A/N: This is the preface for Sweetest Sin. First chapter is coming shortly. Check out my bio for any information on upcoming updates :)

Warning: Yaoi. Language. Suggestive nature.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kyou Kara Maou. I would be amazing if I did.

There was a hand in his face again. Well, a fist rather. Yuuri didn't mind Wolfram sleeping in his bed anymore, he was much too used to it. Of course, he was quite used to waking up with a fist, or a foot... or any of the blond Mazoku's appendages for that matter, in his face. The softest of whines escaped the Maou's now pouting lips as he attempted to move the hand away. He succeeded, yes, but now there was a leg laying across his lower half, pinning him to the bed. Now he had no blankets, his arm was being cuddled by a sleeping Wolfram, and his legs were pinned to the bed with a rather bare and exposed leg (which also, of course, belonged to the blond.)

"Wolfram..." the double black whined again, his free hand moving to brush some of the blond strands out of the sprawled blond's face. "Pleaaaase give me my arm back..." The only response the King received from the sleeping prince was a soft yawn, followed by a good pain in his shin caused by a heel, which was further attatched to a rather interestingly positioned leg.

"Wolllllf" Yuuri whined again, still receiving a very dissatisfying response. Fine. If the blond wanted to take up all the room, Yuuri would too! Somehow... maybe he'd just get up and sleep in Wolfram's room. That way he'd have space to actually get sleep, and there would be no heels digging into his shins. Yet another sigh was given. He wasn't about to move, because he was sure if he so much as flinched the blond's grip on Yuuri's arm would tighten and the attempt would prove useless.

Several moments passed before a smirk made its way across those full lips of his. He had an idea... which was probably going to result in him getting torched. He turned as well as he could onto his side, the free hand placing gently on the leg that currently pinned his own. "Wolfram..." he'd said the blond's name many, many times since he'd come to Shin Makoku, so he was slightly confused when this time caused his heart to skip a beat. His hand slid up that leg, his fingertips running gently up the pink nightgown the blond wore, his breathing becoming surprisingly heavy. His attention was soon driven to where his blood was currently rushing, which also happened to be pressed rather solidly to a certain Mazoku's hip.

"Oh gods..."

A/N: Yes. It's short. As most prefaces are D: