A/N: Here I bring you the epilogue for Subjective or Ideal

A/N: Here I bring you the epilogue for Subjective or Ideal. I've loved the ride that has gone with this story, and I'm glad that so many people stuck with me for so long. I've decided that it's not over, and there's still a lot that needs to be resolved with the Federation and I'd like to do that, not to mention I'd like to put Fayt and Albel in the 'everyday' sort of situation that they might encounter back on earth living with Ryoko. Anyway, without further ado… !Uke Albel!

Big lemon warning here XD

Epilogue: Till the End of Time

Earth was everything that Fayt had remembered, and he knew that for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he was safe. Albel was getting used to life without his claw, as his destroyed arm had been safely healed in part and replaced by the technology of the developed world. That was enough of a shock for Fayt. Seeing him this morning was even more interesting, however. The young man had just gotten back from making arrangements to re-enroll at his university and continue his studies, hoping to follow in his father's footsteps. It was still barely past noon, and he had expected Albel to still be in a dead sleep as usual. It was easy to tell that the Elicoorian was not exactly a morning person, and preferred to do most of his recreational activities at night. Fayt continued to wonder if it was just some kind of cosmic jet-lag.

When he unlocked the door to the new apartment that they now shared, just down the street from his mother's, where he had grown up, He found Albel standing in front of the news feed monitor. The Glyphian was wearing a form-fitting dark gray tank top and a pair of stylish blue jeans that probably cost way too much money. Fayt crossed his arms and tilted his head, admiring his lover and taking stock of the subtle changes that had occurred in him since they had arrived on Earth. Albel had often said that earth-clothes were silly and cumbersome, but Fayt couldn't deny that he looked stunning in them- and everything else he had ever worn.

"Morning." He stated, though it was really afternoon. Fayt beamed when his lover turned to look at him.

"Fayt, you're home. Did everything go alright?" He asked, turning to sit and curl his legs up onto the sofa.

"It's hard for anything to go wrong when everyone in any position of power is suddenly scrambling to give you whatever you want." Fayt sighed, sounding a little annoyed. In the past few weeks, he had felt like the challenge had been taken out of life entirely. Albel was the only thing that still challenged him enough to be interesting. The Bluenette was hoping that school would remedy this problem soon enough.

"I've noticed. What is it that we get paid for again?" Albel smirked. The general had been used to having all of the money and things he could have wanted back on his home planet, as he was entitled to the spoils of war whenever he gained them. This lifestyle of luxury that they had gained now on earth didn't seem to faze him at all like it did Fayt.

"It's evidently the government's idea of an apology, and since Ryan and Maria are in control indefinitely, I doubt we're ever going to have to work for anything ever again." The statement was obviously begrudging, and the blue-haired teenager flopped onto the couch at the opposite end from Albel, also watching the news feed but seeing and hearing nothing of it.

"Oh come off of it Fayt. We've busted ass for far too long to look gift-horses in the mouths, don't you think?" The Bluenette blinked at his lover, shocked at his use of modern speech.

"You've been watching way too much T.V at night, Albel."

"What? I like that expression." Fayt was unsure as to which of them he meant. Looking absently at the computer monitor that dominated the majority of the living room, he was surprised to see the date on the screen. His birthday was this coming Friday, and he would be twenty years old. He sighed as he realized how fast life had flown past him.

"What's wrong?" Albel was looking at him with inquisitive eyes.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how fast time flies." He said. Fayt didn't want Albel to concern himself with his birthday. "And about how sexy you look in those jeans." This brought a devilish smile to the Bluenette's face, and he reveled in the flustered response he got from his beloved.

"I…ah…it's…nothing." He stammered, looking out of the window. Their view wasn't that different from anyone else's, but Fayt had fallen in love with it easily. There was plenty of sun and they were high enough up to avoid most of the noise from the city's transport. It was easy enough to procure with their cushy government pension. Fayt twisted the ring that Albel had placed on his hand, the tip of his index finger tracing the already well memorized smooth facets of the sapphire's surface.

"Hmm… have you thought about dinner for tonight?" He asked, suddenly reminded that this was in fact his life. Fayt was more sure than ever that he was blessed at that moment.

"Actually, I was thinking of making risotto, if you can find that sort of stuff on this planet." He still had fun poking insults at Earth's occasional inability to procure for him the 'old-fashioned' methods and means that he was used to. Albel had always been a better cook than Fayt, although they had a tendency to rely on their replicators. Albel liked to cook for his lover, and Fayt never argued.

"We have replicators, remember?" Fayt smiled gently at him.

"Of course, of course." Albel grinned and shifted, crawling towards the Bluenette. He deposited himself in Fayt's arms and straddled his lap.

