Everyone has one - a morning checklist!

Disclaimer 1: I still own nothing and now my cat has completed her legal procedings and has full ownership of me. My new official title is "Anya's Slave" but I am working through the underground network in order to write as GT Spuddie.

AN:/ This fic is loosly based on a comic strip from the Jerry Scott/Jim Borgman series "Zits" (think of Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbs" grown up and going through puberty!). I highly recommend it to absolutely everyone.


Ok…daily checklist.

Torn jeans…check.

Black shirt with band/flame logo…check.

Fingerless gloves…no check.

"Mom, have you seen my gloves?!?"

"Last time I saw them they were under the coffee table, and if you leave them there again I will get rid of them!"

"Thanks Mom, I found them. Sorry about leaving them around!"

Fingerless gloves…check.

Leather Jacket…check.

Ratty copy of highbrow book (what I wouldn't give for the chance to read a comic book at school!)…check.

"Warren, the bus leaves in five minutes. Hurry up!"

"Bye Mom!"

"Bye Warren, and don't forget that you are babysitting the Mulhern Twins tonight. They begged for you to sit for them again after last time."

"I'll go there straight after school. I've got to go Mom, love you!"

Ok, now to complete the checklist

Jeans, shirt, gloves, jacket, book…

I'm missing something.

Crap! What am I missing?!?

Oh yeah…


Dark scowl… check

Hair hanging in eyes…check

Death Glare…check

Hmm, might have to slightly power up the Death Glare, I only made three Freshmen cry yesterday.

Oh well, checklist complete. Now to start yet another fun-filled day at Sky High.
