50 ways in which to annoy Gaara


1: Tell Gaara you are really Rock Lee in disguise.

2: Walk up to Temari and tell her that Gaara loves her cooking.

3: Ask Gaara why he stole Sasuke's eyeliner.

4: Get Gaara to wear a panda/raccoon costume.

5: Wait for a reaction when you take him outside and everyone stares at him.

6: When Gaara is near, start humming Happy birthday, over and over again.

7: Stare at him for a very long period of time, unblinkingly.

8: When he's working, hover over his shoulder. Breathe on his neck.

9: If he leaves his office, steal all his pens and throw them out the window.

10: If you get a milkshake, walk behind him. 'Accidentally' bump into him hard enough to spill your milkshake all over him.

11: Next time you see Rock Lee, tell him Gaara wants to be his best friend.

12: Tell Gaara he has a fan girl waiting outside his office.

13: (If you're a girl) Tell him you are the fan girl.

14: Tell Gaara that Sasuke stole his gourd and dropped it in a lake.

15: Tell Gaara that Rock Lee finds him to be very youthful.

16: Ask Kankuro for one of his puppets. Give it to Gaara and tell him that it's his new best friend.

17: When Orochimaru invades Suna, tell Gaara he is really Sasuke.

18: Tell Gaara that Michal Jackson wants to meet him.

19: Get all Gaara's fan girls to gather outside his office. Tell Gaara that the apocalypse has come so he will run outside.

20: Tell Gaara that the Akutski has come for Shukaku when it's only fan girls outside his office.

21: Get Rock Lee and Gai-sensei to do their 'thing' in Gaara's office with Gaara in it. Make sure he doesn't have his sand and is tied to the chair.

22: Give Gaara a tootsie roll. When he asks why you gave it to him, tell him it's from a fan girl.

23: Stare at him like he's insane. When he asks you to stop, stick out your tongue at him.

24: Tape a teddy bear to Gaara's back. Find Temari. Tell her that Gaara has a new best friend.

25: Tape a sign on Gaara's back that says 'Kick me'.

26: Tell Gaara that Rock Lee loves him like a brother.

27: Ask Gaara to talk to Rock Lee. When he asks why, tell him Lee needs a youthful partner.

28: Tape another sign to Gaara's back that says 'I'm gay'.

29: Tell Gaara that the elders had removed his position as Kazekage. When he asks why, tell him that they hate his guts.

30: Get Ino to glomp Gaara.

31: Get Sasuke to sleep on Gaara's desk.

32: Tell Gaara that Sasuke is gay.

33: Poke Gaara in one spot over and over again. When he asks you to stop, poke another part of his body.

34: Tell Gaara that Kankuro wants a playboy magazine.

35: Get Kankuro to give Gaara a playboy magazine, make sure Temari sees it.

36: Tell Gaara that while Temari was cooking, she burned down the house.

37: Gaara walks out of his office, hide beside the door, make sure he doesn't have his gourd. When he comes back in pelt him with pens and paper balls.

38: Tackle Gaara. When he asks why you did it, say, 'because I felt like it'.

39: (After the Akutski attack, where Gaara is able to sleep.) Grab a magic marker, when Gaara goes to sleep write faggot on his forehead.

40: After 39, wake Gaara up with a pot and a spoon by banging them together over Gaara's head. Tell him to look in a mirror.

41: Tell Gaara that the writing is permanent.

42: Tell Gaara to go to Konoha. When he asks why, tell him Tsunade died of alcohol poisoning.

43: Ask Gaara why he doesn't have any eyebrows.

44: When he answers, ask why.

45: He answers again. Continually ask why. Like a Five year old would.

46: Tell Gaara that there is a injured girl in the hospital when it's really a fat old lady wanting to someone to hug.

47: Get someone to take a picture when the fat old lady hugs him.

48: When Gaara goes to sleep. Take magic marker and give Gaara a french mustache, eyebrows, and whiskers.

49: Get all of Gaara's fan girls to glomp him all at once.

50: Nail pictures of Sasuke and Lee in a place where both Temari and Kankuro will see it. On Gaara's door.