"Oh…my..." Emerald eyes blinked up at the man who was poised so suggestively over him now, and he couldn't help but to blush. Fayt was no virgin, and His and Albel's sex life was healthy to say the least. All the same, there were a million situations that the Wicked One could put him in and cause him to blush like a school girl.

"I can't help but be adventurous. It's engrained in us, don't you think?" Albel's hips moved dangerously, and Fayt took a sharp intake of breath.

"Albel…" He breathed, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch.

"I simply love that I can drive you crazy." The Glyphian snickered and got to his feet, pleased at the disappointed sigh that his lover made as he did so.

"It's far too easy for you, and it proves your title, wicked one." Fayt shot, a lazy smile on his delicate face.

"Good. Never forget it. I may be living like a mouse here on this planet, but anywhere else, I am still Albel the Wicked." He smirked in response, standing with his hands on his hips.

"Yes, yes of course. I'm glad that you've come to terms with that much." Fayt stood and joined his lover, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind. "Gods, you smell wonderful."

"I went shopping if you couldn't tell." Albel hadn't been planning anything in particular, but if his new purchases got his blue-haired lover this excitable then he was definitely not going to argue.

"You're becoming an addict, you might have to watch out for that." Fayt jabbed, nipping at the other man's ear. He took another long breath of the warm, vaguely musky scent that adorned Albel's porcelain neck and sighed.

"Bah. What else am I to do? I have no job, I've become a trophy wife." He replied, his voice reflecting the closest to pouting that Albel Nox ever got.

"What?" Fayt gently turned him around in his arms, wondering if he could ever picture the deadly, self-righteous Albel Nox as a trophy wife. He had to grit his teeth to keep from going into hysterics.

"Well, you heard me. I want to do something too… you have this university you wish to go to. Is it like the library in Aquios?" He asked, voice dripping with sincere curiosity.

"Um, something like that, yes." Fayt felt instant guilt. He hadn't realized that Albel would get bored. The thought made him both upset and a bit worried. "I don't want you to be bored. Tell me what you want, I'll do it. Just name it." The Bluenette meant that with his whole heart too.

"I want a job. Is there no use for a brilliant military general?" Albel seemed to become nostalgic, and the Earthling almost instantly wondered if it could be some form of homesickness.

"You could always go to work with Maria and the others but… that's a long way away from home." There was a bit of sadness in Fayt's voice. "There are a lot of things you can do Albel, you just have to think about it." The Glyphian turned this over in his mind for a few minutes, absently caressing his lover's arms, where his hands rested.

"Well, I suppose I have more reading to do. I've loved all of the things that this planet has to offer through the written word…" He nodded and it seemed that he had formulated his desire in his mind then and there, however made no move to expunge the revelation to Fayt. The Bluenette was fine with that, Albel usually needed time to do things at his own pace.

"That's right. If you just-"

"Now where were we?" Suddenly uninterested with their conversation, Albel was pushing against his lover, and Fayt stumbled backwards several steps before loosing his footing all together and collapsing back onto the couch. Albel was on top of him again, mercilessly teasing the younger man's earlobe.

"Albel!" He breathed, the word barely a whisper. Fayt was learning that he could afford to be more aggressive with his beloved, and that had been a very interesting new frontier for exploring.

"Just relax, love. Relax and watch me." The Wicked One said through a searing smirk. Fayt's breath caught in his throat, the obviously erotic implications sending a million scenarios spinning through his already Albel-addled mind.

The Glyphian tilted his chin back, revealing the porcelain skin of his neck as he shook out his impossibly long hair. The younger man beneath him couldn't help but tremble at the sudden reminder of Albel's unreal beauty. Fayt was certain that he was the most beautiful creature in the entire universe, and here he was on Earth, just for him. His hands found Albel's feminine hips and his fingers caressed him through his clothing.

"Ah-ah, I said watch." Albel's voice was incredibly seductive, and Fayt was sure that if this continued at any rate he wouldn't last more than a few seconds.

"You're incredible!" Albel merely smirked, pulling his shirt up over his head and discarding it on the carpet behind them. He let his own hand trail over his exposed chest, lingering over the most sensitive places and reveling in Fayt's shivers as he gasped. The Glyphian rose up on his knees, coming back down to grind against his lover's hardening erection. The Earthing's jaw clamped shut in desperation, trying not to release the sounds that were rising in his throat. They manifested in a throaty growl as he strengthened his grip on Albel's hips and suddenly forced them both forward onto the floor.

Albel let out a surprised squeak and seemed rather shocked as Fayt pinned his wrists above his head. He attacked his lover's lips, demanding entry into the warm wetness beyond them. The Wicked One couldn't stop the lusty sound that escaped into his beloved's mouth and had to forcibly break away, still winded from being thrown backwards. He was sure that he was going to have rug burns, but this was a very intriguing turn of behavior coming from his mild-mannered Fayt.

