Upon Dragon Wings

Abby Ebon


Disclaimer: I don't own, you don't sue; fair enough?

Chapter ten is my gift to all of you, because I could not have done it without your silent support, comments, and encouragement.


Roran had never been more relieved to see a dragon then when a black smear appeared on the horizon. Spine, curled around his shoulders, seemed to share in his joy and chirped excitedly. Tiny claws dug into his shoulder, tearing at his leather armor, and he had to squash the reflex to swipe at the little green dragon. He held his breath, keeping himself outwardly calm though inwardly he raged like a storm to see that Shruikan was landing alone – without Katrina in sight.

For a moment he felt fear – what if they had been betrayed? Angela was a witch, and they were not known for their loyalties. Could Eragon's death have pushed her to join Galbatorix? Roran swallowed, glancing to Angela and Solembum. The werecat had said that Eragon was on his way back – but would arrive after Shruikan. He wondered for a moment if they had left themselves open for a attack – even without a dragon, Roran had no doubt that Shruikan could do more damage to them then an army they saw coming.

As if he sensed Roran's thoughts, Spine nipped his ear, hard – Roran cursed; pausing to touch the abused ear lobe- he felt the drop of blood, even as Shruikan settled onto the courtyard. From a great height above them, he surveyed the crowd that greeted him, and then lowered his head to near Angela. Large jaws opened, and Roran froze to see that in the mouth of the black dragon – nestled on its tongue, behind dagger sharp teeth, was Katrina. The tongue lifted and avoided the teeth expertly, depositing Katrina (who was not dead, not bloody – but alive if looking slightly windblown and more then a little…slimy) up the ground at Angela's feet.

Angela paid no mind to the impossible, kneeling beside Katrina to touch her – Roran saw with alarm that she was still as a doll.

"Katrina…?" He stepped toward her hesitantly – but Spine had no such reservations, letting out a joyful little coo and flinging himself into the air to land on the ground between Katrina and Shruikan. The little green dragon gave the much larger black dragon a hiss, as if to thank and threaten the large dragon all at once. Whatever was said amused Shruikan, and the wide black eye gleamed as it caught sight of Roran.

Fear for her not, my Rider will see her healed. Shruikan assured him, tongue flicking out as he glanced to Angela. Roran understood then, the reason Solembum had been sure Shruikan would bring no harm to them in revenge to Galbatorix. Angela was Shruikan's Rider.

"What happened to her?" Roran found himself asking, ignoring the absurdity that he was asking that of a dragon who had been his enemy only a week ago.

She has suffered. Galbatorix saw her mind and body severed. Her body obeys orders, while her mind is trapped. She will recover. Shruikan explained to him, his wings fluttered creating a gust of wind that threatened to fall them. His nostrils inhaled, his eyes narrowing as he turned his attention to the sky.

Roran saw then – a blur of blue and red, Eragon and Murtagh were early.


There was something about flying that Eragon found relaxing – no matter the fact that they were flying to go to battle Shruikan, a dragon much older then their own two; while Eragon had not seen Galbatorix, he did not doubt that somehow, he was near at hand.

There, Murtagh told him with a thought, and when Eragon looked to him he saw the elder pointed to ground – to the black smear surrounded by earth that was the courtyard of the Varden's base. Eragon could not be sure from this distance but he thought he saw people near Shruikan.

Are they trying to fight him off? Eragon wondered, fearing for his friends.

They are not fighting him. Thorn told him, as they circled above, hovering and uncertain. Why wasn't Shruikan flying up to meet them? It was how dragons battled naturally, only forced to the ground when young and uncertain of their wings while burdened with their Riders.

Is he holding them hostage somehow? Murtagh allowed, finding it strange that Galbatorix had not forced Shruikan to act upon seeing them? A thought occurred to him – perhaps Galbatorix did not know his ties had been cut? Perhaps the king intended to demoralize his enemies by seeing Eragon and Saphira fly away with Shruikan? If that was the case, Murtagh thought with a smirk, Galbatorix was going to get a nasty surprise.

No. They look perfectly capable of movement. Thorn answered so that Saphira and Eragon could hear him.

Magic? Eragon thought to the red dragon. Thorn's nostrils flared, as if scenting for something they could not.

No trace of it. Thorn assured, and Eragon stilled, looking at the red dragon with wide eyes.

You can smell magic? He asked incredulously, Thorn snorted, amused.

