Gabriella could not stop smiling. It wasn't that she'd gotten her job back at Lava Springs or that Sharpay Evans actually apologized to her. What was making her smile was the security she felt with Troy's arm wrapped around her as she rode with him in his "new" truck.

The last few weeks had been so stressful. Sharpay had done her best to break them apart and succeeded even if was just for a few days. That was the past. She leaned her head on Troy's shoulder and sighed.

Troy smiled. He'd missed hearing that sound. It made him feel good … happy … content. He rubbed her arm and felt goose bumps as she shivered under his touch. "Are you cold?"

"No." She sat up and looked at the road ahead of them. "Where are we going?"

He smiled. "I've been promising to take you to a movie for weeks. I thought…"

She looked at him strange. "It's after ten o'clock. All of the movies have already started. We won't be able to get in."

"Oh ye of little faith."

Troy turned onto a side road that led to the neighborhood park near East High. In the park, a huge white screen was set up on the baseball field. Couples and groups were scattered across the field on blankets.

"What is this?" She asked.

He pulled into the parking lot and killed the engine. As she looked up at him with a questioning gaze, he kissed her, putting everything he felt for her into it.

When it ended, she smiled. "That was nice … but you didn't answer my question."

He laughed. "It's a fundraiser the boosters do every Saturday night during the summer. It pays for extracurricular stuff that gets cut from the budget. It's how we get new uniforms every year, it helps pay for music programs, art programs…" He opened the door, got out and held it open for her. He then grabbed a blanket from behind the seat. "Sometimes the movies are lame, but it's for a good cause." He took her hand and headed for the ticket table. "Two please."

Troy paid for the tickets and the two headed for the field stopping at the refreshment table for popcorn in brown paper bags and canned sodas. As they neared third base, Gabriella noticed a reserved sign.

"You have your own spot? Come here often?"

He laid out the blanket. "Yep, but usually it's just me and the guys. I've never brought a date out here. I've never wanted to until now."

"Troy…" Gabriella moved forward to kiss him but was interrupted when Troy's parents appeared.

"Hi Coach Bolton, Mrs. Bolton."

"Ah, Miss Montez, I didn't get a chance last night to tell you what a great job you did."

"Thank you, sir." She blushed.

"So, what do you think of our outdoor theater?" Jack Bolton asked his son's girlfriend.

"I think it's a great program. I've never been to anything like this." She responded.

Troy put his arm around his girlfriend. "So you're sitting where?"

Lucille Bolton squeezed her husband's hand. "I think our son is trying to get rid of us."

Troy feigned looking hurt. "Mom, I would never… I think I saw an empty spot near first base."

Jack laughed. "Don't worry, son. We're already set up in right field."

"Right field?" Troy asked. "Isn't that a little far back?"

"If I'm lucky." Jack winked. "Don't wait up."

Troy had a disgusted look on his face as Gabriella giggled.

"I'm glad you're amused by my parent's blatant display of old people love."

"Oh come on, Troy, it's sweet. You're parents have been together for what? Twenty years?"

He nodded. "Something like that."

She watched as his parents headed for their blanket. "Your dad still looks at your mom like…"

Troy wrapped her in a tight hug. "Like I look at you?"

Gabriella bit her bottom lip and nodded. "Yeah." She whispered.

His mouth covered hers in a tender kiss.

"Oh, get a room."

They broke apart only to find Chad, Taylor, Jason and Kelsi standing beside them.

"Hey guys." Troy greeted.

Chad shook his head. "Bringing your girlfriend here instead of you best friends. Man, that's just wrong."

Taylor swatted him on the shoulder as she cleared her throat.

"Oh, well…" Chad stammered.

"Sorry man, I've flaked enough on Gabriella this summer. Besides, if they show a horror movie, I'd rather her grab my hand than you."

"Hey, that only happened once, okay, maybe twice."

Everyone laughed as the lights dimmed and the screen came to life. Chad and Jason quickly laid out the blankets they were carrying out and all of the teens settled in for the show.


It was almost one in the morning when Troy pulled up in front of Gabriella's house.

"I had a great time tonight, Troy. Thank you for keeping your promise."

He turned off the ignition and faced his girlfriend. "Thank you for bringing me back to reality." He placed his hand on her face and brushed his thumb across her cheek. "You mean everything to me, Gabriella."

Troy lowered his lips to hers and her arms went around his neck. The kiss was intense, passionate and unlike anything either had ever experienced. When it ended, Gabriella was breathless.


He grinned. "Yeah, wow." He wanted to kiss her again, but he knew how late it was. "I'd better walk you to the door."