"What's gotten into you?"

"Some crazy, obnoxious samurai who doesn't know what's good for him." Albel nearly giggled in delight, but the notion was lost as Fayt's mouth found his bare collar bone. He was only now becoming aware of the fact that he was loosing blood flow to his wrists and hands, but didn't care very much at all. The partially artificial limb that was the lower half of his left arm was not short on the necessary nerve-endings at least.

The older swordsman was struggling now, wanting to get free so that he could strip Fayt of his hooded sweatshirt and tank top as quickly as possible. This made the Bluenette grin and he refused to let go of his grip or shift his weight.

"Enough, maggot. Clothes off, NOW." Albel suddenly barked, tired of being submissive when he wasn't getting his way.

"Ask me nicely and I'll think about it." The general growled violently in response, and Fayt snickered, releasing his hold on the man's wrists and beginning to remove those all-too pesky garments. Albel only watched, crimson orbs wide as Fayt's perfect skin was revealed. He had gained scars over the course of their journey, but none so numerous as Albel's own. He reached up and touched the one that their most recent hardship had left him, about an inch and a quarter long, just above his heart. The Wicked One was instantly thankful at that moment that the blow that had killed him hadn't scarred thanks to Nel. He was sure that he would have gone crazy having to look at that every day. Albel nearly shuddered at the memory, and was gladly pulled back to the present as he felt Fayt's tongue and lips on his stomach.

Albel released a quiet groan as his lover's fingers found the waistband of his jeans, dipping below the fabric teasingly before he went to pull at the snap and zipper with agonizing slowness. Fayt's smile never faltered as he assaulted the older swordsman below him, finally pulling the jeans and undergarments away, tossing them aside without looking. Albel was suddenly aware of something in Fayt's eyes that he'd never seen before, a burning passion that made him feel truly precious, truly loved for a short moment in the long story that was his miserable life.

The Earthling lifted up his lover's ankle, and began to kiss his bare calf, trailing the kisses further and further up in a manner that could only be described as worshipful. The pliant Glyphian below him whimpered and trembled and it was the most thrilling thing that Fayt had ever witnessed. He couldn't help but revel in the fact that Albel Nox was tamed, a quivering mass beneath him. His kisses reached the man's inner thigh.

"Ah-You're driving me mad, fool!" Albel bit, his hands twisted into fists in the plush carpet.

"Not a long journey." It was Fayt's turn to smile wickedly as he nipped at Albel's hip, causing him to loose control and arch with a yelp, the wry comment instantly forgotten.

"P-please…" The plea was barely over a whisper, something that Albel was not used to saying.

"What? Did you say something, my dear?" Fayt's voice was mocking.

"PLEASE! For fuck's sake!" His lover snarled impatiently, crimson eyes clouded and desperate. Fayt's mouth was quick and enveloped his lover whole. Albel drew in a long breath through his teeth, sweat collecting on his brow as he felt the warm pressure of his lover's mouth on him. The Bluenette's tongue worked circles around The Wicked One's cock. His head thrashed from side to side as Fayt pulled back up, agonizingly slowly, dragging his tongue along the member. Albel whined as he removed himself entirely and was suddenly aware of the smell of vanilla.

The Elicoorian had no idea where the small bottle in his lover's hands had come from, but his mind was far too gone to linger on that thought for long. He watched, trembling in anticipation as he slicked his fingers in the substance and leaned forward, caressing the muscles of his entrance.

"Do you want me, Albel?"

"Yes! Oh gods, yes!"

Fayt suddenly became gentle for a moment, his lips against Albel's temple. He planted several kisses there. "I'm going to make love to you." The Earthling felt Albel's breath hitch as he leaned forward, kissing his chest and neck as his finger slowly pushed for entrance. There was a low, keening sound from The Wicked One as he was penetrated, his head thrown back against the carpet below them. Fayt pushed in further, moving slowly and gently as he prepared his lover. Another finger was added, and Albel's hands were suddenly braced on Fayt's bare shoulders, fingers cutting moon-shaped scratches into the pale flesh.

The Bluenette grunted and was again surprised at how much the stinging sensation aroused him. He withdrew his hand, which received a disappointed whine from Albel. Fayt applied more of the oily substance to his own straining erection and moved to forcibly flip his lover onto his stomach. The younger swordsman was surprised when he met resistance suddenly.

"No." Albel snarled, suddenly shifting their weight so that Fayt fell back against the edge of the couch in a half sitting position. He blinked, his lust-fogged mind not catching up with what was happening. The Wicked One then straddled him and Fayt's mind finally caught up with the situation as he felt himself enveloped in tight warmth. He groaned and held tight to his lover's hips.

