Disclaimer : Now everyone, all together now... "I do not own DB/Z/GT...." etc.

A/N: I'm not sure why I wrote this. I just thought it was cute. I think the whole Vegeta/Bura thing is adorable!! ^_^

O yeah... I changed the title / last line because I got a review saying it was confusing. See, I'm a good, responsible author -- I try to keep my stories as unambiguous as possible.

"Same To You."

Thunder crashed around the domed Capsule Corp. building, and the lights flickered and died. Four-year-old Bura Briefs sat bolt upright in bed, eyes wide. "Mommy!" she screamed.

The small, turquoise-haired girl climbed out of bed, feeling her way around the bedroom until she found the door. Once she was through, Bura continued slowly through the house, crying quietly. The horrible nightmare was still foremost in her mind . . .

At last, after bumping into various pieces of furniture Bura reached her parents' room. "Mommy?" Bura sniffed, knuckling her eyes.

"Your mother's working again," came a gruff voice from the bed.

Bura looked up, and with her eyes finally accustomed to the dark, she managed to see the dim outline of her father, propped up on one elbow. The little girl hung her head and started to shuffle out of the room. "Sorry, Daddy."

Suddenly the room was lit in a soft, blue glow. Bura turned around -- her father had raised his energy, surrounding himself with a blue flame and lighting up the room. The usual scowl on his face was missing. Bura smiled hopefully, and Vegeta flipped back the covers.

Her fear of thunderstorms forgotten, Bura ran and jumped into her father's arms. Vegeta hugged her to his chest, patting her head. "What's the matter with my little Princess?" he inquired, and his voice was kind in the way it only was around her. "You aren't afraid of the thunderstorm, are you?"

Bura shook her head. "Not anymore, Daddy."

"Then what's wrong?"

Bura remembered the events of her nightmare, and she began shivering. Vegeta's arms wrapped around her comfortingly. "I had a bad dream."

"What happened?"

"I was sleeping, and then a bad man came," Bura's lower lip began to quiver, and she held back her tears only because she didn't want to show weakness in front of her father. "And he killed big brother . . . and Mommy . . . and then you got mad . . . but he killed you, too . . . and there was blood everywhere . . . and it was red, and spreading . . ."

"We aren't dead," Vegeta assured her. "It was just a bad dream. Nobody can hurt you when Daddy's here."

The little girl nodded, burying her face in her father's shirt. "I know. But you were gone, Daddy."

Vegeta smiled. "Do you want to stay with me tonight?"

"Yes, please!"

Vegeta lay down again, holding his small daughter gently in his arms. He pulled the blankets up over the two of them. "Goodnight, Princess."

"'Night, Daddy. I love you," she rested her head on his chest and smiled up at him.

"Yeah. Same to you," Vegeta actually kissed her the top of her head, and fell asleep.