Whitefang4ever: yo!!! whats up!?!?! i had watched the movie "The Cat Returns" when i thought up this story.its a Baron/Haru!
Sideswipes: i luv and ur stories.
Me: (coos) i luv u sides!! (hugs sides)
Muta: (gags) just get on with the story.
Me: meanie.i own no the cat returns...some1 else does.i don't no who,but they do own it.now,on vith ztory!!!
Chapter #1A Dog?
It had been a half a year sence Haru's "Kingdom of Cats" adventure. Haru was walking home from school when she saw a very large, colorful dog laying on the sidewalk. It was laying a good 6 or 7 yards away.
Worried that the large dos was injuried (good o Haru), haru walked up to it and kneeled down. She saw that it had a bueatiful fur coat. Red, dark brown, light brown, black, and white with a dark blue ribbin around its neck that had a gold/silver bell on it.
Haru did the first thing that came to her mind, she poked the dog.The dog's right ear twitched but that was it. haru then picked up the dog (she fell 5 or 6 times) and brought it home.
Up on coming to the front door, she had to kick the door, HARD. her mother opened the door and was about to say something but closed her mouth when she saw the dog.
Haru walked into the house, went to her room, put the dog on her bed, and went back down to make dinner.
At dinner
"Haru? Where did you get that dog from?" Haru's mother asked.
"It was just laying on the sidewalk. I think its injuried." Haru answered, finishing her meal and put her plat and cup in the sink.
She then went up to her room before hearing her mother's reply. As she walked into her room, she saw the dog was still laying on her bed but with it's eyes open and it was looking at her.
As Haru moved around her room, the eyes watched her but with curiosity. When she went to turn out the lights, the dog walked to the end of the bed and layed down. Haru set her cow alarm clock, turned out the lights, got in bed, and fell a sleep.
End Chap #1
Me: what ya think?
Muta: it was stupid.
Me: (throws Muta in a small river)
Sides: (claps)
Me: (bows) R&R plz!!!