A/N: I thought I'd give some background on my original genins and do those obnoxious Naruto-esque character flashbacks! In this chapter, I did use a line from Grey's Anatomy –ahem- among other things. I don't own either show…am too poor to do that! As always, please review.
Chapter 10: Bringing Up Baby
Kouji rolled over on his stomach on the hard wooden floor. Nao was to his right, carving a crane out a piece of wood with his kunai. "Would you stop fiddling with that thing?" Kouji sighed. "They are taking for-freaking-ever!" He paused. "Do you think someone will actually try to steal this thing?"
"That's not the point. We're supposed to guard it in case someone tries to steal it. Not to just intervene if someone does try."
Kouji rolled his eyes. Nao was just so picture perfect, so stoic. It's not that Nao was cold-hearted or a better ninja than Kouji—it was Nao-kun's perfectly calculated steps and actions. Nao never wasted more energy than he needed to; he had the presence of a ninja. Kouji was a bit different. Sure, he was good-looking—in an impish sort of way. Not like Nao, who's only concern about his appearance was hiding the glaring scar on the side of his face. Even their personalities seemed to be polar opposites.
Once, when he was being evaluated by Iruka-sensei, Kouji was told that behind this rugged and confident exterior that he was self-destructive and self-loathing to an almost pathological degree. Iruka had even questioned Kouji's competence if he were placed on a team.
"Well, Kouji, how do your parents feel about your decision?" Iruka said, thrumming his fingers against the wooden desk.
Kouji shrugged, "They don't care, sensei. This is my decision." And, it was true, that they didn't care. Everyone in Konoha knew of Daisuke and Ai and their romance. They were two young chunins from different villages who fell in love at first sight on a mission—almost compromising it, in fact. And they then resigned as soon as they returned to Konoha. A few years later, Kouji was born but was raised by his grandfather, who never got over his disappointment that his son gave up being a ninja. His grandfather repeated told him, "Do not fall in love. Ninja's cannot have real relationships, only momentary flings. If you want to be a true ninja, you must not fall in love."
"Oh I'm sure they care, Kouji-kun." Iruka had met the adoring couple, who were very nice but seemed to be wrapped up in their own world. Iruka was beginning to understand. "But what really worries me is your lack of regard for anyone but yourself."
Kouji scoffed. "I hang out with others. Not like your star pupil, Mikoto-san."
"Yes, but, in group exercises you never once tried to work with another student. You were solely self-reliant. So much so…and teamwork is a major part of being a ninja." Iruka implored.
"Yeah, gramps. I get it. But so what?"
//End of Flashback//
Kouji rolled over on his back, "Hey, Nao, after this mission, what are you going to do?"
"Train. I have a lot to learn." Nao said simply.
"Do you do anything besides ninja-stuff?" Kouji groaned.
Nao finished his carving, "Yes."
"You could come over my house. We could, uh, you know do stuff…like friends? Just whenever." Kouji said. It had been so long since he brought someone over. His parents wouldn't notice, he thought. They were too busy being absorbed with each other. Everything was "yes darling", "oh my sweet", and "my flower" with them.
"Won't your parents mind?" Nao asked, examining his carving.
Kouji jumped to his feet, "Of course not, man!"
Nao sighed, "I'm not good with parents." He recalled the time he met Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke, especially, did not give the warmest welcome. Nao did not have the stamina to deal with parents, including his own mother.
"So? Who cares about that?" Kouji said, rolling his eyes.
"You want to know how I got these scars?" Nao spat, turning his head so quickly that his carefully placed bangs revealed the nasty red scar down the side of his face. "My mother was a brilliant toxicologist. But like every ninja, she has a breaking point. And one night, she goes off crazier than usual. She comes at me with her newest poison, screaming at me. I try to stop her. But—" Nao stopped and looked into Kouji's wide eyes.
"What happened to her?" Kouji whispered. For the first time, it seemed, Kouji saw Nao's scar. The most noticeable gash began at Nao's temple, went across his cheekbone and ended at the corner of his mouth. The rest of his skin on that side of his face appeared as if it had been burned. The skin grafts, Kouji thought, made him look semi-normal. But that side of his face was hideously scarred.
"She's in prison. In the Low-Threat Ward." Nao said. Kouji nodded, understanding. Nao probably got to visit his mother twice a year, three times at the most.
Kouji sighed and stood next to his comrade in respectful silence. A few minutes later he heard the slight whisper, "Thank you."
Meanwhile…Back in Konoha….
Sasuke lay on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. Naruto was in the adjacent chair. "I don't know. I don't know how parents do this. One minute, she's my baby girl and the next day, she's off doing c-rank missions."
"You reviewed the mission yourself. The chances of someone trying to steal the kimono are very, very slim." Naruto sighed, rubbing his temple.
"I didn't even get to say goodbye." Sasuke buried his head in a pillow.
"Sasuke, at least drink some tea for your nerves." Sakura said, holding a small, steaming cup.
"I mean what if something happens to her. I don't know what I'll do."
Kakashi rolled his eyes, "Sasuke. You have nothing to worry about. Sai is with them."
"That's what I'm worried about. That tummy flashing bastard." Sasuke moaned woefully.
"Sasuke, sometimes you have to let them grow-up. It's a part of life." Iruka smiled, trying to be upbeat.
"Why did this happen to me—"
"What the fuck, Naruto?!" Sasuke sat up, his eyes blazing red.
"I cannot take any more of your wallowing, emo depression, ok? So shut the hell up, you fuzzbag!" Naruto said, tackling Sasuke to the floor.
"Stop it you two!" Sakura screamed.
"C'mon, Sakura-chan," Kakashi said, guiding his lover and former student outside, "This can only end in tears."
Sasuke leapt at Naruto, hands going for the throat. Naruto blocked him easily and kicked him across the room, where he broke a lamp and end-table.
Sasuke quickly recovered and retaliated, knocking Naruto on his back. The twenty-six year old Uchiha then crushed Naruto's lips with his own. Shocked, Naruto lay pinned to the floor. It was a rough kiss, something that Naruto was not used to. Sasuke growled, "I want your tongue." The kiss deepened until the need for air forced them apart.
Sasuke pulled off his shirt, "I'm on top this time." And he flipped Naruto on his stomach before fucking him in the middle of the living room.
Outside the house, Sakura growled, "We need to do something before they kill each other!"
Kakashi flipped through his book, Icha Icha, "Trust me, you do not want to go in there."
Mikoto hid up in the tree, waiting. So far there had been no suspicious people. She sighed but kept still, so no one could detect movement.
Her sensei was on a rooftop; she could see him perched like a bird. Below, someone in a dark cloak was weaving in and out of the crowd. She gripped a shuriken in one hand and with the other made motions to Sai: Target. Moving north northeast. Confirm.
It was more difficult to read Sai's hand-motions when the sun was setting: Check. Moving in. Hold position.
Sai jumped from the rooftop and landed in front of the man, who turned out to be an old beggar. Mikoto sighed and wanted to kick herself for not noticing earlier.
A moment later, Sai was behind her. "Don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes. I could tell you a few stories about Naruto." And for the first time, Mikoto saw Sai genuinely grin.