Reluctantly, she nodded in agreement.

They exited the truck and headed hand in hand to Gabriella's house. Once they were standing on the front porch, they faced one another.

"I wish this night didn't have to end. It's been so perfect. It's exactly how I've always dreamed a summer day should be." She grasped his hands, entwining their fingers. "Thank you." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him again.

Troy let go of her hands and tangled his fingers in her hair, deepening the kiss. After a few minutes, the porch light blinked on and off.

Gabriella stepped back, not taking her eyes from Troy's. "I guess I should go in." She kissed him once more. "Good night, Troy."

"Night." He replied as he jogged down the steps. "I'll pick you up in seven. We'll go to breakfast before work."

"Okay." She waved as he continued his jog to the truck.


Gabriella entered her house, shut the door and leaned against it.

"That was some kiss."

Gabriella jumped at her mother's voice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Her mother smiled at her. "So I take it the staff party went well?"

Gabriella nodded.

"So what did you do afterwards?"

"We went to the outdoor movie over by East High. The school boosters do it as a fundraiser. They showed the original Psycho. For an old movie, it was kinda scary."

Her mother smiled. "That's a great date movie. Lots of jumpy moments."

"Mom…" Gabriella yawned. "I better go to bed. Troy's picking me up at seven for breakfast."

She walked over to her mother and kissed her cheek. "Good night."

"Night sweetheart." She watched her daughter run up the stairs. "My baby girl's all grown up."


Gabriella yawned as she sat in the lifeguard perch. As he'd promised, Troy was at her house at seven A.M. sharp. They'd eaten breakfast and then headed to the club for the big cleanup. Surprisingly, Sharpay was there helping … not very well, but she was there.

Now, Gabriella was at her post watching over the elite teens of Albuquerque splash around the pool.

"I thought you could use this."

She looked down to see Troy holding up an energy drink. "Thanks. Keep 'em coming."

He rubbed her foot. "Meet me for lunch?"

She nodded. "I don't know if I'll be much company."

"You being there is all I need." He winked. "Meet you in the kitchen at 1:30."

As she watched him walk away, she touched the "T" which was back around her neck thanks to Chad who snatched it from Troy's locker before the talent show.

"Miss Montez, may I have a word with you?" Mr. Fulton's voice brought her back to reality.

She took a sip of her drink and then got down off of her perch. "What did I do now sir?"

"It's nothing you've done Miss Montez. It's what I've done to you these last few weeks. I was just following orders, but that's really no excuse. I'm really very…"

Gabriella dove into the pool and pulled a small child from under the water. The child had broken away from his mother and ran straight into the deep end of the pool. She saw him before he hit the water. She brought him to the edge and handed him up to another lifeguard. Gabriella pulled herself up onto the side of the pool and began checking the little boy. He was fine, but his mother was near hysterics. Mr. Fulton was at her side immediately trying to calm her down.

"Can you swim?" Gabriella asked the little boy who was no more than three.

The little boy shook his head.

"Then why did you jump in?"

He shrugged.

Gabriella smiled. "Well, how about you wait to go swimming in the deep end until you've had lessons, okay?"

He nodded, smiled and then hugged her.

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving Jayden's life." The boy's mother held her hand out to Gabriella. "If there's anything I can do for you…"

"There's no need for that, ma'am. I was just doing my job. Jayden promised me he'd stay out of the deep end until he's had swimming lessons." She looked at the little boy. "Right Jayden?"

"Uh huh." He replied.

"I need to get back to my post. I'll see ya later Jayden." She waved to him and headed back to her perch.

"Where's Mrs. Evans? I must speak to her at once!"


When Gabriella entered the kitchen for lunch, she was met with a round of applause.

"What's that for?"

Troy's arms wrapped around her. "We heard about you saving that little boy. I'm so proud of you." He kissed her sweetly.

She bit her bottom lip. "It was nothing, really. I was just doing my job."

"Miss Montez, come with me please." Mr. Fulton told her.

"So much for lunch." She sighed. "Go ahead and eat without me."

Mr. Fulton stopped and turned to Troy. "After you've eaten, please meet me in my office."

Troy looked confused, but nodded.


Gabriella was led into Mrs. Evans office.

"Here she is Mrs. Evans, just as you requested."

"Thank you, Thomas. That will be all."

Mr. Fulton nodded and left the office.

Gabriella stood nervously in the huge office that was extravagantly decorated.

"Come in, please, have a seat." Mrs. Evans pointed to a huge plush leather chair.

"Is there a problem, Mrs. Evans?" She asked.

"No, no. Mitsy told me of your heroics."

