Hello hello! That's what my mom says when she picks up the phone. Sometimes I say it to trick people because they say I sound like her on the phone. But that's not why I'm here! I am here to write another story!!!! You can applaud now. I said YOU CAN APPLAUD NOW!!!! APPLAUSE!!!! Thank you. I'm dedicating this story to AussieUlrich and dyingdreams1292 because they were my first two reviewers. Thank you. Now enjoy this, review, or DIE!!! Just kidding. Or was I? Any who, on with the story!

Disclaimer: Never owned Code Lyoko, never will, no need to pity me.

Title: Bets, Bets, and More Bets!

Ulrich P.O.V.

I was sitting next to Yumi in Jeremy's bedroom, along with the rest of the gang. Odd had brought Kiwi and Jeremy was not on the computer. He was actually talking to us. Although, we were all bored out of our minds. It was Sunday so we had no school and we'd already caught up on sleep. Odd suddenly thought of something. He reacted to his idea in such a way that I could see a light bulb go on in his head clearly.

"I know what we could do!" Odd exclaimed.

"As long as it doesn't include Lyoko, I'm in. We've had to deal with four attacks this week alone!" I said. Odd frowned.

"Man Ulrich, you're no fun," Odd moped.


"You enjoy being no fun?" Odd asked, clearly surprised.

"No, I just don't enjoy anything that comes out of your mouth. For good reason too." The gang burst out laughing, while Odd slumped on the ground moping. But Odd never moped long, unlike me, or so I've been told. Yumi sat up a little straighter next to me and I turned to look at her.

"I've got an idea. Why don't we have a day of bets? Betting can be loads of fun, and humiliation," she said, looking at Odd for the last part. He didn't notice.

"Um, what's betting?" Aelita asked curiously. Even though her memory was back, she was still a little slow when it came to earth things.

"It's where you make deals with stakes and the winner of the bet gets the stakes," Jeremy told her quickly, before anyone else could. We all knew Jeremy was in love with Aelita and would do anything for her. Including telling her what a bet was.

"Alright, that sounds like fun. Can someone else go first so I can get the gist of it?" Aelita asked sweetly. She knew we couldn't resist that.

"Of course, Princess. I'll go first. Ulrich, I bet you can't get a high-five from William in the next 10 minutes," Odd bet. I groaned. He knew I hated William. (A/N sorry forgot to say this takes place in Season 3.)

"No way Odd," I said sternly. No wonder my last name was stern.

"Come on Ulrich. Winner gets the other to do their homework for a week."

"Odd, you would just make me do worse in school if I won the bet. No way."

"I got it!" Yumi yelled happily. I loved it when she was happy. Except for now. "Loser has to ask Sissi out."

I groaned even louder this time. If I asked Sissi out she would say yes faster than I could ask the question. On the other hand, it would be hilarious if Odd asked Sissi out. I smiled, but barely.

"Fine," I said. Odd grinned his big goofy grin. He was sure he was going to beat me; I could see it clearly on his face. I sighed and got up.

"Come on, let's go find William. I wonder how I'll find him," I said, mostly to myself.

"Easy, have Yumi yell his name. I bet he'd be here within 10 seconds," Odd said. Yumi shot him a death glare, as did I. Jeremy stared thoughtfully at Odd.

"I'll take that bet on," He said to Odd. Odd stared at Jeremy.

"Seriously? I was kidding," Odd looked down.

"Scared Odd?" Jeremy teased. Odd couldn't stand that.

"No! You're on. What are we wagering?"

"Winner gets 20 dollars from the loser?"

"Deal." The two boys shook hands. I shook my head and Yumi frowned.

"Who said I would call his name?" She asked angrily. Aelita whispered something in Jeremy's ear loud enough for me to hear but not Yumi while Odd begged Yumi.

"Bet you Ulrich can get Yumi to call William," Aelita whispered.

"You're on," Jeremy whispered back. I blushed furiously.

"Ten bucks."

"Okay Aelita. But don't feel bad when you lose your first bet." Aelita winked at him and turned to me.

"Did you catch that Ulrich? Will you do it for me?" I nodded to both, still red in the face.

"Hey Yumi," I said quietly. She turned to me, ignoring Odd. Odd shut up.


"I think you should do it. It's a great chance to humiliate Odd, like you said before. Please Yumi?" I begged. I wanted Aelita to win the bet, but I was embarrassed anyway.

"Okay. For you," She smiled a little and turned towards the stairs. "WILLIAM! COME HERE!"








Eight… We heard thumping on the stairs.


"Te-" William ran into view. Odd smiled and Jeremy frowned. I laughed. Yumi looked at William's eagerness and sighed.

"Hey Yumi. You called?" He asked innocently. That was the face I hated so much.

"How much time do I have left, Odd?" I asked quietly.

"6 minutes left."

I turned to William. "I wanted to talk to you, William. Come over here for a sec," I said, pointing a little way down the hall. Bitterly, he followed me.

"Yeah?" He said to me, disdain clear in his voice.

"I think Yumi is mad at us," I lied. He raised his eyebrows.

"Why what did I- we do?"

"I think she's mad we fight a lot. And I have a feeling that if we act friendly for a little bit she will be happy." This was very painful for me to say, even if it was to embarrass Odd.

"Really? You're willing?" William asked incredulously. I shrugged and glanced at Odd. He pointed to his watch.

"So let's start now. Smile and give me a high five," I said and gave him a very fake grin. He gave a more convincing grin and high fived me. (A/N if you didn't notice, in my stories they smile a lot. If you don't like it, tough)

We walked over to the gang. William waved at us, mostly to Yumi, and left. As soon as he was out of earshot I turned to Odd and smiled evilly.

"Isn't there someone you need to call?" I said. Odd sighed unhappily and pulled out his phone. He dialed slowly, aware that all of us were watching him closely.

"Hello?" Sissi answered.

"Hi Sissi. It's me, Odd."

"Eww. Why are you calling me? Why not Ulrich?" She said in a very rude way.

"I wanted to know if you'd go on a date with me?" Odd, now red from anger and embarrassment, asked.

"NO WAY! GET LOST ODD!" She yelled and hung up. I could hear every word of the conversation she had said. Odd hung up and turned to me.

"You win. Congrats. Are you satisfied?"

"I am for now. Although… never mind." I looked away. He glared suspiciously?


"Forget it," I looked up at Jeremy. He was now in a very bad mood. He pulled out his wallet and handed Aelita a ten and Odd a twenty. Yumi looked confused. She looked really cute when she was curious. No! Yumi is just a friend and that's all. But I want to be more. She doesn't. Plus, it could ruin your friendship.

"Ulrich? You okay? You looked like something is troubling you." She said, worried. I was happy she was worried, but I knew I shouldn't be.

"I'm fine," I grumbled. I was a little embarrassed, luckily blush free this time, and looked at Odd. He, Aelita, and Jeremy were all whispering furiously. I wondered what they were saying and had a bad feeling it was about me. Uh oh.

Ta da! Chapter one is done! Hooray! I'll update as soon as I get 5 reviews for this. Just know that this isn't one of my best ideas. I just came up with it, but I hope you like it anyway. So click the button and review. It's easy and makes me feel good. So go clickedy click click that button right… NOW!!!! Bet you won't. Please prove me wrong.