"By then we'd come to realize it…wasn't what we'd thought. We'd wanted to help people. Not become terrorists. We decided to leave. But Magneto… he didn't let people leave easily. And he'd gotten Raven all… is it too punny to say he was magnetic? Cuz it's pretty damn accurate. She was so sompletely under his spell that she told him that we were going to leave. And when we tried…Daniel was carrying Sean. And I was carrying you, Sabrina. I made it out. Daniel didn't."
Megan broke off and clenched her fists in front of her face, breathing deeply. Sean put a hand on her shoulder. Should I…? All of the X-Men looked at me expectantly. Okay. That's weird. I'm, uh, gonna let this one pass. After a moment Megan nodded and looked back up.
"I'm sorry, Sabrina. Maybe I should have tried to keep you, but I just- I just couldn't. I was so wounded from the battle, I wasn't even sure if I was going to make it and I… No. That isn't right. I- I need to be completely honest about this. To be honest, I was badly hurt. I wasn't sure I was going to survive. But more than that, I was so, so certain that I was dead already.
I was twenty years old. I was a former member of a terrorist group, I was wanted by every law agency and the Brotherhood. I had just watched the love of my life slaughtered by the people I thought were my friends. And now they had my son as well. I couldn't be a mother to you Sabrina. Because I had every intention of following Daniel out."
Sean and I both froze. His hand slowly slipped from her shoulders. The only thing I could do was stare at her in shock.
"You…you-"I spluttered.
My palms began to burn red. Megan's eyes widened and she reached out to me.
"No!" I yelled. "I was your baby! We were all each other had anymore and you were going to- you- you left me!"
I pushed off from the table and grabbed Logan's collar to yank him closer to me.
"You see this guy? This is my Daniel. He is my Old Spice guy. He is my fucking everything. And if, someday…Not-not anytime soon or anything I mean, just like…SOMEDAY. If SOMEDAY we happen to have a baby and I will raise the shit out of that baby no matter what because that's what you do when you love someone! You keep every part of them you can! I'm not saying you didn't love Daniel but you were a mother and you needed to grow up and be one! Okay?!"
"Sabrina," Storm cut in.
"What?!" I whirled on her.
"That's enough," she said firmly. "It's too much. Look at her. Do you honestly believe it was easy for her to leave you? Look at her, Sabrina. She left you with a caring family who loved you and cared for you like you were truly their own by blood, and not just heart. Sabrina. Look at your mother."
I looked at Megan.
Double dammit.
I hate crying. I ugly cry. I'm really, really ugly crying now. Because Storm is right. And Megan and I ugly cry the same way.
"I'm sorry," we both sob out.
"I'm hateful and a bitch and I don't want to- I didn't mean to-"
"No, no!" she cuts me off. "I should have been there, I know that, I wish I had been there, Sabrina, oh god, I wish I'd been there!"
I look over at Sean and he's awkwardly grinning like an idiot and I start laughing. Then Megan's laughing through her tears as well and Sean is chuckling.
Next thing I know Storm and Hank are tearing up and Rogue is laughing at their sentimentality until Scott mentions that he saw her wipe away a tear during Storm's little speech and everyone starts laughing at Rogue blushing.
Except for Logan.
I turn to look at him questioningly. He's kind of…glassy-eyed.
"B-baby," he stutters.
My eyes widen.
"Logan. That was a someday. Not a today. I mean, obviously not today, we haven't…um. But not today. Or tomorrow. Or soon. I'm talking future. Years. Logan."
He grinned and dragged me towards him.
"Someday. In years. You sticking with me that long, kid?"
I fought off a grin.
"Duh, you jackass. You're gonna be putting up with me for a long, long time. That is if you plan on sticking with me?"
Megan muttered in the background, "You goddamn better wait until she's over eighteen, you-"
"Not now, Mom." I ignored her shocked squeal of joy and stared int ogan's eyes. "Well? What do you say?" I whispered.
He grinned wolfishly and swooped in to kiss me.
"I'm sticking with you forever, kid."
"Good," I grinned and pulled him in for another long kiss. "And just so we're clear-"
I punched him in the arm and glared at him.
"My name is SABRINA!"
Gosh. I know earlier I said two chapters, but this is it guys. Time to say goodbye. Logan and Sabrina live happily ever after, Sean joins the X-Men, and Megan has Sunday brunches with the senator and his wife. And now… I have to say goodbye. Thank you so much for those of you who have stuck by me with the seven years of poor updating and weird crack chapters. I will miss all of you. Feel free to message me if there are loose ends you want cleared up or just to say hello/goodbye. Please review and let me know how you felt about this story. I love you guys.
For the last time from Mutant High-
Much luv,