"Go away!" I screamed at the incessant boy behind the bathroom door. "I can take care of myself, Troy! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I looked down at the razor in my hand and made my decision.

"Gabriella, I didn't want to. I was just confused. Please come out, don't hurt yourself anymore." He pleaded. I could practically see the tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry Troy." I said softly. "This will be the last time." Apparently Troy got what I was hinting at, because he began screaming his head off and punching the door.

"DON'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF! WE CAN GET THROUGH THIS!" Suddenly the pounding stopped. "Please Brie, I love you. I need you." His voice cracked. "You're my everything."

"Apparently not from what I saw last week!" I shot back, each word dripping with venom. I closed my eyes and my mind wandered back to that faithful day…


I wandered the halls wondering my boyfriend of 5 months had gone. I spotted Chad flirting with a cheerleader nearby…

"Hey Chad. Do you know where Troy is?" I asked, completely ignoring the cheerleader. " He promised he take me home today and I better catch him before I find him flirting with some girl." I joked.

Before Chad could answer, we heard the distinct sound of Lillian Conner's voice around the corner. "What about your nerdy little girlfriend, Troy?" Both Chad and my eyes widened as we continued listening.

"I was going to break up with her anyway… I'll deal with her tomorrow." I would recognize that voice anywhere. It was HIS voice. My Troy. And that was when my heart shattered into a million pieces. I stormed around the corner with Chad in tow to see Troy and Lilian in a heated make-out session with Troy's hand traveling up her short skirt.

"Troy?" I asked hoarsely, as though hoping it was an imposter. But no, as he turned I recognized him as the one and only Troy Bolton. That was when I lost it. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! WE ARE SO DONE YOU LYING BASTARD!" I burst into tears and turned on my heel to storm off down the hall.

"Brie! Wait, it's not what you think!" He called. I ignored him, and the following shouting match between Troy and Chad. I made a mental note to thank Chad later.

As soon as I was free of the building, I began sprinting down the street towards my house. As soon as I entered my house, I collapsed to the floor sobbing, the heartbreak from earlier still setting in. " How could you Troy?! How could you hurt me like this? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!" I screamed hysterically to the empty house. Through my tears I spotted something shiny on the fireplace mantle. A razor.



The second I entered the school, I was surrounded by gossip. Although it was juicy news, no one was surprised. Apparently Troy had cheated on every previous girlfriend he'd ever had and, of course, everyone had failed to mention it to me. People shot me sympathetic looks and exchanged knowing glances. But I didn't want their pity. All I wanted was to get through the day with out having someone notice the cuts covered by my gray sweater. That was all I wanted

After barely surviving morning classes, I steadied myself for what could possibly be the hardest part of the day……… Lunch.

I pushed open the heavy doors and steeled myself for whatever happened. The cafeteria went silent as I wove my way through the tables. My eyes sought out Taylor, hoping she would forgive me after what happened with Troy. Instead however, I noticed a certain blue eyed boy, the cause of all my pain. I inwardly cursed myself when I felt my stomach do a backflip at how perfect he looked. I glared at him as coldly as possible before setting my tray down in front of Taylor's. I then resigned myself to eating, trying to ignore the fact that his eyes were still on me, pleading with me to turn around. I ignored the urges and ate my inedible lunch as quickly as possible, before making an inconspicuous exit to quietly cut myself in the bathroom.

I exited the bathroom and sighed. "I can't believe I'm doing this to myself…" I said quietly.

"Doing what?" I jumped and quickly hid the razor behind my back.

"What do you want, Troy?" I hissed, not allowing myself to give into his ocean-like eyes.

"What are you holding behind your back?" He asked, suspicion obvious in his voice. My heart began to race as I began to panic.

"Nothing. Now leave me alone." I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm right where I had just cut myself. I gasped in pain and he immediately yanked up my sleeve. I shut my eyes, I couldn't look him in the eye now that he knew.

"G-Gabi… How could you do this?" He stammered. I sighed and slowly opened my eyes to see him staring at me with concern evident in his eyes.

"You caused it, Troy." I snapped. "Stop acting like you care. Leave me alone." I yanked my arm out of his grasp and stormed out of the school, not caring I still had 3 classes left in the day.


I opened my eyes and heard nothing on the other side of the door. "He must have left…" I thought.

"I guess he really didn't care." I let a single tear roll down my cheek. I held my arm out and steadied the razor, ready to die.

I yelped in surprise when someone began to once again pound on the door. "Gabi! You can't do this to yourself!" Taylor screamed. "You have your whole life ahead of you, you can't mess it up because of your asshole ex-boyfriend!"

I laughed. "You think it's all about Troy don't you." My voice rose to a scream. "Well not everything is about Troy! My mom has CANCER, Taylor! My dad left me when I was 2! My BEST FRIEND hates me! And to top it all off, MY BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME WITH A FUCKING CHEERLEADER!" I was hysterical now, but I continued to speak in a calm voice. "So I'm going to end it. Goodbye Tayl--"

"1, 2, 3!" Suddenly the bathroom door was knocked to the floor and the entire gang flooded into the bathroom. I burst into tears and before they could reach me, I slid the razor across my wrist. I heard Troy's voice one last time before I slid into darkness…

"I love you Gabi, forever and for always."