Okay this isn't my first fic. It isn't even close to my first. But this is my first fic that isn't related to a Broadway play. I've noticed that the writing style is a little different so I am sorry if this is a bit to-- well let's be honest trashy. I didn't try to make it that way. Also I am like the least funny person in the whole world so… Enjoy!

Alice groaned, "I'm bored."

The entire Cullen gang including Bella yelled, "We know!"

And Edward felt complied to add, "Alice you're always bored!"

Alice sighed again, "Yeah but today I am especially bored." No one answered, like the fact that she was ESPECIALLY bored today made much of a difference. Suddenly Alice popped up from her place on the couch with the utmost excitement. "Oh I know what we should do."

Alice waited for someone to ask her what her genius plan was but when no one did she continued, "We should move Bella in."

This time Bella moved from her slumping spot, "What? Where am I moving?"

Alice laughed some then when she noticed that Bella wasn't the only one who was lost she explained, "Well I'm guessing that you're going to move in with us. Unless Edward is still planning to sneak into your room every night, I mean you will be a vampire and all!"

Bella was a little bit stunned, she had always wanted to live here, and she knew that Edward and her would live together. But she had never put it all together, her in the mansion living with seven vampires soon to be one herself.

"You already have that pointless bed up there and everything," Alice said arguing her point.

"Wait, pointless?" Edward said defensively.

Jasper was the one who laughed the hardest, "It isn't like you ever use it. That makes it pointless."

For the first time Rosaline jumped up to speak, "Hey, just because you don't use it doesn't mean that the rest of use don't!" Rosaline's face grew a wicked smile.

Jasper childishly replied, "Ew!"

"Don't be like that Jasper you have used it just as much as the rest of us," Rosaline remarked.

Jasper turned to Alice, "Are you going to let her talk to you like that?"

"Well it is true, and I think she was talking to you."

Emmet got a boyish grin on his face, "I say we all go try it out right now!"

Carlisle who had been collectively sitting in the corner, looked over his paper, "You know the rules Emmet no orgies!"

The poor naive Bella was a little startled, "You guys have a rules about orgies?"

Everyone laughed a little, as if it was one big inside joke. Edward was the first to let Bella in on the joke, "Well see when Emmet was first changed some of his – instincts were enhanced. Anyways yes, we had some trouble with orgies, however thankfully Carlisle knows many vampire-prostitutes and the problem was easily fixed."

Bella giggled. She still had so much left to learn.

Okay, please review, complaints welcome!