Chapter 19: Not Gonna Get Us/Never Alone

Author's Note: What a long hiatus! Without further ado, the 19th chapter!

Roy Eberhart was breathing too hard. He tried to slow his heart rate, but to no avail. Was it his nerves, or perhaps the beautiful blond boy kneeling beside him, peering around through the window and holding his hand. Roy just realized Mullet Fingers was holding his hand, and he gave it a grateful squeeze.

"I think we should split." Roy whispered in Mullet's ear.

"What gave you THAT idea?" Mullet wasn't being sarcastic: two of the men had just raised an alarm in the old shed, and dozens of people were looking around nervously, smelling the smoke.

"Let's go." Roy pulled himself up alongside the window, and stopped abruptly.

He was staring into the beam of a flashlight.

Mullet began to run for the cover of the woods, but a few seconds later he looked to see Roy turn with the police on his tail.

They'll trap him like a fox if I don't do something!

And in his desperation, he spied the row of cars lined up for the cock fight. People had just begun to leave, and in the mad confusion it was easy to hot wire an old Toyota.

God, please help me, I need to get Roy. Amen!

Strange that now his thoughts weren't of life or death, but love. Mullet Fingers the juvenile delinquent was becoming sentimental, and it was all the fault of a certain brunette boy. Well, no time to think about that, as Mullet gunned the engine and pulled alongside the shed, which Roy was circling rapidly for a fifth time, with now TWO cops on his tail, both searching with lights for the vandal in a red shirt.

"Roy!" His name cut through the madness to Roy Eberhart, who was thinking that Mullet Fingers had cut and run on him. The lucky one dived into the passenger side, flinging the door shut before the first cop turned the corner.

Mullet slammed the gas pedal and they were away, taking a roundabout route to the shipyard.

It was several strained minutes before Roy spoke, hesitantly.

"I-I thought you were gone on me back there, when I couldn't see you. I thought…" His voice went dry. Mullet took his eyes off of the empty road for a second and stared into Roy's eyes. Roy looked away first, ashamed. Mullet spoke.

"Starting from here, let's make a promise." He glanced back at the road, swerving to avoid hitting a stray seagull. Roy said nothing.

"You and me, let's just be honest." Roy looked back at Mullet Fingers, and the blonde reached for his hand, steering with the other hand. Roy's hand was much colder now, and sweating.

"We're gonna run, nothing can stop us." Roy shook his head. Mullet's voice became more definite.

"Even the night, that falls all around us! We're gonna run. They're not gonna get us!"

"Mullet Fingers…" Roy pleaded.

"They're not gonna get us." Mullet obstinately repeated.

"Not gonna get us." Roy said hoarsely.

And Mullet spoke reassuringly, feeding into Roy's imagination. As he went on, his voice rose a little and Roy realized he was singing.

"We'll run away, keep everything simple
Night will come down, our guardian angel
We rush ahead, the crossroads are empty
Our spirits rise, they're not gonna get us

My love for you, always forever
Just you and me, all else is nothing
Not going back, not going back there
They don't understand,
They don't understand us"

When he stopped singing, Roy was speechless. Mullet didn't seem to mind; the blonde drove on, creating a cushion of asphalt between them and any pursuers. The minutes flew like seconds, and Roy spoke up at last.

"I love you too, Mullet." And he let his head fall on the driver's shoulder, who put his free arm around Roy.

They traveled like this for the remaining miles, and Roy turned on the radio and found a Christian rock station. He knew the lyrics, and sang strongly.

"We cannot separate, cause you're part of me, and though you're invisible, I trust the unseen. I cry out with no reply, and I can't feel you by my side. So I'll hold tight to what I know. You're here, and I'm never alone."

And they parked a few miles from the docks and went aboard the Molly Bell.

Though he promised himself he wouldn't close his eyes, Roy sank onto Mullet's bed and fell asleep. A few minutes later, Mullet leaned down over the sleeping form to tell him good night. In Roy's unconscious state, he swear he heard someone say, "You're here, and I'm never alone."