in the door and groaned.

"Dad, the doorknobs aren't gonna hurt, bite, or shock use with electricity are they?" Jazz asked hanging up her coat.

"Nope!" Jack stated as he replaced Danny's doorknob.

"Jazz, I need to talk to you!" Danny said grabbing her arm and dragging her into her room. Danny closed the door and locked it.

"Jazz, how do I get out of this mess?" Danny asked.

Jazz bit her lip nervously as she saw her brother look at her in a worried way. She honestly had no clue on what to do.

"The only thing I have to advise is to lie low until the news dies down a bit," Jazz said, looking at her depressed brother.

"That's a good idea, but what about the ghosts?" Danny asked.

"Mom and Dad," Jazz pointed out, smiling.

"Oh, right," Danny said, mentally smacking himself for forgetting.

-------------------THE NEXT DAY-------------------

Danny came downstairs the next day to find his dad wolfing down eggs and bacon.

"Dad, slow down!" Jazz said, peeking over her book to see Jack eatting like there was no tommarow.

Danny simply rolled his eyes as he got his backpack, and lef the door after saying bye to his parents.

Danny smiled to see his best friends Tucker and Sam waiting for him. On the way to school, they were discussing about the town knowing his secret.

"Relax dude. We'll think of something," Tucker reassured his friends as the trio reached the school of Casper High.

Danny gave a huge sigh before walking into the doors of his school.

-------------------AUTHOR'S COMMENTS THAT NO ONE REALLY CARES ABOUT-------------------

Ok, that's the first chapter of the re-written story, WALKER'S REVENGE! WHOO!

Reviewers: (cricket sounds)

Me: (Cough) Anyway,

I hope that this new, and improved version is much better!