Gabriella shook her head. "Mitsy?"

"Margaret Templeton. You saved her little boy this morning."

"I was just doing my job, Mrs. Evans."

"Be that as it may, there were four other lifeguards on duty, one of which was a foot away from him. I was told that even though Mr. Fulton was speaking with you at the time, your attention remained on the water."

"That's my job, Mrs. Evans."

"Yes, well, I have a new job for you. I would like if very much if you would consider being head lifeguard."

Gabriella was taken aback. "What about Javier?"

"Yes, he's certified, but hardly qualified. It's time I started making the decisions for this club, not my daughter. Part of being head lifeguard, is lifeguarding. From what I've been told all he has yet to do that. His employment has been terminated."

"If I take the job, what would I have to do?"

"From what Mr. Fulton has told me, everything you've been doing along with scheduling pool activities and perhaps starting a preschool swim class. You would also be salary. If you wish to take the job, Mr. Fulton will discuss that with you." A knock came from the large wooded door. "Enter, please."

In walked Mitsy, Jayden, a man with a camera and a man carrying a note pad.

Mrs. Evans clasped her hands together dramatically than motioned to Gabriella. "Here is the girl of the hour. Lava Springs own personal heroine. This is Gabriella Montez."

The photographer began snapping pictures leaving Gabriella feeling completely exposed.


Troy knocked on Fulton's door.

"Come in."

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes, Mr. Bolton. I know that you no longer wish to be the Assistant Golf Pro, but I do wish that you would reconsider."

"Mr. Fulton, I…"

"I understand your feelings, Troy. I've worked here for the last ten years. Miss Evans can be … well, that's beside the point. The members love you. The children are raving about you to their parents. If you decide to continue as the Assistant Golf Pro, your membership will now include the ability to invite friends as long as they are not on duty, you will continue to be on salary, and you will get to keep the golf clubs. Considering that Miss Evans had your name engraved on them, and all she put you through, think of them a bonus. So what do you think?"

Troy blew out a deep breath. "Can I think about it?"

"Of course. For now, why don't you see if Miss Montez would like her lunch break now. I'm sure she's starving."


Troy spotted Gabriella heading for the pool area.


She stopped and turned to the sound of his voice.

He jogged over to her. "Fulton said you can take your lunch break now."

"Oh." She nodded. "Okay."

Troy grabbed her hand and began walking her to the kitchen. "So where'd you go?"

"Mrs. Evans office. She offered me the Head Lifeguard job and then a reporter and photographer came in and interviewed me and took pictures of me and the little boy from this morning."

"That's incredible! Are you gonna take it?"

Gabriella shrugged. "I'm supposed to talk to Mr. Fulton about salary and job responsibilities. I'll make my decision after that. What did Mr. Fulton want to see you about?"

"He wants me to stay on as Assistant Golf Pro."

"What did you tell him?"

He stopped and faced her. "That I have to think about it. I don't want my job to interfere with my friendships." He caressed "I don't want to lose you again."

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Troy, just don't lose yourself again and we'll be fine."

He leaned down and kissed her.


"Wow, it sounds like the two of you had quite a day." Jack Bolton told his son and his son's girlfriend. "So what are you going to do?"

"It's not much more than I'm doing now. The bonus is weekends off and more money. So I took it." Gabriella told him.

"What about you, son?"

Troy looked at his father and nodded. "I'm gonna call Mr. Fulton right now and let him know I'll do it. I'll be right back." He pointed toward the other room.

"I'm quite impressed with you, Gabriella. You deserve your promotion." Jack told her.

"Thank you, sir. But really I was just doing my job."

"You're a very impressive young lady and a very good influence on my son."

Gabriella blushed. "Thank you."

Troy came back into the room. "Done deal." He looked at his girlfriend who was yawning. "I'd better drive you home. You're exhausted." He reached out his hands to her and lifted her up by her hands off of the couch.

"Bye Coach."

"See you later, Gabriella."


The next morning, Gabriella's mother was staring at her daughter's picture on the front page of the newspaper. Gabriella was asleep when she'd gotten home from work so she'd not been able to ask her how her day had gone. Apparently, by what the article said, it had been very eventful.

"Morning, Mom."

"Good morning." She turned the front page toward her daughter. "Anything exciting happen at work yesterday?"

Gabriella blushed.

"I'm proud of you, baby girl."

"Thanks, Mom." She sat down and her mother passed her a muffin and juice. "I got a promotion and a raise too."

"I'm impressed. Oh, before I forget, I have to go to New York for a few days on business."

Gabriella's face dropped. "No." There was panic in her voice. "You promised."