Hey everybody, sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy. Well enough with my life let's get started with the new chapter.

Misty: bout time, i've been here for a while and I need a shower.

Me: oooook let's go.

The sunlight shined over the misty mountains and spread it's light across the forest. Ruben stands on a boulder holding a pokeball in his hand, he threw it out and out of a blinding white light a Houndoom appeared and growled viciously. In the dew coated bushes a group of Luxio and Luxray appeared, "Houndoom use nasty plot" he said. Upon hearing its trainers command it began to concentrate, after a bit it glared at the group of electric pokemon. "Now use flamethrower!" he yelled out and out of the dark dog's mouth came a stream of fire that demolished the electric pokemon pack and sent them running. "Great job houndoom, return" he said putting the pokemon back in it's ball. Behind Ruben a young man walked up and shoved him in the shoulder, "Hey ya queer" he said and Ruben immediatly recognized the voice. "What's up fag" Ruben responded turning around to face Beau and he pounded fists with him. "What are you doing out here?" Ruben asked facing his highschool buddie, "Oh just came to see what you were doing" the blonde responded looking over his shoulder to see some singed plants and fleeing pokemon. "Oh just training, say 'hi' to everyone for me" Ruben said turning around about to send out another pokemon. "Whoa whoa whoa, when was the last time you took a break" Beau said, "Come with me, let's go hang out" he said. "Well...I guess I could use a little break" Ruben said placeing the pokeball back on his belt and walked with Beau.

Beau and Ruben walk into the Stadium and sat down on the bleachers, "Well...this is it" Ruben said looking down at the field. Beau gazed with him and a moment of silence took place, until Beau broke it, "So this is where you're going to battle?" Ruben looked at Beau, "you bet, it's gonna be great" he said looking back down. "All of us will support you" Beau said looking back at Ruben smiling, "and we'll sit here" he said tapping the bleacher seat. "That'll be good" Ruben replied and looked up at the sun shining, "let's go find everyone else" he said. And with that Beau and Ruben headed down the bleachers and out of the stadium.

It was about 8:20 am by the time Brock had woken up; still tired he got up out of his bunk and walked to the coffee pot. Ash remained in his bed still sleeping with Pikachu curled up in a ball on his chest. Brock stood at the pot while the water passed through the grounds making the rich coffee that Brock had yearned for every morning. While Brock was waiting for the coffee to finish he walked over to the window and opened the blinds allowing sunshine to beam into the room. Ash stirred in his sleep and he eventually woke up with a big yawn. "Wake up Ash" Brock said while turning on the stove, placing pans and food onto the counter. "5 more minutes mommy" he said while turning over and sucking his thumb, Pikachu had jumped off the bed at this point. "Go wake up May and Max so they can get breakfast, it'll be ready in 15 minutes" he said putting some bacon, and making preparations for French toast.

Max lay in his bed snoring loudly and May was in her bunk slowly waking up. She rolled over to look at the clock, it read SAT 8:27 am, she felt wide awake so she got out of her bed and headed for the bathroom. She removed her shirt and her pajama bottoms, and then she unclipped her bra and slid out of her panties and got into the shower closing the blurry glass door. She lathered herself down with the soap that was provided in the shower like most hotels have, but she grabbed her own bottle of shampoo and began to wash her hair. After about 10 minutes of washing up in the shower she finally turned off the water, grabbing her towel she wrapped herself.

Ash walked out of his room and headed just down the hall to May's room, once he reached the door he knocked twice.

May couldn't hear the knocking because her bathroom door was closed; she realized that her clothes were in the room under her bed. She peaked out into the room to see that max was still asleep, 'good, I can go in there, grab my clothes, and come back in here' she thought to herself.

Ash waited outside the door and he thought they were still sleeping, so he brought out his key for the door and unlocked it.

May headed out into the bedroom and looked for some clothes, while she was grabbing her clothes her towel hooked onto the dresser.

Ash opened the door.

May stood up and was about to walk back into the bathroom when she realized her towel came off and Ash was at the front door.

