Hi. My name is Sabrina Lee. Just a warning, don't call me Sabby or Brina or any of that crap. My name is Sabrina. I will kick your ass if you try to change that. (Bree Bree will cause extra pain.) I am the daughter of Senator Michaels. Yes, I know my name is different. I am adopted, but the one condition my mother had before she abandoned me at the adoption agency was that I keep my last name. I have spent every grade at a different school. It's not that we move a lot. I...cause problems. I don't get along well with other kids. I tell my parents that they just don't like me, but the truth is I don't fit in. I'm a senior in high school. This year, I am being sent to Xavier's School for Gifted Young People or whatever it's called. The admissions packet just showed up at home this summer. It's weird, because I've never heard of it before. And I tried to Google it, but nothing showed up. It's probably some jacked up school for delinquents. Well let me tell you I don't care. I'm not going. I hate school and this Xavier's place isn't going to be any different. I saved up for years, and now I have several thousand dollars in my pocket to make my own life. I got off the train half an hour ago and I'm not going back.

The doors of the bar I'd chosen to hide out in for the day burst open. What the hell? Apparently someone was having a bad day. I glanced over my shoulder at the guy who walked in. He was wearing a leather jacket over a white shirt and jeans. I almost cracked up laughing. The guy had the wonkiest sideburns ever! And his hair was molded into two points. How much gel did this guy use? I took another look. The dude was actually pretty hot and he somehow made the look cool. A couple came in after him and tried to calm him down, even though they looked pretty annoyed too. Sideburn dude sat down moodily about five seats away from me. I put my hair down into a curtain so I could see him but he couldn't see me. Then I eavesdropped. I knew the trio wouldn't catch me. I was good at this.

"Logan, calm down. I'm sure we'll find her eventually," the red headed woman said.

Logan ignored her. This guy with funky shades fidgeted.

"How are we supposed to do that?" he asked. "The professor couldn't even find her with Cerebro."

I snorted in my mind. Cerebro? What the flip was that?

"Shut up Scott," growled Logan.

Scott glared at him.

"It's no use Jean."

"Maybe you're right," Jean hesitated, "we don't even know what she looks like."

Scott sighed.

"We just have to go tell Xavier that we couldn't find her."

I hesitated in sipping my drink. Xavier?

"Why wasn't that Lee girl at the train station?" Logan growled.

Holy shit! They were looking for ME! I hurriedly tossed some cash at the bartender and headed for the door as inconspicuously as possible.

"Come back soon Miss Lee!" the bartender called.

"Lee?" Jean asked.

Oh crap. I hauled butt out of there and ran for the motorcycle I had bought a little while earlier. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and jerk me to a stop.

"Dammit kid, stop running" yelled Logan.

I turned to glare at him and kneed him you don't want to know where. His grip loosened and I made another break for it. Unfortunately, the other two had shown up and I was caught.

I glared at everyone in the room as I scrunched down in my chair. Only Logan had the nerve to glare back. Everyone else just kind of shifted uncomfortably. I am extremely good at death glares. I finally dropped the killer face expression and the other three kids in the room relaxed. The girl came over and sat next to me. I suddenly felt very curious. The girl had awesome hair, but she was wearing elbow length gloves. How odd.

"Hi, I'm Rogue," the girl smiled.

"Sabrina," I replied, giving a mini wave.

She pointed to the other kids, boys, saying "That guy over there is my boyfriend Bobby and the other one in John. They're Iceman and Pyro."

I frowned.

"Iceman? Pyro? What the flip?"

She looked at me like I was stupid. Not meanly, it was more like she thought it was obvious.

"Uh, their mutant names. Bobby makes ice and John controls fire. Speaking of, what's your power?"

I stared at her.

"I-I don't have one. I'm a human," I said faintly.

Rogue's eyes widened and her mouth opened and closed like a fishy. She jumped up and ran over to Logan. They had a little whisper conversation, both glancing frequently at me. I sank into my chair uncomfortably. Logan ran over to Jean, Scott, and this other woman named Storm and informed them of my un-mutantness. Rogue rushed over to Bobby and John and told them too.

"What?" Jean said in shock.

All of a sudden this bald guy in a wheelchair burst through the double doors. He looked over at me frowning.

"This can't be right," he said.

Okay, now how did he know when he only just got here? Everyone huddled together for a conference. Finally Logan stood up and stomped over to where I was still sitting.

"You. Kid. Explain." he demanded.

My annoyance cut through my confusion and I glared up at him. I stood up and jabbed him in the chest with my finger.

"First of all," I glared, "my name is not kid, and second of all-"

"She doesn't know anything Logan, I already checked her mind," bald guy cut in.

I glared over at him.

"Dude, at least tell people when you're going to do that."

I heard a choking sound and looked over at the other kids. John was doubled over trying not to laugh. Apparently, what's-his-face wasn't often called dude. I focused on the more mature adults. Baldie was smiling.

"My name is Charles Xavier. This is a school for mutants. Unfortunately, you will have to go back. I'm afraid that I don't know how this happened, but you can't stay here."

I smiled inwardly thinking I could escape again when they put me on the train. Xavier looked at me reproachfully.

"Logan will make sure you get on the train. You will have to stay here for a week or two while we arrange your return. I trust that this will not be a problem for you."

"She's a human! They can't handle being around mutants! They're too scared of us." John cut in.

I got in his face.

"Do I look scared of you? Sit down and shut up because you don't know me!"

I don't like people calling me afraid. John glared at me and brought up a fireball. I smiled with contempt and pulled a squirt gun out of my bag, extinguishing the fireball. Everyone blinked and looked at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked.

Bobby coughed and asked, "Um, why do you have a squirt gun?"

I blinked a couple times and smiled brightly.

"No reason!"

The adults exchanged several glances and shrugged.

"Well, you'll be rooming with Rogue for now, so she'll show you to your room."

I smiled at Rogue who was looking at me like I was a hero for talking down John.

"Come on," I laughed.

She smiled and led the way to your room. Maybe I could make some friends for once before I left.