All male dragons can. It is how we scent a female ready for the Dance. Thorn explained, but a terrible thought had occurred to Murtagh. Galbatorix had said he wanted Thorn to mate with Saphira, but could he have sensed the ties broken between them and instead of killing Murtagh send Shruikan to mate with Saphira to break Murtagh and Thorn?

Could he be here to mate with Saphira? He thought, sensing Thorn hiss hide shuddering at the mere suggestion. Before Thorn could do or say anything regretful, Saphira interrupted.

Katrina is down there. The blue dragon announced with calm, certain in her sight. Thorn and Murtagh knew of the girl only by Eragon who had told them of Roran who wished to rescue his bride-to-be fromGalbatorix. Murtagh was quick to tell him he had heard nothing of her capture, and Thorn had reminded both Riders that Murtagh may be a servant of Galbatorix, but he was not privy to the secrets of the other Rider. If Galbatorix wanted the girls capture kept quiet, he would keep Murtagh ignorant.

Eragon reached with his magic, his sight mimicking Saphira's own; he saw then that she was right – Katrina was there, Roran and Angela beside her, as were Orik and Arya, and Elva and Solembum. None of them looked like they intended to fight Shruikan.

I don't believe we are in danger. I will try to speak with him. Saphira stated, and they felt when her mind reached to touch Shruikan's in an invitation. Thorn snapped at the air in frustration, Murtagh tensed atop him – Murtagh glimpsed his brother's face, and saw it was a pale, milky, shade.

Shruikan, it is Saphira, whose Rider is Eragon who calls; answer – why do you linger here? Saphira demanded in a way that was both reckless and formal. To their surprise, Shruikan's answer held as much power in it as was needed, no more then that. He was not trying to overwhelm them with his magic.

I have found my true Rider. I do not intend to leave; I will do you no harm. Shruikan told them, then, as if in after thought, he said. My ties to Galbatorix are no more. He is as good as dead.

B-but, Galbatorix was the most powerful of us. Murtagh spoke to the black dragon, feeling foolish to have opened his mind in such a way to what he considered the enemy – but unable to help himself in his shock.

He was only powerful because of me. He was dying, a parasite to me – taking my power and wielding it as his own. I am free of him. I give my word, as Shruikan, whose Rider is Angela – I will not harm you on Galbatorix's behalf. Shruikan assured them, as if to prove he was as good as his word he let his wings fold to his sides, if they darned strike – they knew he could not defend himself in time. For his boldness his wings might be ruined, and his hide burnt before he could save himself.

Angela…Eragon thought to her, hoping she would answer.

What is it Eragon? I am quite busy. Came the hurried, if tense, answer.

Shruikan is claiming you as Rider. Is he telling us the truth? Eragon asked in a rush, letting Thorn and Murtagh hear his mental conversation with her.

Yes. Now either land or fly away, but stop asking silly questions. By the way, it's not polite to not inform me if others are listening to our conversations. With that Angel's mind was shut to him, as if they did not share the connection of being Riders.

Properly reprimanded, Eragon and Murtagh shared a glance, and felt their dragons decide to land as they lurched down, diving, only to fling their wings open and catch themselves before hopping from air to ground. It might have been amusing any other time, but Eragon and Murtagh were suddenly right in front of Shruikan – and very aware that what had once appeared to be small while in flight was taller then Thorn and Saphira combined.

In other words, if seeing two stony black eyes as big as they stood tall was an impression that would stick – there was no getting used to it.

A demanding chirp caught their attention and brought it to the ground – they saw a green dragon that might (if it were lucky) be as big as a cat, perched on the shoulder of Katrina. Saphira blinked, lids slowly closing over stunned blue eyes as she took in the sight, and it seemed to take insult by hissing. Thorn snickered.

Katrina's a Rider. Eragon noted absently- dazed that there were suddenly two other Riders in the world – and both we're female, for a fleeting moment he wondered what the green dragons name was – and it's gender.

Yes, Eragon, I am a Rider. You can stop acting so stunned, honestly, your manners are worse then when I saw you last. His name is Spine, isn't he darling? Katrina's "voice" came though her lips had not moved, and she showed no outward sign of seeing them – or acknowledging them.

What is wrong with you? Murtagh demanded, for Eragon seemed unable to form a mental response, the only emotional response Murtagh gained from their link was "confusion" and "stunned stupid surprise".

It is Galbatorix's doing, I am afraid – Angela has assured me though that it is…healable. Katrina explained, the young man who Murtagh remembered as Roran from the Battle of the Burning Plains, Eragon's…his cousin, hovered over Katrina protectively.