"Oh my god" Ash and May said in unison, Ash quickly closed the door and looked away, while May grabbed her towel and rushed into the bathroom. After a while Ash peaked into the room to see that May wasn't in there, he sighed in relief and walked inside. "May?" he asked and he saw the bathroom light on. "Sorry about that" Ash said, blushing a little, and in response, "It's fine" she said, "Like you haven't seen me naked before" she mentioned and at this Ash blushed deeply and looked over to see if Max was still sleeping…he was. "Be careful at what you say, Max could've been listing" he said still standing by the door. "You can come in now, I'm dressed" She said and when Ash came into the bathroom she only word her skirt and a bra, "well…mostly" she said and giggled. Ash blushed slightly but didn't leave, "Brock said that breakfast will be ready in about 15 minutes" Ash said and looked at her, he never realized how beautiful she was, especially without her shirt on. "Ok, Max and I will be there shortly" she said and stood up and kissed Ash's cheek. Ash nodded and headed out the door and back into his room.

Brock had already gotten a plate full of bacon and he was cooking the eggs while listing to the song White Wedding by Billy Idol with his iPod that was hooked into his iHome. "It's a nice day for a white wedding, it's a nice day to START AGAAAAAAAAAIN!" Brock sang along not realizing that Ash was there, and as he sang Brock turned around seeing Ash he stood up straight and looked at Ash who had his eyebrow raised."Did you tell May and Max about breakfast?" Brock said and Ash just stared at him, "um…yeah I did" Ash said and he busted out in laughter. "Shut up!" Brock said throwing a pot at him, and continued to cook. "Fine, but I'm telling May and Max about this" he said and took off his clothes and took a shower.

May was in her room after brushing her hair, and she woke up Max, "Wake up baby bro, breakfast time" She said and Max just rolled over groaning, "Its Saturday, there not supposed to have mornings" he said groggily. "Come on its time to eat, and Ash has to get ready and go find out when he's battling" she said and Max finally gave in and got out of bed. They both headed out of their room and to Ash's and Brock's room. After they had entered the food was ready, May took her seat next to Ash and kissed his cheek. They all sat at the table eating the very delicious food that Brock had prepared. "So after this I'm going to head down to the Pokemon center and find out when I'm battling" Ash said and continued to eat, "no need for that Ash, the entire schedule is right here" Brock said looking at the Newspaper. "So when am I battling?" Ash asked, "Hold on a sec" Brock said scanning the paper. "Today at noon, in the ice arena, against a guy named Rafael" Brock said. "So today at noon, I'll be ready" He said with a grin on his face. "After breakfast we'll head out" May said.

After a while they all headed outside on a bright day, a huge crowd gathered around and was entering the stadium. "Wow, it's going to be packed" Ash said, as he looked around he found the entrance for the trainers participating, "this is where I go" Ash said and headed inside waving goodbye to his friends, "We'll cheer for you!" May shouted out and Ash left already. Ruben eventually showed up, but he wasn't battling today, he knew Ash was so he decided to go.

The bleachers were packed with a lot of people, Ash and a bunch of other trainers were in a box at the top of the stadium, "Brian and Joe, you guys are up" a woman with a headset and a colorful dress on. Two guys walk up to her and nodded to her confirming that they were the trainers. "Follow me please" She said and they followed her into the glass elevator and they went down.

The lady that called the two trainers was in the center of the ring, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Quartz Pokemon Tournament, our trainers for today are ready for their battles on the ice field, so let's get this tournament underway" She said as the crowd cheered. "In the Red corner all the way from Sitka, we have Brian!" She yelled out and pointed to Brian, he was an adult but he was still young, he had short black hair, and he stood about 5'10". "And in the green corner, from Juneau we have Joe she announced, Joe was an older male, definitely old enough to have kids well in their twenties. "Now that we have some older trainers, let's get it underway!" the lady announced shooting a revolver in the air signaling for the fight to start.

There you go, that's that chapter, I hope you liked it. And just for the record these characters are based off of some of my friends and co workers…just thought it could be mentioned.