

:D DEITOBI! YOU HAVE EATEN MY BRAIN! XDDDD I can't even think of any good Yuruginai Shinrai plots when you are chiggering at my poor thought process! (smacks head against wall)


Death, Deidara had decided, was not such a bad thing. He would go out with a bang, no connections, no family to worry about him, just him and the tremendous firecracker of an explosion, one beautiful fleeting moment of pure chaos. It would be beautiful, and amazing, and quick.

Deidara decided this when he was twelve.

As his life went on, it seemed as his dream would come true, as he was snatched into the Akatsuki by a man with cold, cold eyes, and whisked away into a position of a pawn on a chessboard, him and Sasori-no-danna, although Deidara "fondly" referred to him (in his thoughts, of course) as the Biggest Asshole Ever.

But alas, Sasori died. Deidara made a crack at him even after he died. Long lasting, yeah right, un! He got killed straight off! Still, he mourned for the loss of the Biggest Asshol…errr…Sasori-no-danna, and was left to be by himself for a little while…until an orange masked idiot stumbled into his life.

Tobi. Tobi. Even saying the name now gave the mad bomber a throbbing headache—he wasn't even sure where the little dumbass was at the moment. "Probably off chasing butterflies or something, un" Deidara snickered to himself, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Suddenly, Deidara heard a noise—was that giggling? —and realized something was running towards him. He didn't even have time to react as the thing bowled him over. The two did somersaults for a moment, and when they stopped, Deidara couldn't help but cough. His chest felt like it was being crushed…because it was being crushed. The mad blonde bomber was flat on his back, looking straight into the dark eyehole of an orange swirly mask. Deidara turned a lovely red color and hissed, "DUMBASS! What the hell do you think you're doing, un?!"

He could tell the idiot was smiling behind his mask as he put forth a scraggly bunch of…were those flowers?, "Senpai! I got these for you!"

Deidara's eyebrows furrowed as he growled, "Tobi?"

"Yes senpai?"

"What idiotic notion made you think I would want flowers, un?"

Tobi's voice carried a lilt of cheeriness, "Cause Senpai is as pretty as a flower!"

Deidara started to say something and stopped abruptly, his face turning redder than the clouds on his coat. He spluttered on syllables for a few seconds, unable to even get a full word out as Tobi innocently held out the flowers for his senpai's inspection, "…I…eh…wha…"

"Aren't they pretty senpai? They're the same color as your eyes!"

Deidara stared at the orange masked man for a moment, gaping like a fish. Realizing their current position, he growled and pushed Tobi over—damn that brat for being taller than him!--, "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME UN!"

"Sorry senpai!" Tobi scrambled away and sat, his mask half pulled up as a sweet smile crossed his lips, "So? Am I a good boy, senpai?"

The blonde bomber snatched the bouquet of blue flowers away from Tobi and "hrrmph-ed" angrily, still blushing fabulously, "I'm going to my room, un. Leave me alone."

"Okay senpai!" he chirped obediently, pulling his mask back down and standing up, presumably off to do something stupid. Deidara sighed and went to his room, setting the flowers down and crawling into his bed.

When Tobi came back a few hours later, the flowers were still there, tucked into the palm of Deidara's pale hand.


…Tobi was sitting on top of Dei for half of that…XD (imagines Deidara being uke and FAILS)

Err…let's see…this was inspired by a fanart at dA.

Anything else to say? Oh yes. Sasori is an ass. I love him anyway. In fact, I fangirl over him like crazy—you can ask anyone who knows me well. Ishizu-chan, you know what I'm talkin about! XDDDDD