Angela then did something with magic that made Thorn uneasy, Shruikan flicked his tail tip, and Spine screeched a rebuttal. Katrina's foot jerked, and neither large male dragon mentioned their discomfort, as they seemed to deem it necessary, to see a Rider healed – they knew how they would feel if their Riders were crippled.

"There – much better, I'm sure, but I've started the process of healing – only you can see it finished Katrina. Brave girl, Roran, do help her to your rooms would you? I will speak for you and her with King Orrin. Who, by the way, has asked to speak with you four and Shruikan and I. Spine may come with us, as Katrina's eyes and ears, to ensure I do not misspeak for her." Angela told them all at once, there was nothing Roran could do but obey, helping Katrina to stand; Arya moved, tucking Katrina's arm over her shoulders, to see her balanced, slowly they supported Katrina in walking. No one spoke of the silent tears that escaped.

Spine, still curled about her shoulders, cooed a farewell and licked cheek and tear, and Elva found herself with an armful of dragonet.

"And what of Elva and I?" Solembum asked with a smile only Angela could meet.

"You will come with us, of course – and Orik as well, if he so desires." Angela answered easily; Shruikan glanced at the horse-tall entrance, and snorted to gain Angela's attention.

King Orrin will have to come out to meet me. I cannot possibly fit within these walls. Shruikan stated, driving home his point when he leant down his snout hardly fitting within the entrance.

Elva giggled, amused at the thought of the most feared black dragon getting his nose stuck in a building. Shruikan regarded her with a mellow snort.

For that child, you can go collect the King. Shruikan purred, and Elva flushed, and then stomped off to do as Shruikan had asked – as she saw she'd get no help against him with Angela and Solembum. When King Orrin appeared, Nasuada and Trianna followed after with a sulking Elva.

If King Orrin was surprised at the sight of three dragons, he said nothing of it, instead he addressed Shruikan directly.

"Although you bring grand news that Galbatorix has been defeated, you also present a issue I had not thought to face in my life time – what to do with the Dragons and their Riders, as things can not – will not – go back to how they once were. I fear one Rider war has marred the people's vision of how things were in days of old. Instead I think I shall purpose a return to the way things were before Dragon Riders – with the four races counseling one another, though each would have their own Rulers. What say you Orik, son ofThrifk and Heir of Hrothgar, dwarf King?" King Orrin asked then, glancing between Orik and Arya.

"Aye, I think it might be worth something to pursue." Orik allowed, though he looked to Eragon, his intention clear in supporting the Rider.

"And you, Arya Dröttningu?" Orrin asked then, his attention on the elf princess.

"I will seek the council of my people before making such a bold decision, as I expect Orik will, but before I do, what do you intend for Eragon, Murtagh, Angela, and Katrina?" Arya asked, glancing only once to Eragon. It was enough to remind Murtagh of the fondness Eragon had shown Arya – and become wary.

"Ah, that is answered easily. I will send bards and heralds into every corner of the Empire. I will, as the last King, and of the royal blood within the Empire, assign my chosen Stewards to rule there. Nasuada has agreed to marry me- to my pleasure, and Surda will be undoubtedly pleased to have her Varden as her protectors – as they are regarded as heroes here, I do not see a reason the Varden will split from us. Trianna and Jörmundur have assured me they do not intend to leave Nasuada's side – and soon, they tell me, Galbatorix's assassins will be taken care of for they will be as dangerous as a scorpion without its stinger without his leadership." Orrin told them, and Nasuada nodded, smiling, when they glanced to her.

"All that remains is the identity of my Stewards, Roran of Carvahall, who led his people here, thus proving his ability to lead – and the blood of Carvahall is of kings. Katrina, as his future wife, and a spokeswoman for the Dragons and Riders – I think would be a good match as my second Steward." Orrin mused, glancing to Spine who tilted his head at the king and then nodded in curt agreement.

"It seems Katrina has no qualms with your meddling." Angela mused softly, measuring Orrin, who shrugged, smiling.

"What will we do in your new world?" Angela murmured, and Shruikan responded to her tone by raising his wings threateningly.

"You may do what you wish, within the bounds set by the Council. The ancestral home of the Dragon Riders – the islands and Hadarac Desert, are of course, yours with free reign. I am sure you will be welcome in Du Weldenvarden and Beor Mountains." Orrin assured tone soft and agreeing. Eragon relaxed his tensed jaw, and Murtagh looked to Solembum who had rolled his eyes after hearing Orrin's words.

