Author's note: I hope you like the long long chapter yesterday! Here is the next and last one of this story, hey there might be a third. I don't know yet. It sums everything up and…leaves some. I want to thank the reviewers that stuck with me through the first story and stuck throughout this one. Also if you decide to review after I'm done writing this story, I hope to reply to all your reviews! Even the mean and cruel ones, they are all welcome. Also thank you for sitting through my spelling mistakes…I know they are just awful. Remember even though I may not release another story for awhile, I love you all…and I love it when you review and message me and ill give you my email address!

Disclaimer: Mrs. Rowling owns it all.






Clara came down in a white dress her hair was up and her makeup was done. Tonight she would enter society and in 2 months she would be starting Hogwarts. She had a green necklace around her neck full of diamonds and emeralds. She looked like a lady, or the one she had become. Hermione smiled and almost matched Clara only her dress was green and full of diamonds embroidered in her dress her blonde hair was up and Hermione's biggest accessory was her smile.

"You look beautiful Clara." Hermione hugged her.

Clara nodded and then said, "thanks…well I'm ready."

"I know, now when you walk through those doors…your available!" she said joking around.

Draco coughed he apparently wasn't comfortable with her being 'available.' to anyone.

Clara laughed and then said "you'll have to give me up sometime." She looked at Draco.

He coughed harder and then said, "you look like your mother." One because she really did and two to change the subject.

Hermione beamed proudly as she hugged Draco and then stood up straight and said, "You should go downstairs, before the grand entrance."

Hermione grabbed her in one more bone-crushing hug and then saw Ingrid and hugged Ingrid to.

Ingrid coughed "Your killing me." Hermione let go. "Sorry, you just look beautiful."

Ingrid then said "Yah, I know…thank you Mrs. Malfoy."

Ingrid turned to Clara "Can you believe this dress, they want me to look like a yeti or something…and what's with the white!"

Clara then waved to her parents as they left and as they left the room she said "something about being innocent-like."

They both burst out laughing.






They waited as a girl came down the stairs one by one. Each with there beautiful gowns and smiles and then is met at the bottom of the staircase by their escort.

Ingrid walked through the doors and walked down beaming and was met by Craig at the bottom of the staircase.

Now it was Clara's turn and she walked through the doors and walked down gracefully towards Derek. He smiled took her arm in his and escorted her to the dance-floor. It was a new beginning after that.







It was late and Clara went to Ingrid's manor after the ball. For one last sleepover before Hogwarts and to party.

Hermione got back to the manor and slipped out of her dress and into a black nightgown and walked to the nursery and watched her sons sleep. They slept peaceful and she knew

It had been less then a month and they were already walking and running and on the verge of talking.

Draco met her at the doorframe as she turned of the lights and the sweet lullaby played in the background and the night sky cascaded across the enchanted ceiling. Draco turned to his wife "One in Hogwarts, two in the manor…one coming." He whispered it in her ear.

She then smiled and said "Yes, one gone 3 to go."

He then smiled and said "Well, are you ready to go to bed mummy?"

Hermione then giggled a soft giggle and said "Yes, I'm rather tired, what about you Dadykins?"

He grabbed her hand and closed the door of the nursery and they walked back to their room for the night.






Pansy looked at the healer and smiled "its girls…twin girls."

The healer nodded and yes for the 13th time "Yes, Mrs. Zabini as hard as it is to believe you are pregnant with twins."

Blaise just sat their dazed and staring off into space "twins…wow…twins…how…no…. Wow."






Ginny watched Jade crawl and laugh in the grass as her and Twiggy, Voldemort and Justin sat sipping tee and sitting nearby at a patio table.

"The war is going to start soon…" she heard her father-in-law say.

She blocked it out and smiled as her toddle giggled and ran around spinning.

"The attack is going to happen soon…isn't it father?" Justin asked and Voldemort nodded.

Twiggy then said, "we are more then ready."

Ginny giggled and they all looked at her she apparently wasn't paying attention to the conversation only watching her daughter run around.

Ginny then called her daughter and the little baby in a white and black polka dotted dress ran to Ginny and her mother picked her up kissed her and sat her on her lap.

Ginny saw them all looking at her.

"Well, like I was saying the war…are we really ready?" Justin asked smiling at his daughter.

Ginny then spoke up "You know what's funny?"

"What?" Twiggy asked interested.

"The other day, I was thinking to myself, that we may not be ready for the war, but then I realized, if any of those people try to hurt my baby I wont die for my child ill kill for her…so yes…I think we are ready."

They all smiled as Jade said her first word "yes."

Ginny's face went from protective mother to delighted in two seconds.

"Yes, baby…your already ahead of your boy cousins in talking aren't you." Justin said and tickled Jade.

Voldemort then smirked and said, "Takes after her bloody grandmother."

Twiggy laughed and said "Yes, you're like me…and your grandfather can't take another one of me in the world." She said it in a baby talking way.

Voldemort closed his eyes rubbed his head and said "Yes, we are ready…that is a fact."





Author's note: I don't want it to end…but all things come to an end sometimes.

Hey there might be a 3rd one in the process you'll never know. I may just submit a new story tonight. I'm mysterious like that. If you want to email me my email just when you email me let me know that you are a person from fanfiction, so I don't delete it! My email is always open and advice is always good.

Thanks again…. I love you all! Ciao! Kim