Albel's fingernails dug deeper, drawing blood in some places as his shallow breathing sped up. Fayt's mouth found the general's porcelain flesh and he attacked it, leaving a large purplish mark and causing the other man to gasp and moan. Then Albel began to move, a pace that was brutally slow at first. Fayt found himself being the one whimpering now.

"Ah! God, Albel!" He groaned through parted lips, and he was sure at that moment that Albel would have been laughing at him if he weren't so lost in his throes of passion. As he felt him moving again, Fayt couldn't take it anymore and again forced his lover down onto his back. He threw one of the Glyphian's legs over his shoulder and instantly took control, quickening the pace. Fayt felt Albel shift the angle of his hips just slightly and then his voice broke, a wordless cry escaping the Wicked One's bruised lips.

Fayt braced himself on the carpet with one hand, and used the other to grasp his lover's weeping erection. Albel was trying, but failing to keep any control on his voice as he thrashed about, writhing in ecstasy beneath his beloved.

"D-don't stop!" He panted, and then his vision blurred as he felt his release spray out onto his stomach.

"Albel!" Fayt keened as he felt his lover's orgasm and thrusted again, his own release blinding him for a few moments as he rode it out. He collapsed forward, and felt his lover's arms snake around him almost instantly.

"Holy fuck, Fayt. I didn't know you could be that… aggressive." The older man said, voice husky.

"Mmmhm." The Bluenette barely uttered, his heart still hammering in his chest. He smiled against Albel's skin.

"I think I like this side of Fayt Leingod." Albel chuckled, running his fingers through the damp blue locks in front of him.

"Never…a dull moment." Fayt said, yawning.

"You wore yourself out, fool." Albel replied, no malice in his words. Fayt only nodded, barely aware of the sound of the news cast droning on in the background.

"That's what you get, for starting something like this in the middle of the day." The Bluenette complained half-heartedly. He glowed at Albel, finally forcing his heavy eyes open to look up at his lover. It was amazing to think that they had come to this, that he was being held in the arms of Albel Nox, Albel the Wicked.

"Bah. I always get what I want…maggot." He said the last word in a way that somehow made it seem like an endearing pet name.

"I suppose that's true. I wouldn't have it any other way." Fayt's sentence dissolved into a groan as the phone began to ring. He rolled away begrudgingly from Albel's warmth and crawled over to the contraption, receiving a cat-call from the Glyphian on the way.

"Hello?" He rolled his eyes at Albel as the other man got to his feet with catlike grace despite the strain of their previous activities.

"Fayt? This is Mirage." The Bluenette smiled despite himself, somewhat grateful to hear a familiar voice. He had missed his friends more than he expected to.

"Hey! What's up?" His tone was instantly more cheerful.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Cliff and I will be in the area soon, bringing Sophia home." She said nonchalantly.

"Really? Are you coming to visit?" He tried not to giggle as Albel re-emerged from the bathroom with a damp hand-towel and began to wipe at the mess that was on his stomach, paying special attention to his ticklish spots.

"Of course. And Maria wants me to tell you that she's still rather upset with you for running off like you did." The Klausian had a hint of laughter in her tone as she said this, and Fayt was glad. He didn't like dealing with the women in his life when they were honestly angry. The thought of an irate Maria made his stomach turn.

"Yeah, I figured as much, but I just couldn't take it anymore." He really did snort and chuckle at this point as his lover finished up what he was doing and looked up at him with a smirk.

"What's so funny?"

"N-nothing." He laughed.

"Who is it?" Albel asked, loudly enough to be heard on the other end. Mirage laughed this time.

"It's Mirage, you snoop." Fayt replied in mock annoyance.

"Anyway, It's good to hear that you're doing so well after all of the crap we've been through. We'll see you in three days." She said, and Fayt smiled against the phone.

"Alright. I look forward to it. Later!" The line went dead and he set the slim device down.

"Look forward to what?" Albel asked, raising a well-groomed eyebrow before he absently began collecting their clothing.

"Mirage and Cliff are coming by, from the sounds of it. I assume that means Nell too, and Sophia." The Elicoorian's expression showed his apprehension as he stepped back into his jeans.

"Sounds…interesting." He stated, half grumbling.

"It'll be fun, like old times." Fayt offered.

"I didn't like who I was in 'old times'." Albel retorted, not meeting Fayt's eyes.

"I know… I promise it will be alright, and they won't stay too long, okay? Please don't worry."

"Bah! Like I need you to protect me, worm." It warmed Fayt's heart to know that there was still fight left in his lover.

"You just might." He ribbed in return, dressing himself as he talked.

Albel was sure that this was going to be the start of something. What that something was, he wasn't entirely sure. The Wicked One crawled up onto the couch next to Fayt, intent on taking a well deserved afternoon nap.