DISCLAIMER:I Don't Own ANY of the Blood+ Characters and related stuffs. So There.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you like this let me know, It's my first Fanfic and I just want to know, I don't suck.I'm writing more, but If you don't like it I won't post more. I know I didn't Give you much to start with, so maybe I'll post the second chapter too…. I don't know. So enough of that, Enjoy!
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed into her pillow sobbing. "NO! NO! NO!!!!!!! AHH!!!!! HAGI!!!!!" Her face was soaking in tears and she had her face in her pillow.
"Shouldn't we try to comfort her or something?" Kai asked David and the others outside Saya's door.
"She needs time to grieve. We should let her grieve for a while." David replied.
"But we don't even know if Hagi's dead. For all we know he survived, she could be grieving for nothing." Kai tried.
"NO!!!!!!!!!" They heard from Saya's door.
David, Lewis, and Julia just looked at Kai, the look that they gave him said everything they didn't want to. He was wounded, a balcony fell on him, and they bombed the place. There's no way he survived. Kai knew these things, he just didn't want to admit it to himself.
"HAGI!!!!!!" Saya screamed from inside her room.
Soon it was quiet. Saya probably fell asleep, as her time of sleep lingered near.
"Do you think she loved him too?" Kai asked Julia in the kitchen of the Omoro.
"I think she loved him without knowing she did. Until he told her he loved her, I don't think she even realized how much gratitude, respect and love she felt for him." She replied as if it was commonplace.
Two weeks later Saya and all the others were living their life pretty normally. The night of the party, Kai reluctantly took Saya to her tomb to sleep for 30 years. It was unbelievable to Kai that Saya would wake up and still look 16, when he would be, and look like, a 48 year old man. He wondered what would happen in that period of time, and how his and Saya's nieces would grow up.
Saya was sleeping, not soundly, for she was dreaming, dreaming of Hagi.
"I wanted to see your smile…Once more like when we first met. I have been serving you and was glad to return to you, even if I had to give everything up. When I first awakened after becoming a Chevalier, the first things you showed me were your tears. And, driven by rage, you chose to take up arms and fight. However… When I found you in Okinawa, you were wrapped in happiness. There was the smile that even I could not give you, even if I had wished for it." Hagi paused in his speech and turned to Kai.
"It was you and your family, Kai, that gave that smile to her." He paused again and turned back to Saya. "Saya… As your Chevalier, I have been living according to your wishes. But now…" He said walking over and kneeling in front of her. "I must go against your wishes, just this once."
He grabbed her sword and took it from her hands, as she stared at him in wonder and sorrow, not resisting in the slightest as he took her weapon from her.
"Live." He said. One word that made her look up into his eyes to see the sorrow, care, and pain in her Hagi's eyes. "Please live." He said taking her right hand with his left.
"Hagi…" She muttered finally understanding everything.
"Live on today for tomorrow." He told her, as she turned her head to look at her lap. "You do not need to fight anymore."
He let her reclaim her hand, and softly put his left hand on her cheek. He leaned closer towards her, and turned her face to face his own. She wouldn't look him in the eye, but didn't close her eyes. Her eyes started to water and a tear slid down her cheek.
"I want to live!" She said into his ear, as her cheek was touching his. She came out from being by the side of his face, and closed the distance between them once more. And they kissed, it was soft, and he held her, she felt safe and so happy to be in this precise moment after all that she and him have been through. They came out and Hagi held her close.
Saya moved in her sleep. This particular moment was something she hadn't wanted to remember, not even in her sleep. She had loved Hagi more than anything in this world, and she hadn't realized it until then, and she hated herself for it.
"Kai, please go. Lead Saya into tomorrow!" Hagi said being some of his final words, as he was clutched to the wall because of Amshel. The balconies were crumbling, and they had to leave soon.
"No, Hagi! Hagi!" Saya was desperate, she couldn't let Hagi leave her, not now! 'Why was there never enough time for just 'Us'?!' She had thought desperately.
"Nankurunaisa. I love you." The balconies crumbled, and Hagi was buried.
Saya gasped as she watched her long time friend, and loved one, become buried in rubble. 'He can make it out! He made it out of the crumbled cliff at the Zoo, he can make it out now!' she thought. Tears came streaming down her face. "Hagi!" she cried out desperately.
Saya tossed uncomfortably in her sleep. These dreams had taken up time, being played over and over in her head, along with numerous memories she had shared with Hagi. When…