"We are in agreement. We will, to ensure a safe beginning to this Council, accompany Katrina and Roran to Urû'baen." Eragon stated when Angela and Murtagh glanced to him for his opinion.

"I expected no less." Orrin assured, his gaze lingered on Murtagh and Thorn for a moment – and Eragon wondered what he made of the situation. He had not been told that Murtagh was his brother, though he probably knew of the Dance through spies.

When Orrin, Nasuada and Trianna left, Eragon turned to Elva, who stared up at him the purple in her eyes accusing, the sliver mark of a dragon rider – the gedwey ignasia, bold against the pale skin of her brow.

"I think I know what will…release me from this curse you blessed me with. Before this, I did not know females may become dragon riders – but Angela is one; as is Katrina – I think Saphira marked me as a Rider because that is what I will be, and when the blessed curse will end. So, you'd best take care of Saphira – she's likely pregnant." Elva's announcement was met by an amused Angela, and a pale Eragon and Murtagh. Pale, likely, because both had heard tales of expecting mothers – they wondered, likely, what being mentally joined with a expecting dragon mother would be like.

"Angela, 'bout how long do you think it will take Katrina to heal?" Eragon asked then, as he glanced to Arya and Orik, something passing in his eyes.

"Four months, at the longest." Angela assured, seeming to follow Eragon's logic.

"Elva, will you and Solembum stay and protect Katrina and Roran?" Eragon asked them, seeing Angela expecting them to give him an answer, both nodded.

"What will you be doing in the meantime?" Solembum asked in turn.

"Murtagh and I will need to bring Orik to the Beor Mountains. After, we will need to take Arya to Du Weldenvarden." Eragon answered softly, knowing the dwarves could not be avoided because Murtagh had killed their king. To ignore what was owed would be a great insult, and Eragon knew as an adopted son of the late king, he had a duty to bring Murtagh to them. That did not mean he intended to let them kill his brother.

"Rhunön and Maud will stay here, as the avatars of the elves." Arya stated softly, and Eragon looked surprised, for he had not known the two were here; though he had known of the Queen's death he had not thought Arya would know yet – though it was a relief to know he did not have to be the one to tell her.

"Aye, and my people will likely stay here, while I go to the Beor Mountains." Orik added, as it was agreed all that remained was to gather supplies for the journey.

"I will come with you, incase the dwarves decide to make trouble." Angela announced suddenly, Solembum narrowed his eyes – not liking that he had given his word to stay and could not follow her; instead he turned to Shruikan.

"Take care of her, or I will see you dead." The werecat hissed, Shruikan nodded, fairly solemn despite being threatened by something that he might consider the size of prey.


It was not long before Angela set off on Shruikan – and Eragon with Orik on Saphira; and Murtagh with Arya on Thorn. Shruikan carried the burden of the baggage, but it did not seem to hinder their flight over the Hadarac Desert.

The flight took from sunrise to sunset – and their conversations were interesting to say the least.

Shruikan, Angela began timidly – for though she had been bonded to the dragon most of her life, and when without him the companion of a werecat - it was a tie cut and unacknowledged. She had only seen him returned to her for a day.

This was her first time actually speaking to him, for she had been too in awe and– and, exhausted by the end of the day to dare an attempt. But that was making an excuse, the truth, she supposed, was that she did not know if the bond would still function between them; if it was broken in truth.

It was a fear, that though they were Dragon and Rider – they would be unable to speak mind to mind. That would be worse then a half life, to have the possibility of a bond so close, and be denied it.

Yes, dear one? Shruikan's mind-voice was gentle, soothing – his patience lacing it. Her relief was a palpable feeling, welling up within her, she felt tears well up and choked them back; in relief she patted Shruikan with the gedwey ignasia bare handed, it sent a hum of reassurance along her spine.

Thank you. Angela did not know if she thanked Shruikan, or some greater power, but the warmth that she had reveled in faded, leaving questions.

What is…what was our history before Galbatorix? Angela asked, hoping his memories would stir her own.

