Lupin took Kris's shoulders and Sirius grabbed her legs. They slowly hoisted her up, with Snape still holding a conversation with her.

They got to the beach without too much trouble. Becca and Fred pulled the canoe around and gingerly put Kris in the middle, with her lifejacket firmly on.

"'Kay guys, we'll see you in a bit." They pushed off and Fred quizzed Kris on certain aspects of his and George's joke shop.

The ride seemed to take forever. Fred kept trying to rouse Kris more, but instead, the progress was slow. She kept fading in and out. Becca watched in horror as the saturated shirt rag no longer held Kris's blood. A thin trickle of blood seeped into the canoe.

"Faster Fred!"

Finally, they reached the beach. Becca's dad was reading on a chair swing just off of it and she began yelling for him. The book fell to the sand as he rushed over.

"Becca? Where were you? I expected you back an hour ago!"

Becca shook her head. "It's Kris. She fell and hit her head. She's bleeding really badly."

"Okay, let's move her into the cabin." He and Fred lifted her gently. They walked the short distance to the cabin and placed her in the sun room. "Becca, I need towels, soap and the first aid kit from the Up North Box. There'll be a packet of QuickClot. Open it and give it to me."

Becca hurried and gathered the things as her father checked her friend's vitals.

"Heart rate is strong, but blood pressure is low," Becca handed him the QuickClot. He turned Kris's head and looked at Fred. "Hold her down," Fred did as told and pushed down on her shoulders. Mr. Hawkins poured the gun powder looking substance onto Kris's wound. She screamed in pain and then passed out because of it. "Good, it's better that she's out. I'll have to let this sit for a minute before I wash and stitch the cut closed." He sat back, but they all jumped when Mrs. Hawkins ran in.

"I heard screams! What's going- Krissy!"

"It's okay Jan," Mr. Hawkins started. "She's just hit her head."

"Long story ma, don't worry about it though, she'll be okay." Becca's mom looked semi-comforted and watched as her husband carried Kris assisted by Fred into the girls' bedroom. Becca ran in after them and hurriedly stuffed the underwear and other personal effects under the bed, away from Fred.

"She just needs rest now, should be recovered in two hours or so." Becca's dad said.

Everyone seemed less tense after that. Fred looked as though he was trying to shrink into the shadows of the bedroom.

"Hang on," Becca's mom said, glaring at him. "Is this the reason you were gone so late?"

"Only partially mother dearest." Becca said and winked to Fred. "Let us adjourn to the kitchen and have a chat.

Ten minutes later, after much assuring that the tale was indeed true, Mrs. Hawkins said to Fred, "A Weasley twin, huh? You should see the sweatshirt Becca made in town today."

Becca became very red and slinked down into her chair. Fred grinned. "I'd better see this then."

The sound of a dog barking knocked them all out of their thoughts.

"That shepherd sure barks loud," Mr. Hawkins said.

Fred and Becca glanced at each other and bolted to the door. Just as they reached it, it swung open, banging against the side. Snape stood, dripping wet, a big black dog by his side. "Is she okay?"

Fred's mouth dropped open slightly, Becca pushed him back. "She's okay. My dad just stitched her up. She's unconscious, but alive." Becca then stepped back and let Snape in. A large black dog burst into the kitchen as well.

A man's voice broke the silence. "Jameson! Where're you going, get outta that cabin!" Jeff, the owner of the resort, sprinted towards the cabin.

"Sirius, hurry and change, quick!" Becca whispered frantically, running out of the house as Jeff's golf-cart zoomed to the porch. "Hey Jeff, your dog just ran that way, he was chasing your cocker spaniel." Smiled and walked back into the cabin, leaving the owner looking confused.

She looked out to the lake and saw a very odd sight. James had turned into a buck and was swimming to the resort with Lily on his back. As they got closer to the pier, Becca yelled- "What're you crazy?" She then added in an undertone, "Muggles aren't exactly used to seeing deer giving joyrides to tourists." Looking around, she then whispered, "No one's looking, quick change."

James knelt down to let Lily off and changed back into a human. "That felt good, haven't done it in an age. How's your friend?"

"She's fine, why don't you both come into the cabin."

They all hurried inside and smiled sheepishly as they stood around the kitchen, much to Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins surprise.

"Everybody, these are my parents. Parents, everybody." Becca looked out to the island but didn't see any more animals swimming ashore. She quickly shut the door and turned to address the rest of the crowd.

"Okay, so anybody hungry?"

Mrs. Hawkins smiled and stood. "I make a mean grilled cheese, or bacon if you'd prefer." Grins and nods followed the whole group.

"" "" "" "" ""

Snape stood near the edge of the double bed where Kris lay. Her breathing was slow but steady, he leaned over to where some sweatshirts were piled in a corner. One of them was hot pink with "Tonks" on the back. "She'll be interested to see this, that's for sure." The professor murmured. Another of the hoodies said "Weasley" on the back. He took it and threw it out the door at Fred who jumped. Becca saw the sweatshirt and tried wrestling it away from the twin, yet to no avail. He looked it over and cracked up, showing the rest of the room. Becca had her arms crossed, glowering at him.

Snape smiled and turned back to Kris. He sat down on a chair and watched her sleep with a pensive look on his face.

During the course of the conversation in the kitchen, the topic turned to astronomy. "It ought to be a full moon tonight." Becca's dad said.

"We'd better get Tonks and Dumbledore off that island. Chances are if you two can still change into your respective animals, Lupin will still have his "furry little problem". As you, James, so eloquently said." Becca stated.

So it was decided that Becca and Fred would again canoe out to the island to get Tonks and Dumbledore. As they were about to leave, Snape came out to them. "I may be able to make the Wolfsbane potion for Remus which I did for him during the year he spent teaching at Hogwarts. Will there be a way to get out to him in about an hour if I am successful?" Becca nodded.

"Sure, you're a good man Severus, I dare-say you might be able to make up with Lily if you keep up this good behavior." She winked to him and shoved off the canoe. Giving it a running start, the girl jumped in, leaving the professor to brood on his thoughts.

"" "" "" "" ""

Not wanting to waste any time, Snape set to work creating the potion for Lupin. Believe it or not, he had everything but a cauldron at his disposal. The potion was just finishing, Snape was stirring it as James and Lily helped prepare for dinner. Becca and Fred were already heading back to the cabin with Dobby, Dumbledore, Lupin and Tonks behind them. "We were going to keep him on the island, but he wouldn't leave Tonks." Fred said, looking over to Snape who poured the mixture into a cup and shoved it into Lupin's hands.

"Drink it Remus. We don't want you killing us... again." He stalked off without another word, going to sit by Kris one again.

"" "" "" "" ""

Will the potion work? Is Kris actually going to get better? How will this trip end?! And what about meeting the rest of Becca's family?

Stay tuned mates!