As an egg, I was born of wild dragons. You found my egg in a cove near your home. You marched with my egg to the Rider's sanctuary, my egg tucked beneath your arm. You told them that they would do better not to loose precious dragon eggs. You showed them my egg – I have never known such boldness, before or sense. They did not think I would hatch – but you heard them planning to leave me in the wilderness and stole me from them; I hatched for you then. You skipped to the Riders and demanded to be taught, they agreed – for you had to be trained though they did not plan to let you be Rider in truth because of your gender. I have no doubt that if things had not escalated you and I would have proven them wrong. Instead, Galbatorix saw you – a girl – with a dragon; he stole me from you – but not before making me watch as you were striped of memories and deadened to our bond. The only thing that has kept me alive all these years is that I knew you to be alive, and I would not kill you to be free of him. Shruikan told her, his "voice" a forced hissing-whisper at the end. Angela sensed for a moment that what the black dragon told her was truth – as if to echo his tale she smelt sea water, felt the joy of his hatching, and her fear at being alone that she had never understood until then.

I…I am sorry I let him force me to forget. Angela murmured, not looking at anything but his glinting black hide as they passed under clouds, over them, all under the sun. She still loved flying, though she did not think she deserved to feel such when her dragon had been in pain all her life and she had remained ignorant.

No – do not blame yourself. I should have protected you better, as was my duty by ancient pact. In any case, the fault of this lies with Galbatorix. Shruikan told her firmly, though gently.

You have questions of Saphira and Thorn. Ask them, as I sense them within your heart. Shruikan stated then, in effort to change the subject.

Yes. Firstly, when will Saphira begin to make a nest for her eggs? Angela asked then, finding it comforting to ask questions rather then dwell on the past.

Four months. Shruikan assured her, and she fell to silence watching as Thorn andSaphira flew ahead of them, dancing about in the sky as if playing. Seemingly unaware of the time they were allotted. Four months it would take Katrina to heal – hopefully their visit to that dwarves would take half that. Then there would be a journey to Du Weldenvarden, which would likely be the best place to have the eggs laid; the elves would be pleased that the second generation came so soon after the crowning of a new Queen.

If Elva were right one of the eggs in the clutch Saphira bore would likely be hers, between those journeys Angela would have to go back and fetch Elva. With a newly hatched dragon they would fly to Surda and take a month to journey to Urû'baen, likely Spine would learn breath flame a month after.

Then they would find out if Thorn or Shruikan would fly Saphira. Angela did not know what effect – if any – would take hold of Murtagh and Eragon if Shruikan flew with Saphira. Or perhaps even Spine, for, by then – he would be of age.


Orik gripped Eragon's belt, disliking the sight of the high drop between dragon and ground.

"Orik, I must ask you – I know I swore I would kill the Rider who killed Hrothgar; can you…" Eragon could not finish his words, Orik meant much to him – but between dwarf and Murtagh, he knew there was no choice to which side he would go to.

"I forgive you. I shall not speak of your promise, fear not for I will not hunt for Murtagh's life – though my people will still demand a price for his death." Orik murmured softly.

Ask if the return of the Isidar Mithrim – the star sapphire – may quell their anger? Saphira then told Eragon to ask, he echoed her, and when Orik was silent for a time began to fear the answer.

"It might, Eragon, but not in whole; I will do my best to act in your interest, but you must know that it will take more then that." Orik murmured sadly, and Eragon nodded his eyes glanced to Murtagh and Thorn, who carried Arya.

"Thank you, Orik, whatever may come, know that I have always counted you as a friend." Eragon murmured, looking to the desert bellow – he saw the Beor Mountains rising in the distance.


Murtagh was not entirely comfortable at having Arya at his back, though there was little he could do – he spent most of the journey tensed, hoping she would not find her tongue. To his dismay – she did.

"The dwarves will seek vengeance against you, for the slaying of Hrothgar." It was a fact, but Murtagh's shoulders tensed in reaction.

"I know." Murtagh stated shortly, hoping his tone would encourage her to drop the subject – he had no such luck though.

"What you do not know is that Eragon is considered a citizen of the elves – he is higher in power then even the Queen – I – am. I see it is my duty to protect him. By bonding yourself to him, my protection reluctantly extends to you. If they demand your death, they demand the death of the only female dragon – my people will go to war with the dwarves to protect Eragon and Saphira, to protect you – though it is their right to demand life for life. I hope you understand the position you have put me." Arya snarled, and Murtagh wondered if the elf could kill him and somehow protect Eragon from dying.

"Indeed." Murtagh stated curtly – for he had been raised in court, and understood its politics.

"Then do Eragon a favor – do as they will, do not make defending you any harder for us. Your mind has been peeled byGalbatorix. Let them see into your mind, any damage done by the dwarves and Galbatorix will be healed by the elves, least Eragon suffer. Do you understand?" Arya stated coldly, and Murtagh nodded.

"I do." He swore.

"Good." Arya did not speak again, and Murtagh found he was grateful.

I like her. Thorn announced as they landed in front of one of the entrances to a dwarf city.

You would. Murtagh grumbled fondly as he dismounted and helped Arya do the same. Just because she hated his guts was no reason to make things worse for him self in her eyes by being rude.

"Murtagh – you live!" One of the dwarfs exclaimed, it was then that Murtagh remembered, he had left a hero – they had thought him dead. He felt sickened, soul wounded afresh in the face of his utter betrayal of a people who he had fought beside. Whose king he had senselessly partly blamed for his capture, Orik stepped foreword and the people read the dire news on his features.

"Summon the twelve chiefs of our clans, it is not pleasant news we will burden you with." Orik told them, the crowd parted to do as he had asked. That night they waited as Orik went among the chiefs in a chamber they could not – by dwarf law – enter.


Note(s): I've a new story up, "Slashing Around" it is called; summary should look something like this; (courtesy of Ore no Naruto's review) Eragon can be matched up to ANYONE! Well...Anyone with something down there…Not up

Insane bunny horde is pleased. Insane bunny horde is gigging. Authoress trembles in fear. So, to quote Chaos Silk; "Reviews are Love". So, lastly….review…. or I'll send dragons after you! Or is that review, and I'll send dragons to greet you? Meh, I can never get my promising 'threats' right.

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108. I feel special

Thanking All Beloved Reviewers Of This Story : Olaf74, Rafflesia, Marcus1233, forgetMEalways, ElvenMagic, SunStar Kitsune, Kalinovskaja, alsdssg, Zack-Cody-Dylan-Cole, SPEEDIE22, anon. "lex", Chaos Silk; for chapter one.

JustAnAmateur, Marcus1233, Chaos Silk, anon. "hylian dragoness", Emerald Eyes of Flame, SPEEDIE22, KingofLoosePages, InsaneGiggles, alsdssg, Zack-Cody-Dylan-Cole, better-days; for chapter two.

JustAnAmateur, Shadow-Lamb, YaoiEmoGirl, alsdssg, LucaLight, anon. "hylian dragoness", Zack-Cody-Dylan-Cole, BloodyChaosDragonKnight, Marcus1233, SPEEDIE22, and anon. "Gaara's girl"; for chapter three.

JustAnAmateur, anon. "Zuka", Cold Drake Queen, Fred kissed George, alsdssg, Zack-Cody-Dylan-Cole, and KingofLoosePages, for chapter four.

anon. "not to be named", rockangel777, Koruyuha, Freesia Like Heroin, Chaos Silk, anon. "Chelsea", lightning8star, QueensKin, FlamingRosesInDarkness, Fox Loves Shinigami, SunStar Kitsune, Spontaneity, and better-days for chapter five.

The Daxinator, Silvermane1, blood shifter, Fox Loves Shinigami, DAMNED-LIKE-BEAUTY, Spontaneity, alsdssg, LadyBird, Freesia Like Heroin, and YaoiEmoGirl for chapter six.

RoseMoonHarvestSky, VairyTay, blackfang13, Ore no Naruto, Touch of the Wind, Fox Loves Shinigami, .yashamew, Momma Lici, alsdssg, DAMNED-LIKE-BEAUTY, and blood shifter; for chapter seven.

Hot4Garrett, Chaos Silk, VairyTay, Fox Loves Shinigami, even-in-the-darkness-beauty-shines, JustAnAmateur, .yashamew, DAMNED-LIKE-BEAUTY, and blood shifter; for chapter eight.

alsdssg, Teldra, .yashamew, Chaos Silk, JustAnAmateur, even-in-the-darkness-beauty-shines, amethyst sylph, Fox Loves Shinigami, Hot4Garrett, DAMNED-LIKE-BEAUTY, and blood shifter; for the ninth chapter.

Chapter ten reviewers as of July '08. Kiyohara, anon. reviewer "Rozez", anon. reviewer "kris", anon. reviewer "hylian-dragoness", jean kitsune, Illyric, Tragedy s Lover, Infinitive-Insanity, JustAnAmateur, alsdssg, Cade Mistral, Chaos Silk, RoseMoonHarvestSky, Hot4Garrett, blood shifter, LucaLight, Ore no Naruto, DAMNED-LIKE-BEAUTY, and YaoiEmoGirl.

114 in total, not bad for only ten chapters, not bad at all; I am proud/honored/awed.